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I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
I am going to test that right now and see if that 50 damage actually makes a difference
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Vicodinin: 2014-03-09 01:22:39 pm
It does I took it off and 3600 hp left again
So as a wonder, Change your weapon to something shit and see if it does less damage or if it's just the added 50 from the patch that gets added to it
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
Oh. My. Goodness. I cant explain how amazing that news is! That actually changes a LOT for my route now! Does anyone know of any other melee damage up patches as well? I know there is a 100 dmg patch somewhere but I cant remember
There are 4 I think. up to 250. the 250 one is in canada in the first shop. I forget where the 100 one is and the 150 one.

Something to wonder aswell, if it's only Patches that effect Dragons Breath. You can pick up a patch from the ginger kid where you get tthe key to mackies office that gives you 10% damage on a perfect attack (i currently use it for the Hallway monitor fight on my warrior). wonder if that adds an extra 10% damage to DB aswell
Weapon damage doesnt affect it, but yeah now that we know melee damage affects it, it would make sense perfect attacks would to. I'm thinking its something unintended tho since you do have patches that increase ability damage specifically.
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
Alright I will check that out as well, and make note of anything in particular I find!
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Deadscale: 2014-03-09 01:32:26 pm
hmm.. Well if it does actually make perfect attacks effect it. You could get an INSANE amount of damage since there's a patch that gives you 35% more on perfect attacks i believe. 250 weapon damage later in the game isn't anything amazing although it's easy to pick up but an extra 35% ontop of 20% from abilitys with the patch would be huge

If that is true though it means unless there's different categories for each class... my fighter goes out the window Sad
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
Well you have to factor in though that for the 450 damage difference total thats 50x9 hits. So with the 250 patch thats 250x9 hits = 2250 extra damage per attack
Yeah fair point. 250 patch is in Canada first shop. Not sure where the others are though.

I really wonder what else effects dragons breath now.. Also something to ponder. Does having the melee patch on your Ranged weapon give you the bonus? or only give you it when you have your range weapon out?

That'd mean 250 + 200 or even if the 10% on perfect attack works 35% + 10% would be a huge increase and you'd probably end up 1 shotting everything... Guys it only took us like 4 days to break the gaaaame
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
Hahaha I am loving this new find! And from what I am aware of it doesnt matter what you have the patch on it is like a passive buff. So you can have a ranged attack bonus on your melee weapon and you still get the bonus from ranged
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Deadscale: 2014-03-09 01:38:55 pm
Now i wonder if Ranged Bonus damage works on it aswell.. cause there are paches for that (LArgest one I pick up is 80 damage). I think i might delete all my saves and go through 100% it so i can test this stuff

If i do make a save on a mage with all patches I could upload it if anyones interested, Although I've got University for the next 2 days so It may not be done for a while unless i get free time
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
Now interestingly enough even though the patches affect it if you take either perk that buffs melee or ranged damage there is no bonus on Abilities. Just found that out
What so taking the perk that increases Ranged damage or Melee damage stops the buffs from the patches? Hmmm
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
No it doesnt stop them, but I figured since adding melee damage patch increased Dragons Breath that a increased melee damage perk would as well but there was no increase when taking said perk
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Deadscale: 2014-03-09 01:46:06 pm
oh right, well it's more the Added damage i think rather then it being melee damage. If that's the case that means things like Ignore Armour should work on ragons breath although it'd be pretty useless. Any chance on testing the 10% on perfect attacks patch?

Edit:  I have a bonkers idea im gonna test in a bit. I'll update if it works. although I doubt it
Now Im testing the perfect dmg patch on my jew since i know i have just bout all the patchs on him and it doesnt seem to work with him
that slightly makes sense since patches that add things on perfect attack only work on That weapon. I.E adds bleed on perfect attack doesn't add bleed on abilities..
Maybe it's only damage, if Melee and Ranged damage both add to ability damage then you can get a lot of extra damage, off the top of my head if you use no other weapon patches that's 250 + (200 i think?) + 80 for the ranged.
So tested just about all damage patches I can think of and it appears the only on that works is the added flat melee damage armor patch. The Canada patch doesnt work since it's a weapon strap on. I know theres a +100 damage armor patch but I don't remember where to get it though or if there is anything higher that I missed.
Ah right, so it's only on the Armour which makes even more sense.. If the +100 damage armour one is too far out the way there's not much point in getting it if it wastes more time then it saves.. ahwell it was worth a try to find out something  game-breaking.

can't really think of any other abilities that'd benifit heavily from 100+ damage other then dragon breath
Edit history:
PHEN: 2014-03-09 02:34:43 pm
PHEN: 2014-03-09 02:31:08 pm
I just timed 1:52:32 with some major mistakes with Jimmy and with Craig.

I didn't know the melee patch did so much! I'll be sure to incorpate this into my next run.

Ninja Edit: Did anyone mention where patch locations are?

Ninja Edit 2: Hey I noticed Zander starts his timer after character creation, I really like this and I'm thinking of doing this too. Makes speed runs for the first half more "homely" feel to it, and doesn't really affect gameplay as far as I can see.
The 50 dmg patch is off the first nazi zombie you fight in the same screen u would grab the swat helm.

I start after character creation, mostly just because I like to customize my character. If we decide that it would be better to just do from new game I will prob just time how long it takes for me to mash thru and just differentiate my final time from that.
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
Its ~5 seconds difference to skip the first cutscene then mash through character creation. I had a discussion about this in Zanders chat last night and really to me it doesnt make any difference. I start it from new game since thats when you can start making inputs and advancing the game. But if people want to make their own characters I have no problem with that I just add about 5 sec to anyone's time who does that. No biggie for me
Most other games start from New Game, although either way doesn't matter, What point does everyone stop the timer? I personally stop it on the last button press where you say "screw you gus" lol.

What's your guys opinion on using DLC? So far it only helps for the early game.
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
Yeah I stop at the same point Deadscale, and as far as DLC goes I always omit it just to keep everyone on a level playing field. I dont think I should be able to play faster than you just because I pre ordered or bought something additional you didnt. I always run all games clean slate