Freelance slacker
Okay, so like many wide-eyed speed-watching enthusiasts, I've been toying around with the idea of doing a speedrun myself. I honestly have no idea if I've got what it takes, but I decided to go ahead and start a topic anyway. I figure if my attempt goes south, maybe someone else will give it a go and then I get a SF2 run to watch.
I chose SF2 because I played it growing up, which adds that nostalgia feel we gamers like so much. I've played through it about 4 times, read through a lot of FAQs and even checked out some awesome charts showing each character's stat growths. Basically, I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on this game. I also chose it because as a turn-based strategy RPG, most of the speed will come from planning instead of execution. I'm not too confident in myself for the 'execution' part, but the planning I think I'll be better at. And you guys get to help! Hopefully. Please? =)
Also when I searched the older consoles forum and couldn't find a thread, I was happy to learn that I didn't have a bar set for me that might be too high. Obviously my plan is to set it as high as I can for somebody else, but I can see myself making comparisons and giving in to despair if there was something to compare my run to.
Anyway let's get down to business. I decided to dive right into the game and take a look at how some of the earlier battles played out since I usually take my time, spread the XP around as evenly as I can, lure enemies in as small groups as possible, etc. I wanted to check out how focusing on speed would affect the basic gameplay, and I was relatively happy with the results. I'll talk about those later and move onto the more important stuff: the general stategy overview for getting through this thing as quickly as possible.
Typically in an RPG, the best way to go is the way that deals the most damage. More damage = faster kills, faster kills = less enemies killing you. Best defence is a good offence sort of thing, plus it's faster. I think the same holds true for SF2. In Fire Emblem the best strategies usually involved power-leveling 2 or 3 characters but I think that might not work here. The XP penalties for killing enemies start appearing once you're a level or two over 'par'. For example I was getting 32 experience when Kazin took out a Knight at LVL9 in the last battle before Granseal goes boom (usually you get a nice 49 for a killing blow). My thinking so far is to basically focus on as few people as possible, but not so few as to really get bogged down by XP penalties.
Killing the people I won't be using (or getting them killed rather) is a good way to avoid having the cursor travel to them, telling them to wait, and having it travel back to the action. Unfortunately there's a lot of auto-revive points peppered into the story. I still think it will be fastest to send them to their doom everytime they come back. Eventually you get the caravan and then they can chill there for the rest of the game.
Speaking of characters I won't use... which ones will I use? A lot of guides measure characters based on leveling them up to 40 before promotion because you get extra stats. You also waste hours of your time. This is why these choices will differ, slightly, from what most people think are the best characters. In keeping with the high-attack is best theory, I've narrowed down the list somewhat:
Probably going to use:
Bowie - He has great attack/HP/Def/Agi and access to the best weapon in the game. He's also probably going to be the only one who can wear the white ring, which provides some healthy bonuses (I honestly can't remember what, DEF I think). He also gets some bolt spells on top of his Egress, but his MP remains low enough that you'll only be able to cast one or two a fight. Being the best melee character is the delicious, moist cake. The Bolt2 on a crowd of enemies is just the icing. Cherry for being required in every fight anyway.
Peter - Because he has flying, insane attack, insane HP, revives automatically after battle and doesn't equip a weapon. Oh, and he takes half damage from Fire after promotion. I don't think anybody has ever played this game and ditched Peter.
Gerhalt - Great all around early, later on is mostly there just for the massive attack, and not needing to buy the guy a weapon. His HP/Def/Mov all start to fall behind so he might be a good candidate for a running pemento or the running ring.
Jaha - High damage, insane defense (lots of '1's), used to tank/lure while still dishing out damage. I've always promoted him to a Baron using the Warrior's Pride (I think the game sends you to that warroom place at one point so it shouldn't take more than a few seconds to grab it), so I don't have first hand experience with him as a GLTR. He loses out on a much needed movement boost though.
Still thinking about:
Sarah - Because I will need some healing and money might be better spent on new weapons instead of copious healing items. Her slow spell can allow people to lay the beat down on critical targets (bosses, usually), but it's usually better to just attack. Also, when promoted to a MMNK (Master Monk), she starts dealing out great damage while keeping all her strengths as a healer. The MMNK can also ignore XP caps by healing someone every turn for a flat 10+ XP. This can allow for some very high level monks (but will it waste too much time..?). It also wastes time to grab the Vigor Ball from the secret forest village to promote her in the first place. Lots of 'ifs' involved with Sarah.
Kazin - He's your only form of AoE for a long time, and he gets a couple nice spells. Blaze 4 usually hits for about 45, which is high when he first learns it, and becomes average towards the end of the game. It is relatively cheap to cast however. He also learns Desoul 1/2, making it possible to luck-abuse some one-hit kills in sticky situations. Did I mention Desoul 2 has a 1 radius? You can axe (or scythe I guess) as many as 5 enemies with that spell. I also thought about using Muddle2 (radius 2) to confuse enemies, and then try to run past them and take out the boss. Promoting him to a sorceror with the Secret Book (also in the secret forest village) means he gains insane single target damage, but sucks at AoE. By this I mean summon spells do X damage divided by Y targets. X Can be as ridiculous as 40, 70, or higher towards the end of the game, but divide it by 3 guys and suddenly it's not so hot. Also you can't direct spells to be cast at the ground, only on enemies, so if you want to hit just 1 guy he can't have anyone adjacent to the target.
May - High movement, high attack, attacks from range. Another ranged attacker is great early on, and May is about tied with Elric for best ranged unit in the game, so if I go with a ranged unit it's probably her.
Eric - He rocks. He usually has insane HP, attack, defense, can attack from range, flies if promoted to a Pegasus Knight (requires keeping him as a KNGT past 20, typically), and has great movement. The only reason I might not use him is because he's one of the 4 characters you get from Creed, and ALL of them are the at least tied for best in their class. Especially Karna.
Karna - She has the highest growths in the game in more than one attribute and is about top 5 in all of the rest. If promoted via Vigor Ball to a MMNK, she can spam Boost1/2 on units to receive massive XP, which when combined with her natural sky-high growths and the innate awesomeness of being a healing-attacker makes her highly desirable. Also, Boost and Aura are great spells. So what's the problem? First of all, she's a Creed's Mansion character, so I lose out on the others if I pick her. Secondly, she will stay a CLRC for a LONG time unless I save the Vigor Ball from the secret forest village for her, in which case I'll probably ditch Sarah. Thirdly, it takes some time to properly abuse the Boost XP spam, so it's either something I base entire strategies around or pretty much don't use. It might be awesome to spend some time sending her up to level 70 or so and then have her solo the game, but I have no idea if this will gain time over a more typical playthrough. I think it's worth a test, so I'll check that out.
Tyrin - Another Creed character. He gets all the mage damage spells, Blaze/Freeze/Bolt. He doesn't have the all-aroundness of Kazin (plus Kazin has the highest agility in the game), but having a single target spell like Blaze4 or Freeze4 on top of a radius 2 spell like Bolt2 or 3 is great for doing what mages usually do best, blowing things up. If I wanted a summoner (that's basically what SORCs do) I would stick with Kazin, so he'd definitely go WIZ if I chose him. I also don't know if I'd take him and Kazin.
Elric - Competes with May for the title of best ranged character. Well, in the attack from 3 panels with a basic attack kind of ranged anyway. May has the higher movement and attack, while Elric has a fair bit more HP and a bit more DEF. Typically I want to keep my ranged unit... at range.. and not taking hits, so I'm leaning towards May right now.
Frayja - He's not an attacker, at all. He heals. He does a good job at healing, but usually Sarah and/or Karna are enough. The reason I haven't ruled him out is because he knows Aura, which is just great. The other is a spell only he can learn: Attack. It.. boosts attack (go figure). Obviously this is a very desirable thing in a speed run. I might have him tag along as the attack-mule, but dealing with his turn every round might not be worth it.
