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Dragorn: 2006-10-18 05:52:25 am
I thought it was just a surprise party!
Those who’ve checked the Conker’s Bad Fur Day topic recently (all three of them) know that I’m also going to tackle a speedrun of this game. I presume that there aren’t many people out there who’ve done any speedrun work on this game, since there isn’t a run up :P. Between that, and this game’s rather unfortunate obscurity, I’m not sure how much feedback I’m going to get here. (But, it doesn’t hurt to ask.) So, here’s a rundown of all the speedrun-related information I’ve come up with for each level; hopefully some other people can point out things I’m missing.

A Smashing Start
You start with directly adjacent to Flossy, so you can save some time by taking her out right off the bat. This level is really too short for anything more exciting.

Have A Nice Day!
You can save time by herding the sheep as a group instead of one-by-one.

Honeymoon Lagoon
It would be nice if there were a shortcut to allow the mouse to access the sheep area without going all the way around, but I haven’t find one. When you’re using a sheep to get to the exit, I think it’s faster to float down to the elevator at the surface of the lake as opposed to going all the way around and up the hills…

The Battery Farm
You can jump across the first bridge as a ram. I haven’t come up with an precise strategy for taking out the racing dog yet. (Unfortunately he’s the only animal who can unlock the door to the exit.) The crushing block is probably the fastest way, but I haven’t had much luck with that. You can also kill him very quickly if you get him cornered, but there’s randomness there as well. I’ll have to keep looking into it.

The Engine Room
After you take control of the racing dog, hit the bear with one complement of missiles. Then go and activate the elevator, and finish off the bear with a second volley of missiles when you get back. (This avoids wasting time allowing for all your missiles to recharge.) After you get the keycard as the bear, use the racing dog to finish off the level; don’t stop to bother with any other animals, including the two other bears near the end.

Fat Bear Mountain
The best strategy I’ve come up with is to first use the mouse to take out the ram. Next, head over to the racing dog, making sure at least one of the sheep follow you. Now take out the racing dog using the ram; this part is very random. If he runs away from you, stand still for a second; when he stops to fire off more missiles, go after him again. You can dodge most of the missiles with well-timed jumps. (The missiles that miss you should hopefully kill at least one sheep.) Use the racing dog to unlock the mountain and kill the bear. Use the bear to turn on the taps, then switch to a sheep. (You can use the bear frenzy to move quickly and minimize travel time.). Finally, use the sheep to reach the exit. (You can float directly to it by standing on top of the tap.)

I found that the most common strategy for this level (letting the dog and bear duke it out and then using the loser to finish off the winner) isn’t that effective; most of the time, one of the animals falls off the nearby ledge, which is disastrous. Also, the dog sometimes gets stuck one a slope instead of just falling off normally; if that happens, you’re really up shit creek, since you have no way to dislodge him.

Rocky Hard Place
Use the fox’s warp off the ramp by the start to get on top of the large gray block; warp into the springy sheep’s pen from there (Credit to marshmallow’s FAQ). Take over one of them, then go kill a regular sheep. Use the regular one to go hit the asteroid switch. (I think the quickest way over there is to float across the large islands near the back of the level.) After that, backtrack and switch back to the springy sheep/ram. (I think the quickest way back is to float to the platform with the exit pad, using that to bridge the gap between the two halves of the level.) Finally use the springy thing to reach the exit.

Stinky Sewers
This is from the codes section at IGN:
Blast Through the Wall
In the sewer stage where you get the keycard, get a rat and lay a mine near the first toxic barrel. Then stay there and when it blows up, you will blast through the wall and into the king rat's hole.

I haven’t managed to get this working yet. It would be helpful if anyone else could shed some more light on it.

You can skip the fox entirely in this level. Just use EVO to get the keycard. After you’ve raised the water level all the way, you can get a rat across to the other side. First,  position your racing dog near the first ramp, and then switch to the rat. As the rat, head down the ramp at top speed, and then hit R right as you hit the water. If done correctly, you’ll change to the dog, and the empty rat will be carried across the surface of the water by all its momentum, depositing it on the opposite ramp. Now just swim across as the dog and switch back to the rat. You can now use the rat to go take out the King Rat. (Of course, this whole strategy may become irrelevant if I can get the earlier glitch working.)

I don’t have any real shortcuts here. But, I have found that abandoning the king rat at the beginning of the battle with the foxes makes the other rats much more effective fighters (instead of just loitering around you stupidly, they’ll split up and drop lots of mines, which is the key to victory).

