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PHEN: 2014-03-30 11:42:52 pm
PHEN: 2014-03-30 11:39:05 pm
Broke the current WR by Zander with a time of: 1:19:32 -

Notes (Chronological order as good as I can get):
- Had a perfect start, only 2 seconds slower than my fastest start time. (Mostly due to load screens + one or two slower text skips).
- Wow I somehow saved 10 seconds going towards school, really gave me good morale boost for the rest of the run knowing I could save 10-20 seconds at goths.
- Good Jimmy RNG, the anitmage channeled + Jimmy did his shorter pebble attack, saved me 5 seconds due to good RNG.
- Everything went perfectly up to Kyle, I don't think there can be any Improvement in the start other than menuing faster.
- Kenny fight went AMAZING. I walked in with one strat of having kyle die. If Kyle didn't die then I would of been hooped.

A few mistakes:

- Small Mistake walking out of the community center, I didn't have anal probe out ~1 seconds of switching.
- SchoolAssault/Kyle - Slow Menuing, could of been faster here 5-10 seconds? I ended up putting the wrong patches in the wrong places costed me a bit of time later.
- Gnomes -  It was in my new route to only put on my chest piece + swat helmet, however I put the wrong patch in my gloves so I had to spend an extra 1 second to equip those.
                -  Used a speed pot by accident, I had to stall for 5 seconds or face the balls.. (not sure what would of been faster).
- Abortion Clinic - I didn't have gnome size out, and I animation canceled the anal probe rather than gnome size. Could of been 1-2 seconds faster here too.

Possible Time Save: 10-15 seconds.

Possible to beat, I will likely give it a couple more attempts at it.. this is getting close to sub 1:19:00 may be possible if having Butters out is faster at Kennys than having Kyle out.

This game is awesome! This run wouldn't of been possible with everyone here, thank you all!
Just got a 1:24:59.34 with jew(

Just posting it here in case anyone wants to look it over for the strats I used...and/or ask questions. Cheesy
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gnarvin: 2014-04-02 03:39:04 pm
So I finially finishing routing Friends% for mage, took forever and needs optimizing but it should be a good place to start. Theres certain things, such as Al Gore stuff that I realized after the fact that werent need but I just want to get something up to give people a place to start running this catigory since only zander has ran it so far. I will be doing some runs with it over the next couple days and seeing how fast it is along with some optimizing Im sure but this is version 1 I suppose.

Edit: ok so I did a run with this, and I need to change a ton of things, I will make a better version once I get things down a little better.
New Glitch Discovered.

From the looks of it, you double click on  a ability, and don't hit "confirm". If you go to your perks page, you can level perks without confirmation. This is a possible menu save if you don't accidently click on a locked ability...
So for All Friends runs I have 2 questions for everyone.
1. should you have to beat Kenny,  because technically after you do Mr. slaves ass theres nothing else to get for friends and you could have all 120 before the fight. Which means no chef fight, no 5+ min cutscene, and no Kenny fight.

2. Should you have to do quest that dont reward you a friend, the big one being Al Gore, the manbearpig quest kinda takes forever and isn't needed once you actually friend Al Gore.

What are your thoughts?
Edit history:
PHEN: 2014-04-03 08:58:38 pm
PHEN: 2014-04-03 08:46:21 pm
PHEN: 2014-04-03 08:41:56 pm

This one is pretty tricky. I haven't ran friend% so I really don't know much about it.  But here's my two cents: friends% will likely need a  well defined definition for a run.

any% is well defined to "start the game, and finish the last line after the kenny fight as fast as possible"
summmons% is well defined to "start the game, and USE all the summons as fast as possible"

I see friends% as having as close to the maximum number of possible friends in the game, so "start the game, and collect all friends as fast as possible".

But the game does not tell you how many friends are the maximum or is "all".  So perhaps now would be a good time to define the category as a definite number of friends? If its just about collecting, why do I have to fight kenny? Does that mean the category is actually "finish the game with the maximum possible number of friends"? If so does that mean you have to freind then unfreind algore, does that count towards completion? How does friends% differ from quest% (which I also haven't ran, but heard talk about it)?

edit: As I re-read this, I'm just repeating everything you said there... but I guess I'll contribute to this by saying I see friends%  run be about "collecting" the maximum possible number of friends + finishing the game. 100% should always be reserved for "collecting everything" the game defines as "collectable" and completing the game.

edit2: Likely manbearpig will be a waste of time if friends% is about collecting.. i'd honestly just friend al gore so you have a higher friend count, and finish the game.

edit3: just spoke with zander.. he said 120 sounds like a good number. Its also coincidently the same number of stars in mario64. I guess It will be up to you guys to include Kenny or not. Likely in the spirit of speedrunning of "beating games as fast as possible" I think it will include the kenny fight to count as "completed the game with all the friends".
In my opinion I think it should just be 'get all friends'. If you guys want a 100% category where you have to beat the game, collect all weapons/costumes, and get all friends then that is what should happen.

