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Cool Matty: 2016-03-10 09:41:05 am
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from Poochy.EXE:
Two sorta-last-minute questions:

1. Is it OK if the video has no commentary at all? I'm a quiet runner and I don't plan on doing any commentary. (Also I need sound cues since it's a blindfolded run.)

2. If I want to submit a blindfolded run, does the video have to of a blindfolded run as well, or is it acceptable to have a video that wasn't recorded blindfolded, but uses the same route and only tricks that could be consistently done blindfolded?

1. I'd mention you intend to have others do commentary. It's not a hard and fast rule, but it is a judging factor.

2. I would strongly encourage at least some example of an actual blindfolded run, otherwise we have no idea if you're able to actually perform it reliably.
I fixed the video link for my Vice Project Doom submission and now none of my submissions are publicly visible went the rest used to be. Why is that?
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from peter afro:
I fixed the video link for my Vice Project Doom submission and now none of my submissions are publicly visible went the rest used to be. Why is that?

Might've been a code issue with the system being too aggressive on making submissions invisible on edit. Don't worry, they'll show back up when committee looks through them again.
Edit history:
Antilles58: 2016-03-11 10:46:56 am
Antilles58: 2016-03-11 09:19:14 am
Quote from Cool Matty:
Quote from peter afro:
I fixed the video link for my Vice Project Doom submission and now none of my submissions are publicly visible went the rest used to be. Why is that?

Might've been a code issue with the system being too aggressive on making submissions invisible on edit. Don't worry, they'll show back up when committee looks through them again.

Are you guys sure edited submissions will still be seen by the committee? No other bugs on that front? I also edited mine, and have seen other submissions which i know for sure came in after my edit show up on the public list. we good

(I am very clearly disobeying your command to NOT worry - also, things are much more peaceful around here this time! Very good change to not update submission status as they come in.)
Well, I finally got a video ready only to discover the problem with my Elgato also effects the recording it seems.  I used MP4 to but for some odd reason, audio and such are out of place.  I don't know if I should send this for submission or not; I only have two days left before submissions close and I've been struggling all week to get a good run into place.  I'm at a loss...  Cry
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from Rotorstorm331:
Well, I finally got a video ready only to discover the problem with my Elgato also effects the recording it seems.  I used MP4 to but for some odd reason, audio and such are out of place.  I don't know if I should send this for submission or not; I only have two days left before submissions close and I've been struggling all week to get a good run into place.  I'm at a loss...  Cry

Define out of place? If you mean just out of sync, that can be fixed in post-processing. Or if it's not unwatchably bad, just ignore it. We're not looking for high production values. Might as well link your video here.
Edit history:
Rotorstorm331: 2016-03-11 07:29:45 pm
^  I got my Avermedia card and recording set up now, so I can try again either later tonight or tomorrow.  MUCH better then Elgato that's for sure.  Thanks for the heads up though about productions values, at least I won't have to worry about it now.  Truth be told, Elgato has TONS of problems...
So one of my submissions did not receive the checkmark for visibility initially because I submitted while one of my videos was still processing. Probably unnecessary, but just posting to let whoever it concerns know that the video is sorted out now. 
If I don't know my avaliability, should I just put 3-9 now, and change it later?
words on words on words
What's the rule on changing videos like before? One of the highlights of my run is running in 60 fps and I wasn't able to finish my commentary until today, but I won't be able to render/upload in 60 fps before the deadline. I'm planning to just render it in 30 fps for now and upload 60 fps after the deadline, would that be an issue?
Quote from Gymfreak739:
If I don't know my avaliability, should I just put 3-9 now, and change it later?

If you have a rough idea of when you'd like to be there, feel free to put that in now. If you have no idea, 3-9 is fine. Updating later is also always fine. Just try to get it solidified asap.

Quote from JTBeezy:
What's the rule on changing videos like before? One of the highlights of my run is running in 60 fps and I wasn't able to finish my commentary until today, but I won't be able to render/upload in 60 fps before the deadline. I'm planning to just render it in 30 fps for now and upload 60 fps after the deadline, would that be an issue?