I chose SF2 because I played it growing up, which adds that nostalgia feel we gamers like so much. I've played through it about 4 times, read through a lot of FAQs and even checked out some awesome charts showing each character's stat growths. Basically, I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on this game. I also chose it because as a turn-based strategy RPG, most of the speed will come from planning instead of execution. I'm not too confident in myself for the 'execution' part, but the planning I think I'll be better at. And you guys get to help! Hopefully. Please? =)
Also when I searched the older consoles forum and couldn't find a thread, I was happy to learn that I didn't have a bar set for me that might be too high. Obviously my plan is to set it as high as I can for somebody else, but I can see myself making comparisons and giving in to despair if there was something to compare my run to.
Anyway let's get down to business. I decided to dive right into the game and take a look at how some of the earlier battles played out since I usually take my time, spread the XP around as evenly as I can, lure enemies in as small groups as possible, etc. I wanted to check out how focusing on speed would affect the basic gameplay, and I was relatively happy with the results. I'll talk about those later and move onto the more important stuff: the general stategy overview for getting through this thing as quickly as possible.
Typically in an RPG, the best way to go is the way that deals the most damage. More damage = faster kills, faster kills = less enemies killing you. Best defence is a good offence sort of thing, plus it's faster. I think the same holds true for SF2. In Fire Emblem the best strategies usually involved power-leveling 2 or 3 characters but I think that might not work here. The XP penalties for killing enemies start appearing once you're a level or two over 'par'. For example I was getting 32 experience when Kazin took out a Knight at LVL9 in the last battle before Granseal goes boom (usually you get a nice 49 for a killing blow). My thinking so far is to basically focus on as few people as possible, but not so few as to really get bogged down by XP penalties.
Killing the people I won't be using (or getting them killed rather) is a good way to avoid having the cursor travel to them, telling them to wait, and having it travel back to the action. Unfortunately there's a lot of auto-revive points peppered into the story. I still think it will be fastest to send them to their doom everytime they come back. Eventually you get the caravan and then they can chill there for the rest of the game.
Speaking of characters I won't use... which ones will I use? A lot of guides measure characters based on leveling them up to 40 before promotion because you get extra stats. You also waste hours of your time. This is why these choices will differ, slightly, from what most people think are the best characters. In keeping with the high-attack is best theory, I've narrowed down the list somewhat:
Probably going to use:
Bowie - He has great attack/HP/Def/Agi and access to the best weapon in the game. He's also probably going to be the only one who can wear the white ring, which provides some healthy bonuses (I honestly can't remember what, DEF I think). He also gets some bolt spells on top of his Egress, but his MP remains low enough that you'll only be able to cast one or two a fight. Being the best melee character is the delicious, moist cake. The Bolt2 on a crowd of enemies is just the icing. Cherry for being required in every fight anyway.
Peter - Because he has flying, insane attack, insane HP, revives automatically after battle and doesn't equip a weapon. Oh, and he takes half damage from Fire after promotion. I don't think anybody has ever played this game and ditched Peter.
Gerhalt - Great all around early, later on is mostly there just for the massive attack, and not needing to buy the guy a weapon. His HP/Def/Mov all start to fall behind so he might be a good candidate for a running pemento or the running ring.
Jaha - High damage, insane defense (lots of '1's), used to tank/lure while still dishing out damage. I've always promoted him to a Baron using the Warrior's Pride (I think the game sends you to that warroom place at one point so it shouldn't take more than a few seconds to grab it), so I don't have first hand experience with him as a GLTR. He loses out on a much needed movement boost though.