Give a Dog a Bonus
None of the bonus levels have any good shortcuts.
Thread title:  
I thought it was just a surprise party!

Snow Joke
Kill and take over a husky right off the bat, since it’s definitely faster than the penguin.

Ice 'n' Easy Does It
You can save a little time by grabbing both heads in the first area with the heli-rabbit.

Penguin Playpen
To destroy the statue over the exit, you need to depress all four switches simultaneously. Use the corpses of the husky, the penguin near the statue, and the penguin you started the level with to weigh down three switches; you can hit the last one normally as the seagull.

Pinball Blizzard
What a stupid level… the order for the three music notes is pretty self-explanatory (the one by the king penguin, then the one in the center of the level, and then the last one by the mountain entrance). Unfortunately there’s no way to speed up the music thing at the end.

Hoppa Choppa
Kill the first husky you come across by crushing it with the king penguin (hover over it and then release A). Then use a husky to take out one of the heli-rabbits. This lets you complete the level without activating the gun turrets, which is both faster and considerably easier.

Something Fishy
As the fish, jump over the security door that houses the tower with the two polar bears and the switch for the exit door. Now swim over to the ramp, and go far enough up onto dry land that you can switch to EVO. Run up the ramp (the bear won’t bother you) and hit the switch, then quickly drop down into the water and return to the fish before you lose too much health. This trick allows you to complete the level without adjusting the water level or using the walrus. Very nifty.

Walrace 64
Well at least this bonus level is much easier than the others.

Jungle Japes
You can hit the air pump switch without using a hyena; after you’ve taken over an elephant to clear out one of the rock obstacles, run up to the platform with the air pump switch. You’ll be taking damage, so quickly stop and hit R to switch to EVO. Because of the elephant’s mass, EVO will land right on the platform with the switch. Then you can send him back to the turtle tank to finish off the level. (Unfortunately I think you still have to kill the hyenas, even if you’re not going to use them; otherwise, they’ll make trouble for you while you’re trying to take out the piranhas.)

Jungle Doldrums
Memorizing the invisible path near the end is a must. I’m not sure whether or not it’s faster to just stick with the hyena for killing the parrot at the end, or kill the turtle tank first and use that instead.

Swamp of Eternal Stench
First off, don’t bother navigating all the invisible paths over the swamp; that’s a waste of time. Just cut straight through as the turtle; you’ll take some damage, but if you know what you’re doing you can still survive. So, head straight for the gorillas and take over one. Now go get the magic rope; I know that you can take a shortcut by dropping a barrel under the last vine and accessing it from there, but I can’t seem to make that work for some reason. One alternate strategy I found was to bring up two barrels and stack them on top of each other, then jump on the stack from a nearby root. Anyway, ride the magic rope to the other side of the level, then jump down and briefly take over a hyena to complete the last objective. Switch back to the gorilla immediately and ride the rope to the exit.

Weight for It
First take the lion and go kill the gorilla. Now, go stand on the pyramid of logs under the dead elephant. If you roar as the lion and then jump, you’ll dislodge the elephant slightly. Unfortunately you need to do this five or six times to actually knock the elephant from its perch, but its still much faster than doing all the crap with the piranha and the parrot. Once that’s done, switch to the gorilla and navigate the two sets of vines normally. Hit the switch to raise the floating blocks. Head over the blocks to the top of the central tree stump, and grab the boulder there. Now, you need to head back over the rocks again, while holding this boulder. Your jumping ability is quite constricted while you’re carrying something, so this part is VERY tricky. Once you’re across, face the wall and throw the boulder; it should bounce off the wall, then hit you, and finally stop. This will cost you some health, but it’s no big deal. Finally, jump on top of the boulder, then on top of the switch, and to the upper level from there. Now go kill a piranha. (After you raise one from the water, you can kill it immediately by jumping on it with the gorilla.) Switch to the piranha to fulfill the last objective, and then switch back to the gorilla. Finally, backtrack across the level, take over the elephant, and head for the exit.

Jungle Jumps
Nothing groundbreaking for this level. Kill the hyenas first, grab the key by the start pad, and then go kill the gorillas. Collect the closest key now (the one beyond a bridge of logs), then the last key (near the exit pad). Then exit the level.

Evo’s Escape
I haven’t come up with an exact formula for this level yet, but I’ve got a lot of guidelines down. First, I’m almost certain that you need 12000 points to beat the level. (I haven’t finished this level yet with exactly 12000 points, but I do know that 11900 points is insufficient and 12200 points is sufficient.)

