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Orbs: 2003-11-03 03:22:09 pm
tja, het is verorberen en verorberd worden
I'm doing a private project and i came acroos some things:

-When does a monster get hurt? (i mean that it goes through it knees)
Is it timing, amount of damage, type of weapon or kind of random?
I always thought especialy with shamblers it's timing

-and wich monsters have this (afaik: all monsters except for scrags spawns and shub)

-Over all the years i always played with some kind of autoaim, I don't know if this is standard in quake or not: When I want to shoot a button and a monster is partly in the way i can aim what i want but  I will always shoot the monster and miss the button. (this is very anoying on e4m7 i will or get lucky or kill two fucking zombies b4 i can shoot that button in the water. Can you turn this of?
Thread title:  
sv_aim 1 turns that thing of.
0.93 is standard value.
anything between 0.93 - 1 is allowed (not lower than 0.93)
tja, het is verorberen en verorberd worden
thx i'l try that onight
tja, het is verorberen en verorberd worden
thx again, it works!

anyone know how the "hurting" exactly works?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
It's random how a monster will take a hit. It might fall down, it might get alittle hurt, or nothing at all can happen.
Hell is where the heart is.
Pain frames : A quick, wildly inaccurate summary.

All non-boss monsters except spawns have pain frames.

When a monster enters it's pain frames it stops what it's doing. i.e. attacking you.

When you inflict damage on a monster it will enter it's pain animation. If the monster has more than one animation it will randomly (not necessarily evenly) select which one to use. eg. the ogre has 5 from jerking slightly to getting knocked on it's arse for severl seconds.

Once the pain animation has finished there will be a delay before the monster will pain again.  Typically between 1 and 5 seconds depending on the monster. For nightmare this time will be 5 seconds longer for all monsters.

Some monsters you need to do more than a certain (random) amount of damage before they will pain. Eg. Shambler 0-400, deathknight 0-30, scrag 0-70, fiend 0-200, etc.

Fish ALWAYS pain when you hit them.

Fiends don't pain while flying.
Pain frames : A quick, wildly inaccurate summary.

All non-boss monsters except spawns have pain frames.

When a monster enters it's pain frames it stops what it's doing. i.e. attacking you.

When you inflict damage on a monster it will enter it's pain animation. If the monster has more than one animation it will randomly (not necessarily evenly) select which one to use. eg. the ogre has 5 from jerking slightly to getting knocked on it's arse for severl seconds.

Once the pain animation has finished there will be a delay before the monster will pain again.  Typically between 1 and 5 seconds depending on the monster. For nightmare this time will be 5 seconds longer for all monsters.

Some monsters you need to do more than a certain (random) amount of damage before they will pain. Eg. Shambler 0-400, deathknight 0-30, scrag 0-70, fiend 0-200, etc.

Fish ALWAYS pain when you hit them.

Interesting stuff.  I take it all this is done in QuakeC?

Fiends don't pain while flying.

That't be funny to see :-)
Hell is where the heart is.
Yep, all done in qc.
Edit history:
Orbs: 2003-11-06 02:35:01 pm
tja, het is verorberen en verorberd worden
You knew this shit or have you been digging?

so scrags have pain sequences to? never noticed...

btw changes are small that i will get the total thing done within 20 minutes i already used 10 and did about half of the maps but some long(and hard) fuckers still ahead

and my arm is getting sore since i'm working 40 hours a week behind the comp Sad
tja, het is verorberen en verorberd worden
OK Morfy kicked my but for being lazy lately (actualy i had to get used to do some real work) and want to fininsh the project i already finishes (the running part) for the "movie" i want to maje a custom monster(*). ANyone has experience with this or can get me into contact with someone?

Btw wont be starting b4 monday with this cuz i'm having my comp fixed, could well be i burned another motherboard :(. Getting it back on saturday i hope (my b-day won''t be complete without a comp to do some after-party-gaming)
and after  that i will have to install some new parts i will get i got my sources(my gf can't keep secrets ;P)

*it doesnt need to move just want to make a "creature"