On a side note is there a race happening tonight?
Quote from PHEN:
edit3: just spoke with zander.. he said 120 sounds like a good number. Its also coincidently the same number of stars in mario64. I guess It will be up to you guys to include Kenny or not. Likely in the spirit of speedrunning of "beating games as fast as possible" I think it will include the kenny fight to count as "completed the game with all the friends".

I agree with this, I think just getting all 120 (clyde would be 121 but he unfriends so he is pointless) and beat Kenny.

Also there is a page for Quest%, which would be beating all quest but not getting all friends and chinpokemon. Tho it seems no one is or will be running that so I might be just talking it down, unless someone decides to start running it.

And I too am wondering about a race tonight.
Race is tomorrow April 5th at 9pm CST.
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ogam: 2014-04-06 01:56:54 am
Lightning Volt seems to work the same as Sling of David bounce wise.

So for alien fight you can kill them on the second Speed Potion. Kill Console -> Dragons Breath Alien X, Speed Potion, Dragons Breath Alien Y, Lightning Volt Alien X and they should both be dead.
Really?! Nice!...also boo on making mage faster :p
Edit history:
PHEN: 2014-04-07 11:08:08 pm
PHEN: 2014-04-07 11:03:57 pm
PHEN: 2014-04-06 11:39:28 pm
PHEN: 2014-04-06 11:38:22 pm
Hit the WR again 1:18:35 -

Notes (Chronological Order again):
- Saved 1 second faster strat to let cartman say "Cyldes a Bitch". Lets me get a 4:23 time off at KKK training camp.
- Saved 3 second from KKK to School from menuing alone.
- Saved 1 second at the Hobo Fight by Kenny's, By hovering straight down in the fight. (subtle better menuing, mentioning this here).
- Saved 2 seconds by farting on Cartman, new dialog/animation skip.
- Lost 3-5 seconds at Jimmy due to bad RNG Sad
- Lost 3 seconds due to small mistake at aliens (forgot to speed pot).
- Lost 3-8 seconds due to teleporting to Kennys instead of the School (Damm you mouse drag.)
- Some how canceled the music at Kyles by opening a bag? Lost 1 second here due to safety strats of grabbing the cure pot.
- Lost 2-3 seconds by not landing cup-a-spell on the table when it was on fire..
- Saved about 8 seconds by killing butters before he can attack.
- Lost 2 seconds by walking into a pile of papers at the school.
- Saved 15-20 seconds at Gnomes by getting all 4 kills with Volt + saving time menuing not putting on gloves. (wow huge time save).
- Saved 2-3 seconds by talking to annie RIGHT after the fight. (Saves a bit of walking.)
- Lost 3-5 seconds due to Needle RNG going right first :*(.
- Saved 1-2 seconds at the drop down ladder by the rat planks at the Clinic. You can climb the ladder slightly faster being big-size on the cabinet.
- Lost 2-3 seconds at Terrance and Philips... could of done that skip better.
- I actually remembered to split at craig for once.
- Lost 5-8 seconds since Nazi Chief threw choco balls at me and I couldn't block them :|. Some how saved time here not sure how.
- Lost 5 seconds right at Kenny due to me being stupid not realizing I could of killed Kenny. (got scared)

Possible Time Save: 30-40 seconds. (+5 more if you can craig heal skip). Sub 1:18 possible if you're a machine!


Some other skips I've noticed I do that other people may not be doing after a re-watch of Zander's run.

10-15+ seconds save - Let go of the skip button early - You can let go of the skip button 0.1 seconds early (like when the circle is 90% around). Saves you 0.1 seconds per text skip... times a crapton of text skips.
1-2 second save - Class Select Keyboard Save -> press select before you click on ANY class. Don't accidently click on a class, it doesn't work otherwise. You can select mage while the confirm screen  up, and then hit confirm.
1-2 second save - Double Light attack on Green Helmet in Tutorial Fight -> Its slightly faster than the heavy attack, I think... I haven't timed it out but I've only gotten good runs
1-2 second save by teleporting Kenny to the right position  (by switching), this one is tricky to get but will save 1-2 seconds if Kenny doesn't say his dialog "this is a job for princess Kenny"
1-2 second save by teleporting Butters to the right beside the Injured Kid (by switching).
1-2 second save by using the analprobe to move left outside of the community center.
1-2 second save by switching to stan ontop of the Ladder. Since if your partner is still climbing it you can't climb down... just switch to teleport him.
3-5 second save using Dragon Shout instead of Cup-a-Fart in alot of places: (Jimmy's x2, basement of clinic on the two rats.)