That's fine, video quality really doesn't matter to us (as long as we can actually tell what's going on) so you don't really need to bother with a 60 fps upload if you don't want to.
I just edited one of my estimates earlier today and for some reason it has not become visible to the public. Is that submission still there? On "my submissions" it shows up but not on "all game submissions." Thanks.
Quote from Skybilz:
I just edited one of my estimates earlier today and for some reason it has not become visible to the public. Is that submission still there? On "my submissions" it shows up but not on "all game submissions." Thanks.

I'm assuming you're asking about the SMW submission.  It's still there and waiting for approval with all the new submissions today (there are a lot of them).
Thanks gyre Smiley I appreciate you getting back to me.
I made a small error in my Zelda randomizer race submission text.  The race would be between eunos, jamevil, and possibly me (jkoper).  I apologize for any confusion, or at the least for my oversight.
It's not noted on Cantaloupeme's submission of Castlevania (NES), but he agreed to do a race between him and I, assuming the runs are accepted.
Just over 1000 entries - looks like a ton of new ones came in over the weekend!  Lots of great stuff on there too.

How does this amount (total/hours) compare to previous GDQs?

Good luck to the committee!  There are going to be some tough decisions, but it looks like there is enough really cool/unique stuff on there to make for a memorable and entertaining marathon!  You guys will do great!
Are we just going to see all of the decisions at once on April 3rd, or will decisions be shown on the GDQ page as they're made?
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
The committee is planning on releasing all the decisions at once. However, runners should keep tabs on their submissions, as they will mark a submission as "email" to alert you that they are trying to get a hold of you about your submission.
Quick question - do you guys want updates concerning PB's on submitted videos when there are multiple submissions or do you check leaderboards, etc.? I was not aware gamej06 was submitting MM2 GB and saying it could be a race (I was not consulted). This is no big deal as it would be a fun time and he and I are buds (I'm not complaining!). My time since has improved ahead of his to 20:51 -

Just curious the process as I know I will be working on the run more and curious how you would decide between two runners if a race were not chosen.

Thanks guys!

^ I was wondering as well, if I can update my submission with a much better PB. The option is there, just seems weird to be able to update my PB video whenever I want
Quote from johncarls:
Quick question - do you guys want updates concerning PB's on submitted videos when there are multiple submissions or do you check leaderboards, etc.? I was not aware gamej06 was submitting MM2 GB and saying it could be a race (I was not consulted). This is no big deal as it would be a fun time and he and I are buds (I'm not complaining!). My time since has improved ahead of his to 20:51 -

Just curious the process as I know I will be working on the run more and curious how you would decide between two runners if a race were not chosen.

You're welcome to update your submissions with new PB videos, but it's not required. If your previous video didn't sell the game or yourself well enough, then feel free to update. We'll get a notification and, if we've already looked at the previous video, we'll take another look. That said, we'd prefer it if you didn't spam us with new videos every day. Smiley

To your second question: generally the fallback is always fastest PB(s), whether for a solo run or a race. However, if the runners have some sort of prior arrangement ("if you don't want a race, let X run it") then we may honor that, and if the runners' PBs are close enough, we may reach out to them to ask them to sort it out. PBs would be checked via leaderboards or other methods at the time the game list is finalized, not necessarily submission videos, so you would still not need to repeatedly update your submissions.

Thank you so much for the update. I made specific SGDQ videos so I will not update mine. That seems needless and more work for you guys. I just was unsure of the tie breaker, etc. As for people submitting races without asking the other person, at least for me that is something I can work out. I would have no issue racing Big Jon if that were what the committee thinks would be best/most entertaining. Anyways, I appreciate you putting my mind at ease as I will continue to update on the MM leaderboards Smiley

Oh for my glitchless deathwarp rygar run I saw that pixelkaye was interested in doing a race. I would definitely be up to that.  We could make it a donation thing, either way though it would double the chance one of us gets a little cave skip in the run.
Totally Radical Awesome Game
will there be special requirements/donation incentives threads?