In an effort to make the hosting a little better, we're going to try compiling a cheat sheet of basic information for each run. If you are a runner or someone who knows something about a game, please post about it in this thread. You are free to include or leave out as much as you like. Please do not post personal information (first list below) about a runner without their approval. The first list is runner info that they are free to provide, and if they do so understand that the hosts can and will plug it on stream. The second list is game and run info that anyone can provide.
- Runner's real name (Only if you're comfortable with this being widely known)
- Runner's age (Samesies)
- Runner's country/state of origin (Yup ^) (Also, don't get more specific, except repping your city I guess)
- How long runner has been speedrunning
- Other games the runner runs or streams
- (And note that we should already be collecting your Twitch channel and Twitter to put up, so we'll have that)
- Game history and interesting trivia
- History of the run itself (if more interesting than "I came, I saw, I routed")
- Other people who run this game now, or who have run it in the past
- Interesting glitches and skips
- Runner's real name (Only if you're comfortable with this being widely known)
- Runner's age (Samesies)
- Runner's country/state of origin (Yup ^) (Also, don't get more specific, except repping your city I guess)
- How long runner has been speedrunning
- Other games the runner runs or streams
- (And note that we should already be collecting your Twitch channel and Twitter to put up, so we'll have that)
- Game history and interesting trivia
- History of the run itself (if more interesting than "I came, I saw, I routed")
- Other people who run this game now, or who have run it in the past
- Interesting glitches and skips
Thread title: