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Quote from EpiclyEpic:
Just wanted to post this because I thought Dessy might appreciate some of the tricks done. Not a PB, not even close, but I was pretty happy with it until Maridia and beyond. Although it does tie my gametime PB somehow...

Not sure what you wanted me to look at particularly, but you should try doing 14% speed. After I did my first one, I no longer miss the short charges at grapple, in the WS, or in Maridia. I noticed you did the grapple spark a little differently, but I feel your way is a bit slower. Same thing for how you clear the right side of blue brinstar, though I still haven't figured out a perfect way to do it as a console player.

Anything else I needed to see? I mostly skimmed for places I thought you might be talking about.
Yeah I have been having a little bit of trouble with some of the short charges. I probably should try out the 14% speed thing.
Willing to teach you the impossible
Dessy, do you have a video of your current PB 100%? I would like to see it.
Edit history:
Svenne: 2012-11-03 10:20:42 pm
Svenne: 2012-11-03 10:14:20 pm
Congrats to Kottpower on getting the Super Metroid Any% WR with: 47:37, and yeah, ingame time 0:31, how about that!

So how good as a poster am I? Smiley Remember that horse, I sure do!
Quote from Svenne:
Congrats to Kottpower on getting the Super Metroid Any% WR with: 47:37, and yeah, ingame time 0:31, how about that!

So how good as a poster am I? Smiley Remember that horse, I sure do!

big congrats to kottpower, but you have nothing to do with his accomplishments so I'm not sure why you're trying to piggyback on them

how about grow up and stop holding a childish grudge toward SRL and such
I don't know all the details around the history between the two of you, but this is certainly not a good place for personal squabbles..
Edit history:
Svenne: 2012-11-05 07:53:16 am
Svenne: 2012-11-05 07:17:41 am
An ant has no quarrel with the boot, but what if the ant decides it wants to? He can't possibly win now can he?

Well, I was the one who told him to continue the run, so you guys should go to hell for all I care.

Also, I hope that he will gather his strenght now for two weeks and then return to do a run for SDA! Which is what he wants, HE wants.

It's all about what he wants.

For the Print. SRL is all about gathering everyone and Piggybacking on them, most of them aren't even the best, but get most exposure, why, because they are a part of SRL and they would not get the exposure if they were not a part of SRL. Stockholms syndrome
Quote from moooh:
I don't know all the details around the history between the two of you, but this is certainly not a good place for personal squabbles..
I am done with the trash-talk, but atleast I am one guy standing in for what I am writing, in name. We all know SRL is on the other side of the print.

But Kottpower decided joined Team Ludendi now, so that is great news for Frezy's gang and we hope that he will get the SDA run soon! We all are Kottforce now! Wink

More SDA runs will be submitted from Team Ludendi in the future!
Edit history:
Carcinogen: 2012-11-05 08:29:20 am
lol @ silly factionalized bullshit. Whatever happened to just playing video games?

Oh well. Time to wait for Super Metroid any%™ to make its debut on the site.
Rofl. Team Ludendi, as if that means anything. As if exposure was a bad thing, people are watching because they enjoy the streams, not the fact that they are watching the best at it.

SRL might be the best thing to happen to speedrunning since now streaming has become quite popular and that means more speedrun action for everyone Smiley

Also, congratulations Kottpower! <3
Once again big shoutouts to kottpower for beating my time. I'm really glad svenne progressed the metagame by telling kottpower to go back in time and play the game since 2004, without that, well...
He didin't want to finish the run he was doing, remember the run he did during your smwmarathon race. How would you know what I said, go ask kryssstal bot and I will win! Wink

Well, I love console speedrunning, that is why I am here on SDA! Smiley

Hehe, Ozzy, if you feel that way, why don't you tell Frezy_man all about it.
just( •_•)>⌐■-■ ..... (⌐■_■)wing it
Congrats kottpower. 
Edit history:
VorpalEdge: 2012-11-05 10:42:39 am
VorpalEdge: 2012-11-05 10:42:08 am
VorpalEdge: 2012-11-05 10:37:04 am
welcome to the machine
why the hell does this topic have drama in it?  are you kidding me

svenne, consider this an official warning.  this forum is no place for spiteful behavior towards another site.  It does not matter how right you think you are about that site.

everyone else, stop feeding drama.

big grats to kottpower, that's an amazing time.

About the scoreboard, I frankly have enough other things to do now that I'm kinda tired of updating it, and I can't remember where I last left off.  Are there any objections to just directing all future times to ? works great imo.
Really big ups to Kottpower.  Amazing Super Metroid player and a genuinely really nice guy. Smiley We're all in your corner man, regardless if SRL or SDA.
Willing to teach you the impossible
Any video of this?
Edit history:
Heidrage: 2012-11-05 07:50:38 pm
Heidrage: 2012-11-05 07:49:15 pm
Heidrage: 2012-11-05 07:48:34 pm
Heidrage: 2012-11-05 06:57:49 pm
Willing to teach you the impossible
6 hours... Got a time stamp?

Edit: 5:37:30 ish

Edit2: This is an amazing run, but the flaws stick out really bad thanks to the splits. Losing over a minute in one of the splits. Again, this is awesome.

A few things I would like to ask. Would a good in game time goal be 00:29 being that he was able to get a 00:31 wile losing a minute and using a route not meant for game time?

Also a route idea. How realistic is it to use the exit at 6:16:30 of that video as an entrance when going for the space jump? It is on the way after getting gravity suit and would cut out a few rooms. How hard is it really to open a super door from the other side? I have thought about this for a long time just never brought it up because I thought it was not relevant. But being how people are getting WAY better, I guess I can ask now.

Also, it is a shame he does not allow others to make highlights of his videos, I tried but it would not let me...
welcome to the machine
Also a route idea. How realistic is it to use the exit at 6:16:30 of that video as an entrance when going for the space jump?

impossible with current knowledge.  Glitching gates where you're on the left side of the gate is orders of magnitude harder than from the other side, although still theoretically possible.  The reason is that, if you face left, you can abuse a game mechanic where missiles spawn a short distance further forward (it's a pixel or two, can't remember exactly) than they do if you face right, which is just enough if you combine it with a little doppler effect.  Anyways, that particular gate also has a block in front of the green switch.  TASers have tried lots of things to get through from the wrong side (the most memorable being get spark charge, go through tunnel, fire super, spark for doppler), but always come up a pixel or two short.

it would definitely be an improvement if we could do it. =( the only gate I know of that can be glitched from the wrong side is the one in front of the pink brinstar etank.
Edit history:
Heidrage: 2012-11-05 08:26:55 pm
Willing to teach you the impossible
I remember being able to do it to one of the gates... I dont remember what one or what side, I just knew it was doable. Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the reply.

Edit: Also, where is your avatar from? Every time I see it I think Princes Mononoke but I am rather sure it is not.
welcome to the machine
hahahahah.  well, maybe i like princesses!!

(shin megami tensei: persona 3)
Congrats to kottpower!! Really awesome to see this speedrun get pushed further and further to the limit.  Realtime runs FTW Evil
29min is possible, but only segmented. In terms of SS, 30min is probably the limit considering the tricks known today. The difference between a real time route and an in-game time route is not enough to make possible a 29min run in a single segment