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If you want to see or make a speedrun for the game, which option would you choose from those "try to finish  and get"...
A. Difficulties
1a- Beginner action and easy puzzles
1b- Beginner action and normal puzzles
1c- Beginner action and hard puzzles
2a- Easy action and easy puzzles
2b- Easy action and normal puzzles
2c- Easy action and hard puzzles
3a- Normal action and easy puzzles
3b- Normal action and normal puzzles
3c- Normal action and hard puzzles
4a- Hard action and easy puzzles
4b- Hard action and normal puzzles
4c- Hard action and hard puzzles
5 to 14a/b/c - Extreme (I to X) action and easy/normal/hard puzzles
B: Endings
1. Normal ending
2. Possessed ending
3. Revenge ending
C: Bonus weapons
1. Beam Saber
2. Flamethrower
3. Unlimited Sub machine gun
4. Heather beam
5. Transform costume
6. Sexy Beam
D. Perfect Ranking
Thread title:  
MGS for PS1 forever.
Probably hard action and easy/hard puzzles and normal ending.
Definitely hard puzzles, since otherwise they're randomized.  Action mode won't affect the difficulty of the run much, since you'll be running instead of fighting most of the time.  The posessed ending requires you to kill lots of enemies and take lots of damage, neither of which looks very good in a run, plus noone's nail down exactly how many points you need.

I was thinking of doing a Revenge run on Extreme X action mode, but I wasn't sure how impressive that would be, since it's less than 40 minutes and the Sexy Beams slaughter anything in the game before it can touch you, so your health isn't much of an issue.  Pendulums actually become easy sources of kills instead of invincible flying balls of death.

If you decide to do a 10-star run, make sure to have someone with a stopwatch to time your boss battles.  You need to get under 2 minutes on the big worm at the end of the mall, and you aren't told how well you did until the end of the game.
the possessed ending:

If you have already beaten the game once, you can get this ending if you
satisfy a few requirements.  For every enemy you kill, including boss monsters,
you receive 10 points.  For every point of physical damage you receive, you
receive 1 point.  And if you tell the woman in the Church confessional (as
opposed to the Sewer confessional or the Shopping Mall confessional...) "I
forgive you", you receive 1000 points.  At the end of the game your points are
tallied, and if you have 4000 points or more, you get the "Possessed" ending

the revenge ending:

To get this ending, you must have the "Heather Beam".  To get the Heather beam,
you must kill a total of 333 enemies, though this doesn't have to be in one
game.  Once you do, you then have to use the Heather Beam, or the more powerful
Sexy Beam version of it to kill at least 30 monsters in a single game, before
you reach the Daisy Villa Apartments.  If you manage to do so, remove all
weapons from Heather's hands before you enter.

All the possible runs involving special weapons: i meant do the run in order to get them (not using them)

And finally the perfect rank requires this hard stuff:

In order to get a
perfect score, you have to get these ten big stars, which can only be achieved
by performing exceedingly well in each of the variables.  Here is what you need
to accomplish to get 10 big stars (100 points):
-Ending: Which ending you get doesn't affect your score.
-Action Level: Play on Hard or higher to get 5 stars.
-Riddle Level: Play on Hard to get 5 stars.
-Clear Time: Beat the game in 3 hours or less to get 10 stars. To  do this you
have to avoid all unnecessary combat and skip cutscenes.
-Split Worm Kill Time: Kill Splitworm in two minutes or less for 2 stars.
-Missionary Kill Time: Kill Missionary in two minutes or less for 2 stars.
-Leonard Kill Time: Kill Leonard in two minutes or less for 2 stars.
-Memory of Alessa Kill Time: Kill MOL in two minutes or less for 2 stars.
-The God Kill Time: Kill The God in two minutes or less for 2 stars.
-Clear Number: You need to have 3 or more game Clears to achieve 5 stars. In
other words, you have to beat the game at least three times before you can get
all 100 points.  Sorry.
-Save and Continue Number: You can only save or continue 2 times, for 5 stars.
If you choose to save, I suggest just before Borley's Haunted Mansion (because
it is too easy to get hung up on a corner when the red light is chasing you
down the hall) and before the final battle.
-Item Number: You are awarded 1 star for every 5 items you pick up during the
game.  You can get a total of 20 stars here, which means you need to pick up
100 items or more.
-Extra Weapon Number: You get one star for every bonus weapon you unlock. For
the perfect you have to find all 5 (Beam Saber, Flamethrower, Gold Pipe, Silver
Pipe, and the Unlimited SMG) for a total of 5 stars.
-Defeated Enemies by Shooting: One star is awarded for every 5 enemies you plug
with a gun, up to a maximum of 15 stars, or 75 enemies. You should kill NO MORE
OR LESS THAN 75 with your guns in a single game; killing too many more could
reduce your "Defeated Enemies by Fighting" rating or push your time over the
limit, but any less is not enough.
-Defeated Enemies by Fighting:  One star is awarded for every 5 enemies you
kill with close range melee weapons, up to a maximum of 15 stars, or 75
enemies. You should kill NO MORE OR LESS THAN 75 with your melee weapons in a
single game; killing too many more could reduce your "Defeated Enemies by
Shooting" rating or push your time over the limit, but any less is not enough.
(Note: since you should only kill 75 enemies by shooting, and 75 enemies by
fighting, you should not kill much more than 150 total enemies in a single
game, or else you are wasting valuable time.  This number includes the 5 bosses)
-Total Damage:  This is the total amount of damage Heather receives during a
single game.  Though the actual numerical value of Heather's health is hidden
in the game (i.e. it is never expressed in numbers), the Brady Game's Official
Silent Hill 3 Strategy Guide says that Heather has 200 health on Easy, 100 on
Normal and Hard, and only 50 on Extreme.  I tell you this only to give you an
idea of how little health Heather is allowed to lose in the entire game and
still get a perfect ranking.  In order to get 5 stars necessary to get the
perfect ranking, you cannot receive more than 500 points of damage through the
entire game.  This means that if you are playing on Hard (as you should be to
be getting the perfect), Heather's total health would have to be totally
emptied only 5 times for you to lose your perfect.  When you think about how
often you use healing items in this game, and the fact that you have to kill at
least 150 enemies, that is not a lot. Use the Life Display you can unlock by
beating Hard Action level to help give you an idea of how much health you are
losing; especially on Hard Mode, it doesn't take too many hits to screw up your
chances of getting a perfect ranking. So the key is, don't get hit.  Learn to
use the strafing techniques, and how to strike so that enemies can't strike
back.  Learn which weapons are most effective against which foes, so that they
drop quickly and don't get a chance to hurt you.  Learn to use the block button
effectively to reduce the amount of damage you take, and how to use the Bullet
Proof Vest effectively.  All of this will help you achieve this ranking.
-Take off points:  Finally, there are certain actions you can take which will
actually subtract points from your total.  For every time you use any of the
five Extra Weapons (Beam Saber, Flamethrower, Silver Pipe, Gold Pipe, and
Unlimited SMG), the game subtracts one point.  That means using any of them
even once in a game destroys your chances of getting a perfect.  The bullet
adjust does not effect your final score, however, so always pump up your adjust
as much as you can to make your life easier.  Also, if you use Beginner Mode,
15 points are subtracted, but this won't matter because you have to be playing
on at least Hard in order to get the perfect.

(all info is from
King n00b!
I don't care, as long as one is done.. I played very little of the game..
Would be nice to see it being played
Edit history:
giu2: 2005-10-22 05:08:20 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
hehe i would watch it;P
Edit history:
giu2: 2005-10-22 05:05:34 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
heres a pic of my endig time..not so good tho..
Then it's time for some improvements... Smiley
Edit history:
nukesgoboom: 2005-11-08 03:15:09 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i did a silent hill 3 speedrun almost 2 years ago, and i still have the file, however i had it on easy action level but also hard riddle level. i also used the unlimited sub machine gun.

here is a picture of my clear time:

i have a demo version of this file already uploaded on filefactory if you wanna see it...

also if you are a silent hill 4 fan, i have a picture of my silent hill 4 clear time. (normal difficulty)

also, if i post another video, ill make my own thread. hope thats ok...
Thank you! Grin Well, i hope some sh3 run will be uploaded in sda... the reason why i made this topic.

