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toltas: 2005-08-13 04:09:49 am
Select Game 54834 + memorize the solution = you have a speed run :p

For Freecell?  To fix this you just force the person to begin the run by clicking Game->New Game, which will generate a random game...i guess if you memorized all of them then you deserve to have the record =P
The problem with freecell is that it's not timed, so you would have to time the video later.
Like A Fox
Then someone with *a lot* of patience could just hit "new game" 40k times until they find the game they have memorized... it wouldn't be me though.
You know, there _is_ a 2-move check mate. Not that AI will ever play that stupid.
Please give it to us in algrebraic notation so I can prove you wrong Wink
In case your wondering, there are 1,000,000 different free cell games.
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Gorash: 2005-08-13 02:00:05 pm
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
You know, there _is_ a 2-move check mate.

Please give it to us in algrebraic notation so I can prove you wrong Wink

1. f3 - e5
2. g4 - Qh4#

Also known as Fool's Mate. Don't make up excuses. It's a mate and it's 2 moves long. Smiley
Like A Fox
In case your wondering, there are 1,000,000 different free cell games.

So they would have to have a lot of patience *and* a lot of luck.  Maybe someone who wins the lotto should try it.

1. f3 - e5
2. g4 - Qh4#

Also known as Fool's Mate. Don't make up excuses. It's a mate and it's 2 moves long. Smiley

:P, the chances of a human doing it are already miniscule (especially somebody who doesn't play it alot), and the chances of a computer ai doing it are less.

It is true though :D.

I remember somebody told me about a 3 move mate they had, when their opponent forgot about a night he could block the queen w/ a capture w/ pawn if black was stupid enough (that's why I asked for the notation).

The trick with that though vs. a computer, is it isn't going to be a 2 turn mate, but you want it to build it's defense similar, making it more of a 8 move mate based off of the 2 move mate (or more moves, it depends on how the ai reacts).
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Gorash: 2005-08-14 01:43:51 pm
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
I'm still don't getting what you are on to...

Some facts about nowasays computer chess:

- Under competition rules it's pretty hopeless if the machine doesn't hold back. The programmers of Junior Fritz  showed up to the last competition with a middle class notebook on with they ran they program. When they were asked if they were confident of their program they simply said: "Under this conditions the result is set in stone anyway" -- it won all it's games, the humans that played there were all grand masters.

- For offline fun matches there was indeed a loophole found in the evaluation algorithms of the newest chess programs which allows even players around 1900 ELO to fool them into using up their time. Read about it here

- And in the last bastion of human chess, correspondence chess the top 100 players are currently still better than machines, but only by using computers for blunder check and situation analysis themselves.
My Record is 55s (one card at once) with 13128 Points. biotch!
You really can't use Video game trash talk jargin for Chess. It just doesn't fit or seem right. I mean c'mon "You got my rook using the noob (queen) piece".
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
You really can't use Video game trash talk jargin for Chess. It just doesn't fit or seem right. I mean c'mon "You got my rook using the noob (queen) piece".

p(a)wned you! Wink
I got 34 seconds with draw one and XP(right-click = everything moves up)
it never was meant for speedrunning I just play solitaire that way while im listening to music/chatting anyway

34 is my highest, other than that I think i've done
38 twice and like 39 a few times
it's all random anyway!!(DON'T FORGET THAT, solitaire = random)
like cranky kong, but not as nice
anybody got any quick times on mah jongg?
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Shenghi: 2005-10-20 05:05:05 am
You crazy bastards.... I think someone should do a tetris speed run =P

Tetris runs are out there, and some are insaaane

I realise that this guy doesn't actually beat the game. I remember seeing some movie of someone who DID beat the game, but I can't find it right now.

This might just be the one, but cut off before it ends, yet I am sure I saw a vid of someone playing it till the end, it showed filling him in score etc.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Heh, if you want  fast Solitare (or Minesweper..)
I won a chess award (quite a few actually, 1st place in class (technically 2nd, there was a grand champion award Huh? ), 4th place in a tourny and probobly some 3rds.). In the tourny I should have gotten 3rd in (and a purdy ribbon, i got a crap ribbon) I played against the principle's son and lost in 4 moves. I don't know how I didn't see it coming.