If you want to see or make a speedrun for the game, which option would you choose from those "try to finish and get"...
A. Difficulties
1a- Beginner action and easy puzzles
1b- Beginner action and normal puzzles
1c- Beginner action and hard puzzles
2a- Easy action and easy puzzles
2b- Easy action and normal puzzles
2c- Easy action and hard puzzles
3a- Normal action and easy puzzles
3b- Normal action and normal puzzles
3c- Normal action and hard puzzles
4a- Hard action and easy puzzles
4b- Hard action and normal puzzles
4c- Hard action and hard puzzles
5 to 14a/b/c - Extreme (I to X) action and easy/normal/hard puzzles
B: Endings
1. Normal ending
2. Possessed ending
3. Revenge ending
C: Bonus weapons
1. Beam Saber
2. Flamethrower
3. Unlimited Sub machine gun
4. Heather beam
5. Transform costume
6. Sexy Beam
D. Perfect Ranking
A. Difficulties
1a- Beginner action and easy puzzles
1b- Beginner action and normal puzzles
1c- Beginner action and hard puzzles
2a- Easy action and easy puzzles
2b- Easy action and normal puzzles
2c- Easy action and hard puzzles
3a- Normal action and easy puzzles
3b- Normal action and normal puzzles
3c- Normal action and hard puzzles
4a- Hard action and easy puzzles
4b- Hard action and normal puzzles
4c- Hard action and hard puzzles
5 to 14a/b/c - Extreme (I to X) action and easy/normal/hard puzzles
B: Endings
1. Normal ending
2. Possessed ending
3. Revenge ending
C: Bonus weapons
1. Beam Saber
2. Flamethrower
3. Unlimited Sub machine gun
4. Heather beam
5. Transform costume
6. Sexy Beam
D. Perfect Ranking
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