The side-scrolling shooting section is probably the most optimizable area, since it’s the only one with no randomness. (Plus you’re stuck there for a set amount of time anyway.) The turtles are the best enemy to target here; they’re worth the same as the chameleons, but are substantially easier to hit. I think 5000 points (10 turtles) is a reasonable goal for this section. There are also two parrots at the end of the level, both of which are worth 1000 points. The two sets of piranhas in the level are also good animals to target, since they are both preceded by rocket crates; they’re worth a substantial amount of points, and you don’t even have to aim that carefully because of the splash damage. Finally, the two sets of chameleons (at the beginning and end of the level) are useful since they have high point values as well.

Like I said, I don’t have a strat fully outlined yet, but with those ideas in mind, I’m hoping to be able to accelerate through almost all of the level.

Fun in the Sun
Two good shortcuts here. First, jump on top of the rusty block; from there, you can jump directly onto the left piece of silver that brackets the main door, and head out of this area without bothering with the camel. Second, after you hit the switch to activate the oil pump, jump on top of it (the switch). From there, you can jump on top of either of the two platforms that are alternating up and down, and then hit the elevator switch without having to go all way the way around the level. Finish up normally after that.

Hot Cross Buns
Take out the foxes, the speaker, and the vulture. Grab the energy here if you’ve taken any damage. Take over the vulture, grab one of the dead foxes, and fly to the area with the first switch. Hit the switch, and destroy the speaker here using the fox’s attack. Then take over the vulture and start flying again with the fox in tow. Fly out to the main area, and head for the switch that controls the third platform. Drop the fox when you get close, then go land on it as the vulture. Abandon the vulture once you’ve landed (leave his corpse on the switch), and head back to the fox. Take out the speaker here, and then grab the energy from the nearby crate. Jump out of the fox now, and send EVO down into the tunnels to hit the switch for the second platform (the scorpions won’t bother you). Head back and take over the fox again. Jump across the three platforms now, and then take out the last speaker. (If you’ve been conserving health so far you should still have enough left to take out the speaker w/o dying.) Exit.

Sting in the Tail
After you take over the kangaroo, you can get up to the vultures’ perch by simply jumping from the riverbank to the base of the tower; you’ll land on solid ground, and from there you can jump up around the sides.(That sounds horribly vague…)

Borassic Park
Near the vultures, on the inner side, there is a hole on the ground that dinosaur occasionally pops up through. Once you have the kangaroo, wait for this, and then quickly jump on top of the dinosaur; you can then jump off of him up to the ledge with the vultures, saving considerable time.

Whirlwind Tour
You can get EVO across the river, but it doesn’t do any good since he doesn’t have any weapons to kill a fox. So… nothing here.

Shifting Sands
As also mentioned in marshmallow’s faq, you can use a tv as a platform to reach the pogo kangaroos early. That’s basically it for this level. (There’s a speaker mounted on the wall near the vulture that looks almost within jumping range of the pogo kangaroo, allowing a platform for reaching the vulture. But I haven’t had any luck with that.)

Punch up Pyramid
Uh… this usually takes me five rounds…

Big Celebration Parade
Hmmm… biggest issue here is finding a good way to take out the two biplane dogs and the rocket fox (the ones that are present from the beginning and don’t actively attack you).
I haven't got a lot of experience in this game, but I have played it. Glad someone's giving it a go! :clap:
Just call me the cynicism machine
It looks like you've dont some good research so far.  It's not like you've written novels on the subject, but it's pretty evident that you won't have too hard of a time completing this.

I'm definitely looking forward to this.  Dibbs on verification, since I'm comfortable enough in my knowledge of the game.
Wow, this run filled me with joy when I was young. Go for it.
hai yah
Wow, this run filled me with joy when I was young. Go for it.

Same here, shame I never really made it farther than a few levels of the Red zone and a few of the ice ones. will definitely look forward to this, maybe then I can beat the game for once!
100% runs=great to watch
Never did get around to this game.  From what I heard though, a 100% run is impossible due to a bug in the game that prevents you from getting one particular thing....might wanna check GameFAQs though since it was YEARS ago that I heard this.
I'm definitely looking forward to this.  Dibbs on verification, since I'm comfortable enough in my knowledge of the game.

