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If you get it in the right spot, you can land right onto the vine without touching the ground. Glad you could get it to work :3
I am going to have to try that Swamp skip later, sounds like it has potential.

Yeah I have some more to post, but I have not recorded them all yet. There is just a lot of skips and minor optimizations that I use and  many of them have already been covered in this thread. I should just record my whole run so I don't miss anything. But here is a skip from Whirlwind Tour that skips having to walk around the whole map as the camel to get the desert fox. Keep in mind that this is pretty hard to pull off, I really do not understand why this skip is inconsistent. I am still looking for a better setup for it, let me know if you find a better way to do it.

You can find the video here:

So I have been messing around in "Swamp in Eternal Stench" with that new skip you found. It works really well, I want to thank you for sharing that. After messing with that new super jump glitch, it made me think where else we could apply it. This led me to a faster way to complete the stage "Weight For It!". Instead of using the lion to roar the elephant out of the tree, you can super jump with the lion when the gorilla is holding the metal block. You can then just super jump up again with the lion to get up the ledge with the switch and piranha. I am pretty certain this is the fastest way to do this stage with our current knowledge. I will probably test some more things within the next couple days, hopefully find some new skips.
Me and Soap were talking last night, and we discovered that Super Jump does not require a second barrel or object, just an angle for the animal to walk into, hence why we can use the glitch in "Weight For It!"
Also looking into finding a better way to skip the basic entirety of the Whirlwind stage, timing the rise and fall of the water and such.
I've been thinking about running this game. Has anyone completed any full runs yet? All I've seen in this thread so far is IL talk.
Hi, I have completed some full runs of this. If you are looking for a video to watch, I am in the middle of trying to record a decent run since twitch didn't save the last one.
Eekum bokum
I'm on break right now, and my N64 is too delicate to come home from school with me. My girlfriend has a pretty huge amount of animals and I'm concerned about the hair/dust that could get in it. So my run is on hiatus until January, but I would love to watch yours, soap! This is so exciting! I'm so glad that other people are as into this as I am. Childhood memories!
I did a run a couple days ago and beat my old PB (which isn't saying much). But this time twitch saved it so here is a link if you want to watch it. There are lots of mistakes so naturally there are lots of improvements to be made. But at least we have something to work with now.

You can find the video here:
I found out that you can move during any cut scene as long as you are in the middle of transferring into an animal with EVO. It creates opportunities to save time in multiple stages. So far I found it most useful in Honeymoon Lagoon, The Engine Room, Fat Bear Mountain and Borassic Park. As these stages have longer cut scenes than most. The best way to setup this trick I found is to switch to EVO right before you activate a switch and during the same frame you hit the switch with EVO you press R and transfer back into the animal. This allows you to move during the cut scene.

Using this trick, In Fat Bear Mountain, you can move during the cut scene to open the doors and be able to defeat the bear with the racing dog by the time the cut scene ends. This saves a considerable amount of time.

It seems like this trick is almost, if not, frame perfect which makes it hard to pull off sometimes. But if you practicing the timing of it, it shouldn't be that bad.

I going to keep looking for new tricks and optimizations and I'll post if I find anything worth mentioning.
Hey all,
I just joined today and this is going to be on my docket for running.

I'm just about to start watching your run, solidussoap!

I haven't played in like, 15 years, so we'll see how my memory holds up.

Excited to start contributing!
Edit history:
solidussoap: 2014-01-15 10:25:13 pm
Hi Dr. Strange,

Nice to have another person interested in running this game.

Let me know if you have any questions about anything, I'd be happy to help!
I was playing around in Stinky Sewers and I managed to get the dog into the boss fight using a similar clip to the one you do with the rat. I haven't been able to replicate it yet, but I have an idea of how to get it done. What I'm thinking is that you want to boost into the wall and land on the barrel which should hopefully help you clip through the wall enough to activate the cutscene. I'm gonna keep trying it until I can figure exactly how it's done.
Oh nice! I'm glad we are coming a bit closer to making that level a lot faster. When I get a chance I will try and work on that as well. Just have to make sure that I am recording at the same time so we can replicate it easier.