Still thinking about:
Sarah - Because I will need some healing and money might be better spent on new weapons instead of copious healing items. Her slow spell can allow people to lay the beat down on critical targets (bosses, usually), but it's usually better to just attack. Also, when promoted to a MMNK (Master Monk), she starts dealing out great damage while keeping all her strengths as a healer. The MMNK can also ignore XP caps by healing someone every turn for a flat 10+ XP. This can allow for some very high level monks (but will it waste too much time..?). It also wastes time to grab the Vigor Ball from the secret forest village to promote her in the first place. Lots of 'ifs' involved with Sarah.
Kazin - He's your only form of AoE for a long time, and he gets a couple nice spells. Blaze 4 usually hits for about 45, which is high when he first learns it, and becomes average towards the end of the game. It is relatively cheap to cast however. He also learns Desoul 1/2, making it possible to luck-abuse some one-hit kills in sticky situations. Did I mention Desoul 2 has a 1 radius? You can axe (or scythe I guess) as many as 5 enemies with that spell. I also thought about using Muddle2 (radius 2) to confuse enemies, and then try to run past them and take out the boss. Promoting him to a sorceror with the Secret Book (also in the secret forest village) means he gains insane single target damage, but sucks at AoE. By this I mean summon spells do X damage divided by Y targets. X Can be as ridiculous as 40, 70, or higher towards the end of the game, but divide it by 3 guys and suddenly it's not so hot. Also you can't direct spells to be cast at the ground, only on enemies, so if you want to hit just 1 guy he can't have anyone adjacent to the target.
May - High movement, high attack, attacks from range. Another ranged attacker is great early on, and May is about tied with Elric for best ranged unit in the game, so if I go with a ranged unit it's probably her.
Eric - He rocks. He usually has insane HP, attack, defense, can attack from range, flies if promoted to a Pegasus Knight (requires keeping him as a KNGT past 20, typically), and has great movement. The only reason I might not use him is because he's one of the 4 characters you get from Creed, and ALL of them are the at least tied for best in their class. Especially Karna.
Karna - She has the highest growths in the game in more than one attribute and is about top 5 in all of the rest. If promoted via Vigor Ball to a MMNK, she can spam Boost1/2 on units to receive massive XP, which when combined with her natural sky-high growths and the innate awesomeness of being a healing-attacker makes her highly desirable. Also, Boost and Aura are great spells. So what's the problem? First of all, she's a Creed's Mansion character, so I lose out on the others if I pick her. Secondly, she will stay a CLRC for a LONG time unless I save the Vigor Ball from the secret forest village for her, in which case I'll probably ditch Sarah. Thirdly, it takes some time to properly abuse the Boost XP spam, so it's either something I base entire strategies around or pretty much don't use. It might be awesome to spend some time sending her up to level 70 or so and then have her solo the game, but I have no idea if this will gain time over a more typical playthrough. I think it's worth a test, so I'll check that out.
Tyrin - Another Creed character. He gets all the mage damage spells, Blaze/Freeze/Bolt. He doesn't have the all-aroundness of Kazin (plus Kazin has the highest agility in the game), but having a single target spell like Blaze4 or Freeze4 on top of a radius 2 spell like Bolt2 or 3 is great for doing what mages usually do best, blowing things up. If I wanted a summoner (that's basically what SORCs do) I would stick with Kazin, so he'd definitely go WIZ if I chose him. I also don't know if I'd take him and Kazin.
Elric - Competes with May for the title of best ranged character. Well, in the attack from 3 panels with a basic attack kind of ranged anyway. May has the higher movement and attack, while Elric has a fair bit more HP and a bit more DEF. Typically I want to keep my ranged unit... at range.. and not taking hits, so I'm leaning towards May right now.
Frayja - He's not an attacker, at all. He heals. He does a good job at healing, but usually Sarah and/or Karna are enough. The reason I haven't ruled him out is because he knows Aura, which is just great. The other is a spell only he can learn: Attack. It.. boosts attack (go figure). Obviously this is a very desirable thing in a speed run. I might have him tag along as the attack-mule, but dealing with his turn every round might not be worth it.
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