But i said thank you because of showing me Filefactory, with more than 50 MB and no time nor download limit

And I haven't played sh4 yet...
Edit history:
nukesgoboom: 2005-11-08 11:18:02 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
id be happy to make another sh3 run, but your going to have to give me some time. ill have to play through the game 3-4 times to get it all memorized again, and then ill have to record the run, then edit it afterwards, all together im looking at 8 hours of work, and that amount of spare time might be hard to come by. so give me like a week and ill see what i can do, alright?
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slYnki: 2005-11-09 12:45:27 am
And I haven't played sh4 yet...

I'm doing SH4 for the X-box later on in a single-segment.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
alright, im going to start recording my silent hill 3 speed run tomorrow, i should have it posted within the next 4 days or so.

however i need some input from you, the beautiful people.

now as i understand it, the whole point of a speed demo is to beat the game as fast as possible. in order to do that, the settings should be as such:

action level: easy
riddle level: hard

also using extra name game, ONLY because if you dont, you get that amusement park training mission in the begginning which just leeches time for no reason. i will not be using the unlimited submachine gun, obviously... unless you think i should, cause i would be able to beat the game earlier.

or maybe you think i should not use extra new game... tell me your thoughts, ill give you guys about a day to give me some input, otherwise im gonna go with the above settings.
Smiiiile >:)
Not sure what you mean with the "extra name game", whatever. ...
I don't think you should use the Machine Gun. Maybe for an extra Speedrun with "special weapons", but I suggest you use what you have otherwise.

Good Luck with it, you have a female Fan out there waiting eagerly to watch this Grin

(I signed up just to say that :P)
Edit history:
Psychochild: 2005-11-10 05:01:00 pm

also using extra name game, ONLY because if you dont, you get that amusement park training mission in the begginning which just leeches time for no reason. i will not be using the unlimited submachine gun, obviously... unless you think i should, cause i would be able to beat the game earlier.

or maybe you think i should not use extra new game... tell me your thoughts, ill give you guys about a day to give me some input, otherwise im gonna go with the above settings.

I'm not sure about the extra new game but Radix generally doesn't accept runs of games where the player gets a beneficial perk from a new game plus mode (I.E. ultimate character costume, infinate ammo super weapons, things of the sort) until an out of the box run (A run that can be completely by anyone who can get access to these items from the first time you ever load the game) has been done.

The person who did the Resident Evil 4 special weapons speed run, the first one, had to actually submit a non-special weapon run before the run would be accepted.  I think a Castlevania run was also only posted under the condition that the runner who made it would make an out of the box run as soon as possible.

The exception to the Out of the Box run rule is if this extra post-completion game item/skin/difficulty actually made the run more difficult (Say a character that dies in one hit with no real benefits), or this extra bonus has no effect whatsoever on Gameplay (Read, suitless Samus in Metroid 1).  An infinate sub-machine gun from the get go sounds like it'd easily benefit the runner and runs the risk of not getting posted until an Out of the Box run is submitted.  

I think skipping the theme park also falls under this since it's not possible to do unless you've completed the game according to what you've said so far.  I remember you being able to die and bypass it on a new game file , but that's still time that the out of the box runner loses...


Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Edit history:
nukesgoboom: 2005-11-10 06:37:02 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
thank you finally someone thinking on my level... yes when i beat the game in 45 minutes, i used the unlimited submachine gun... however i admit it would be kinda cheesey to use that... so i guess i wont.

here is a screenshot of my best time

however there is something i must point out.

to competively do a silent hill 3 speedrun, you MUST go with extra new game. why? 2 very good reasons. first, it allows you to skip that training mission in the amusement park which just leeches time for nothing. during this training mission, you can actually kill yourself by falling down a hole and the game will just warp you to the beginning of the actual game.  sounds lame and unprofessional to me.

Secondly, and most importantly, in the borely haunted mansion, all the doors are permenantly locked while the announcer is speaking, you must sit at wait for him to finish talking, which is an easy 3 minutes of wasted time. however if you play extra new game, that training this is skipped and the borely haunted mansion doors are all unlocked.

those are the only 2 reasons why i would use extra new game, to save time, i would not use any unlimited submachine gun or bullet adjust. i wouldnt 'cheat' like that.

so when i do my speed run, its going to be:

extra new game-ONLY to save time, NOT to make it easier or cheat. read the reasons i posted above.

action level easy-the whole point of a speedrun is to beat the game as fast as possible right? i know the other 2 silent hill runs were on normal, but lets be honest, they sacrificed some time there.