Here are some optimizations that I want to mention for a few levels:

Fat Bear Mountain
Instead of finishing the stage with the ram, it is faster if you use the racing dog to get to the exit. You get him to the exit by driving up the ramp and launching him on top of the cave that the bear is in. From there you can drive off and land right on top of the exit. Here is a video for more clarification:

Instead of killing the Fox family at the beginning, it's faster to kill the mouse through the door by using the rat king's gas. When using the launch pad that sends you to the rat-o-matic, you want to stand on the farthest point in the corner when it sucks you up. During the cut scene hold Down and A, after it plays you will be able to fly right out of the rat-o-matic without destroying it. From there you can finish the stage with the mouse by clipping into the exit door.

Penguin Playpen
You can get the seagull at the beginning of the level by throwing snowballs at it while staying on the ramp. As long as you don't go too far down the ramp the seagull doesn't fly away. Here is a video for more clarification:

After you grab the seagull just pick up the penguin that you just exited from and fly directly to the exit. Drop the penguin on one switch and push the alive penguin on another switch. Now if you stand on the corner of a switch with the seagull and exit into EVO the seagull's body will activate it. Then finally just walk over with EVO to the last switch.

Jungle Doldrums
It is faster to lure the hippo over to hit the switch instead of killing it and hitting it yourself.
You can skip half of the cave by jumping over the gap and timing it right so that you get hit by a boulder and it boosts you over to the other side.
Instead of taking the invisible pathway over the lava pit, it is faster to just jump on the switch that activates the rain and from there you can jump again on the side of the wall and simply walk across to the other side. This makes it so that you no longer have to memorize the pathway and also makes it a more safer part of the run.
Hey all!

I'm new to speedrunning but I plan on starting with this game.  Solidussoap was streaming some glitch hunting last night on Twitch and I got a chance to ask some questions and make a few suggestions through chat (super long delay and all, heh).

I really haven't played this game since I was a kid about 10 years ago, but for posterity sake I plan on completing a full run soon.  I hope to stream tonight if I can get my setup worked out, but I may have to wait until later this week if I run into problems.  Worst case scenario I can at least post runs to Youtube if I can't get the stream worked out.  As of right now I plan on at least attempting all of the skips from Solidus's most current run (1:38 VOD on his Twitch profile) but that may change after I break my controller trying to do the Whirlwind Tour skip a few times. Smiley

My Twitch username is timp_, feel free to check in around 8:00 EST if you want to see some hilariously bad stumbling through this game.  The purpose is to just get it all out there so I can start working on splits, but I thought it'd be fun to have a video to (hopefully) look back on one day and laugh at how bad I used to be, and I figured I'd stream it in case others are interested in watching.

Looking forward to digging into this game!
I stumbled upon the GBC version of this game the other day and I've been playing it casually. It is much harder than the N64 game. All of the levels are there with the same objectives but everything is sidescrolling and you need specific animals to activate switches and doors (the game doesn't tell you which animals you need.) Overall, I think it is a cool game but it is really difficult and speedrunning it would be horrible unless skips can be found.

As for the N64 game, I did my first run the other day and got a 2:34:xx. I should easily beat that time next time I play because I died twice at the end of Big Celebration Parade which cost me a ton of time.
Hi everybody,

I've been running this game for a bit now without keeping any records outside of splits, but I'm planning to record and stream my attempts starting tomorrow (?). My Twitch user name is mcill if you want to watch. I also have a couple of strats that I haven't seen in Solidus Soap's runs yet, so I'll list them here:

1. In Ice 'n' easy does it, you can fly over the wall beside the first head instead of going around it. Might not actually save time but I think it does
2. In hoppa choppa, it is possible to fall to the exit faster if you land just on the edge of the cliff. Apparently there is a difference in fall speed between "falling" and "landing" for the heli-rabbit. I can't do it consistently, but I've done it more than once.
3. I have a different set up for the fat bear mountain jump that seems more consistent than what Solidus Soap does.

Thanks to everyone that posted skips and ideas, hope to see you all around.
I found a way to clip onto the gravity switch platform in Rocky Hard Place. Its really easy and consistent. See for details.