Skyrim was rejected and I still haven't gotten a reply from Mike in my PM. It's very unlikely we can get that reversed at this point. Maybe if everyone pulls an FFT?
We could try and get Mike to accept as a race? I already run glitchless and I'm pretty familiar with the route for any%, I could pick it up and probably be fast enough by January.
Unless anyone has any objections, I'm gunna get our leaderboards up on since it seems to be the hot shit right now. Oblivion's leaderboards are on there, so we should get a fancy elder scrolls logo on the front page.
Is there any way to remap quicksave/quickload? I can't find control preferences (looked at all the .txt and .ini files) anywhere in my Skyrim directory. Even if I could remap them... could I do it to a controller?
I use DS3tool to emulate a 360 controller using a PS3 controller. Quicksaving/quickloading was always a problem for me. I could do everything else, though, while double clawing the controller.
Never mind... turns out it doesn't give you the option to bind it to a controller. It disappears in the controls menu if you have EnableGamepad=1 (controller plugged in). It shows up under controls when I unplug it. :(((
hey DrTChops i was wondering if i would be able to get the NG+ saves that you used? and maybe the scroll save as well. i wanted to test a few things out but i have 0 saves on skyrim