Maybe time saves?

- Zone up/down real quickly if you get the bridge in the first screen going to Canada. This didn't happen in my WR run.. but if you ever get the bridge just go down and up to change your maps.
- I usually do my menuing beside things I can press spacebar on: like doors, people, etc. This allows you to press space bar as soon as you press escape to leave menu.
- I like to do "climbing stairs" animation glitch where I can... it feels like it saves time, might not.
- On dialog choices, you can spam ENTER to select your choice. Spots: Annie, Pictures, Bishop,
- fart + melee on DogPoo (the kid unlocking the door).

Not sure how (yet), but it will save time 100% sure:

- Get the pedo to 833 Health, golf club with Kyle... not sure what perk I'm missing for that D:, but having kyle there is defs faster.
- Potion count... I need to figure out exactly how many speed pots I need to buy one of these days.
Quote from ogam:
Lightning Volt seems to work the same as Sling of David bounce wise.

So for alien fight you can kill them on the second Speed Potion. Kill Console -> Dragons Breath Alien X, Speed Potion, Dragons Breath Alien Y, Lightning Volt Alien X and they should both be dead.

This seems faster.. but In my route I seem to be 2 mana short for that last volt. What are your patches and equipment going into the fight? (Perhaps a video too?)
I was testing this with PP on heal Perk, alien gloves and PP per turn from macky's desk. You can probably just do this from +1 PP per turn from macky and alien gloves to even out the costs.
Edit history:
redemption99: 2014-04-08 05:50:39 pm
redemption99: 2014-04-08 04:12:44 pm
I accidentally downloaded the new update for southpark, would not recommend. Also if anyone has a way for me to unpatch, that would be great.

(Didn't realize there was an update, hit play, it downloaded, am sad now)
I'm looking at the new patch notes and something popped out to me...

"Fixed an issue where content could be skipped if grounded in the Lost Forest." What do they mean about that?
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redemption99: 2014-04-08 06:33:40 pm
No idea...but they whatever they messed with fixed the slave skip. :(, I'm so bad about not backing stuff up.

Grounded is an interesting word, I don't know what it means in this context
Meh I have a back up of an older version and when I try to load it up it still is trying to force the update on me and cant play without it. Gonna mess with it and see if I can get it running.
Vicodinin, Likely the event were you meet your parents in the woods and teleports you to your room, they only spawn if you run up and down alot. On casual run through I doubt you will see that.

Patch 03 is available on Steam now. It should automatically update itself after you exit the game. The patch is in testing at Ubisoft and will become available on the consoles soon.


    Allows WASD keys to work as arrow keys during the Goth Dance mini-game.
    Fixes a potential hang in the counter attack tutorial battle.
    Fixed an issue where accessories would not show up on the player if a new game was started while having the Hoff face equipped. (how do you start a new game with Hoff...?)
    Fixed an issue where the outfit might now show up on the player during the costume changes in the Photo Dojo.
    Fixed an issue where using Mr. Slave in the Giggling Donkey could cause issues in the fight.
    Fixed an issue where the dire bear quest may not properly advance in Canada.
    Fixed an issue where content could be skipped if grounded in the Lost Forest.
    Fixed a few typos in messages.
    Fixed a potential crash while playing in the Portuguese language.
    Adjusted the difficulty of the Alien Probe mini-game. (Easier? Harder? What does this mean D:?)
    Adjusted the difficulty of the pooping mini-game.
    Adjusted the visuals of the magic tutorials while using PC controls.
Yeah Slave skip is wrecked currently unless someone has more knowledge with steam than I do. I've tried reloading my backup file but forces the update into it. So I don't know if I would have to find a cracked DRM free version of the game to continue running this or see if we can figure something out with the skip.
Broman had his backed up and when managed to 'unpatch' pretty fast. Might want to ask him for help?
I think he uses a 3rd party patcher for BL2, I went to those forums just to see how they roll back the game. I don't know if there is something similar that could be created for SP or not.
He knows something because earlier today because he was speed running and got to mr slave and realized they patched out the skip then he unpatched somehow and did another speedrun where he got a pb.
turn off automatic updates then run the game after copying over your backed up version, if it forces an update still then do it again and play offline.
Edit history:
ogam: 2014-04-10 01:34:47 pm
Using Recurve bow for ability stacks on fighter with burn/bleed patches, I was able to get 1:31 on fighter. Fighter might have similar times as Jew. Also Sneaky Squeaker on gnomes is more consistent than Sling of David / Batadadarang and faster Dragons Breath since it goes through shields and 1 shots normal gnomes. Does require 80 mana per use :\