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LP3Tristan: 2014-12-10 03:19:37 pm
So the first marathon for Sick Kids Hospital was so successful I decided why not do another? Cheesy This one will be scheduled for March 6th - March 9th. This time it will be streamed to it was just a personal decision to switch channels to try to get a bigger audience viewing since that channel has more followers. This time we will be using an RTMP server provided by a friend. The sign up form will be linked below it is basically the same format as last time but i added a spot for Availability so i don't have to run around for that info this time and have alot of confusion. If there are any questions about this marathon in anyway feel to post in this thread or PM me here.
Thread title:  
Submitted, hope to help out again this time!
What is the deadline for submissions?
Quote from Komrade:
What is the deadline for submissions?

Early February I opened it early so that if anyone misses out its their fault Cheesy
Also I noticed in the form that you ask for the game, and estimate on time. There's no box for which category the runner would be doing.
Quote from Komrade:
Also I noticed in the form that you ask for the game, and estimate on time. There's no box for which category the runner would be doing.

Gimme a sec check the link  in the official post in like 5 mins and it'll be fixed my bad
It's cool man, just making sure we got things figured out early on.
Edit history:
LP3Tristan: 2014-12-10 03:17:17 pm
Quote from Komrade:
Also I noticed in the form that you ask for the game, and estimate on time. There's no box for which category the runner would be doing.

Actually just put the category in the description if a flood of people complain about the category ill change it but changing it now means the spreadsheet i have will be fucked up and show info in the wrong spots
Edit NVM im dumb fixing XD
Submitted Cheesy
As much as I would love to sign up 'cause the last one was a lot of fun I don't think I'll have the time for it with classes taking up my schedule in March :/
I'll be sure to tune in as often as I can though
NowOwnsAFreaking Plane
I'll sign up for this soon, the first one was a blast, even if I had a ton of technical difficulties.
Dapper as fuck.
I'll sign up soon too.
Bumping this looking for more submissions Cheesy
Is there a mock schedule yet?
Edit history:
LP3Tristan: 2015-01-02 11:32:24 am
I apologize guys i forgot to add a submissions deadline Sad I'm gonna close submissions on January 8th
Made the description for all my submissions my PB videos, hoped you do not mind watching them all
Dapper as fuck.
Submitted StarTropics for your consideration.
2 more days to submit get your games in Cheesy
Y'er no match for me!
Hopefully I didn't miss the deadline! Submitted Smiley
Hi, I'd like to volunteer to help with setup or anything else you need for this marathon. Thanks!
XCOM Timesheet:
Hey, just wanted to point out an error in the schedule. XCOM got allotted 30 mins instead of 1:30
Quote from Paperboat:
Hey, just wanted to point out an error in the schedule. XCOM got allotted 30 mins instead of 1:30

Fixed lol don't know what happened there XD
Quote from LP3Tristan:
I apologize guys i forgot to add a submissions deadline Sad I'm gonna close submissions on January 8th

Quote from LP3Tristan:
Quote from Komrade:
What is the deadline for submissions?

Early February I opened it early so that if anyone misses out its their fault Cheesy

I saw the deadline said early February, so I just submitted some games.

Seems strange to have the deadline during AGDQ.  Oh well, maybe next time.
He might have closed it early due to mass submissions