riddle level hard-most puzzles have permenant solutions, only 1 hospital puzzle is random. in the easier difficulties, the book store and hosipital door puzzles are random.

i should start recording in about 2 days, then ill encode it to xvid format, and then upload it on filefactory. im guessing the file size will be around 400 MB. i still have not decided to make another thread or not, maybe its not neccessary, but i think its lame im doing all the work and cant have the first post be the link to the run.

oh and if the guy who did the silent hill 1 run is reading this and decides to criticize my choice of difficulty....while i GREATLY respect your work... lets be honest here. you didnt have much of an end boss fight. you got the 'bad' ending, which is fine, EXCEPT the HARDEST boss of the game is removed, therefore reducing the diffuclty of your 'normal difficutly' choice. while silent hill 3, normal difficulty changes a BUNCH of stuff, mainly the fact that heather can fall down holes, the memory of alessa boss fight can block bullets, and the final UNAVOIDABLE boss fight is VERY challenging.

i just want people to watch and enjoy the game. im making this run because i love the game, and for no other reason and im sure many other people do the same with thier runs.

ok rant done... see you soon with a run to post.
Smiiiile >:)
None of your reasons sounded like cheating whatsoever.
Being able to skip certain parts of the game is no crime imo.

People getting confused with the "story" should play the game itself before watching a speedrun.

I wish you luck! Can't wait to watch your video!
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
actually i think ive reconsidered. going with an extra new game might not be fair. im going to start recording my run right after this post, as a regular new game. the training mission and the borely haunted mansion will be in the run after all... as if you had just installed silent hill with no previous data, the 'out of the box' speed run. i guess that would be more fair, but who knows, maybe i can submit another under different rules later. with a normal new game i got about 57 minutes, and with an extra new game i got 49 minutes... well anyway im off to record, see you tommorrow with a link to the run.
Smiiiile >:)
Like I said, I'm with you no matter what you do.
With or without the Amusement Park Level...I can't wait to see your speedrun Smiley

Wish you all the best, seriously  Cheesy
Edit history:
nukesgoboom: 2005-11-15 03:48:16 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i recently completed a speed run on a normal new game for silent hill 3,for the computer, with a time of 49 minutes and 11 seconds, on riddle level hard, action level easy. in addition to running the game as fast as i could, i also tried to leave in some of the easter eggs from the game, to enhance the enjoyment of watching,(without wasting more than a few seconds). also, you should know i had to record this demo in 2 instances (i joined them into 1 file). i was using a program called FRAPS to record my playthrough, and my computer ran out of disk space about the time i reached the amusement park for the second time. im telling you this because that means thefirst 2/3 of this movie is one particular run, and the last 1/3 of this movieis a different run. the only reason this is important is because during my second timethrough (i didnt hit record until i got to the amusement park), i found that my fight with leonard went MUCH faster, about a minute faster to be exact, and i wanted to point that out, because in this movie, the leonard boss fight lasts about 1 minute and 38 seconds, but during the ranking screen at the end, its listed as 31 seconds.for some reason he went down after my first shotgun blast (after my sub machine gun)and stayed on the ground so that i could still shoot him, and he quickly died. just thought id point that out, also the missionary boss fight went a little smoother as well.

ANYWAY... here is some stuff you might want to know:

length: 1 hour 8 minutes
size: 296 MB
Video:XviD mpeg-4
Audio:mp3 128kbps

here is this link:;4354982;;/fileinfo.html


Note: you need to have the .xvid codec installed to view this file, if you dont
already have it. get it here:

this run was captured on the computer, which means there is little to no loading time,compared to if i had run it on a console (yay). i edited this movie using virtual dub.

i made this run because i love this game, it was fun, and someone requested it.

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Umm the first link doesn't work...
Smiiiile >:)
Aaaw yeah..something went wrong when he pasted the Link in here...please fix it will you  Kiss is your friend.
Edit history:
nukesgoboom: 2005-11-15 02:27:08 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
WOW... cant believe the link was posted wrong...

definlty try this one now:;4354982;;/fileinfo.html

or try

seriously, i have no idea how that happened.. thats crazy. i am positive that i checked the link after i posted it, and it worked for me, again i have no idea how that didnt work right. but now it should, so watch and enjoy. im sure you will like the xvid encoding.

also, you get an internet cookie if you guess what album cover i used for the intro splash.