Double dibs, for the same reason Wink

Sweet bajezus, how will you accomplish Evo's Escape in a speed run without losing a lot of time/sanity/brain cells? That level was the only one that gave me a whole lot of trouble, the rest of the game was not too difficult.
Food goes in here
Looks like you've got this all planned out pretty much Dragorn. I wish I could be of some help but my knowledge of this game is very limited. I'll watch it for sure though, and good luck.  Smiley 

Also, what type of run are you planning?
Also, what type of run are you planning?

He'll probably end up having to do an any%/low% since 100% is impossible (unless we count out the one trophy). But judging by what he said up in his first two posts, it wont be 100%. I also highly doubt he would do a SS run of this, for the very fact that Evo's Escape sucks a lot.
dinosaur from the past
Yeah that sucked... plus you couldn't get to some of the secret levels without the (thankfully built-in) cheat codes due to the lack of that trophy.
I thought it was just a surprise party!
Yes, the run will be purespeed. (I think Radix likes to have those kinds of runs up first before 100% ones.) Although I’m sure that a 100% run could eventually be doable after we agreed on some way to deal with the uncollectable trophy.
Yes, the run will be purespeed. (I think Radix likes to have those kinds of runs up first before 100% ones.) Although I’m sure that a 100% run could eventually be doable after we agreed on some way to deal with the uncollectable trophy.

How to deal with uncollectable trophy: Get all the other ones, and make sure to at least touch the uncollectable one (since you can't get it, but you could still touch it).
Food goes in here
How to deal with uncollectable trophy: Get all the other ones, and make sure to at least touch the uncollectable one (since you can't get it, but you could still touch it).

Sounds reasonable to me. What exactly is it that makes it uncollectable anyway? Just a glitch in the game?
100% runs=great to watch
Pretty much a shoddy bug.  Seems like there was a racing/car game with a similar problem that came out around the same time as well.
Edit history:
Yoshi348: 2006-10-21 09:27:56 pm
dinosaur from the past
The trophy has no hitbox or whatever, so you just walk right through it and it isn't picked up.
Food goes in here
You have to wonder how the debuggers and testers could miss something so obvious.
You have to wonder how the debuggers and testers could miss something so obvious.

This is also true for Donkey Kong 64. There are so many bugs and glitches in that game, I think that at least every level has one way to leave it through a collision glitch.
Long live SF64!
Doesn't seem like a big deal to me... just define 100% based on what the game allows.  100% is different for any game and generally implies that you have maxed out the game in every significant way.  Since the glitch is well-known and present on every copy of the game, the game presents a level playing field for a speedrun.

Just for fun you could call it a 99% run to account for the uncollectable item.  Then people will be like...99% run, what's up with that...and then go see the run page, and then watch the run, and fall in love Dragorn's mad skills, etc.

I like the idea of touching it even though you can't collect it.  That should be part of the 100% definition in my oppinion.
Food goes in here
I like the idea of touching it even though you can't collect it.  That should be part of the 100% definition in my oppinion.

Yeah, sounds reasonable to me, that's probably what Dragorn will do.

As for DK64, I guess the people working on the game never just thought, "hey, I wonder if Lanky's long arms can stretch through portals?" Being a speedrunner should be a requirement for game testers and such. But that would defeat the whole purpose of speedrunning. Whoa, getting too off-topic, sorry about that.
dinosaur from the past
Actually, IHMO touching it just sounds stupid to me.
Actually, IHMO touching it just sounds stupid to me.

Touching it is as close to 100% we could get as far as that one trophy goes. It shows that the runner should have gotten it and therefore should have 100%.
Long live SF64!
I agree with touching it in order to make the run as complete as possible.  That and it shows the viewer that the runner acknowledges the glitched trophy.  If it's decided the trophy should not be collected, then I think calling it a 99% run or something would be all the more appropriate.  Just my thoughts.

Perhaps if the run was segmented, the uncollectable trophy could be a segment by itself, making two different final times (a 99% run time and a 100% run time) by omiting or including that segment.
Food goes in here
Hmm...I guess Dragorn's taking a much deserved rest from speedrunning. Either that or he just isn't posting and is hard at work on this and Conker's BFD.;)
Long live SF64!
I was suprised to see that evn though he's such an accomplisheed runner, his post count is relatively low.  I think that goes to show that he's a video gamer first and that for him forums are really just a means of communication about the runs rather than a hobby in itself.

Take your time Dragorn, everyone will be ready and patiently waiting for your next project when the time comes.