Edit history:
The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:49:23 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:43:41 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:43:20 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:42:54 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:40:11 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-01 03:28:49 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-01 02:09:28 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 06:35:22 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 06:35:05 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 05:31:52 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 12:55:16 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 12:55:03 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 12:43:58 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 11:17:42 am
The Sid: 2014-03-31 11:06:09 am
The Sid: 2014-03-31 11:05:38 am
The Sid: 2014-03-25 02:00:39 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-25 02:00:30 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-25 09:10:30 am
The Sid: 2014-03-25 08:00:52 am
The Sid: 2014-03-25 07:59:47 am
The Sid: 2014-03-24 02:43:22 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-24 10:56:43 am
The Sid: 2014-03-24 10:21:19 am
The Sid: 2014-03-23 05:42:22 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 05:23:23 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 05:08:15 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 04:16:12 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 03:07:16 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 02:49:31 pm
raising the stakes on being bad!
So now we are going to move into "phase 2" and start looking manly for commentators and backups (mainly x4-6 and possibly 7&8) for the games in the relay in week two/three,now that I have it mostly filled out (the games/runners).
Keep in mind x4 is still open atm I can fill it when ever (as in i have a backup, but he would have to run 3 games, and I would like to avoid that), but I would like a new fresh runner to keep this going.
later this afternoon I will have an info banner for people to put out complements of @DzoHo
thank this man for the use of his excellent picture! and follow him while your at it his art is always this good.
I also have a pretty swag layout from nvmlulz https://twitter.com/nvmlulz/status/449703156910268416/photo/1
also the relay banner can be found here http://imgur.com/pVZw10m
Give me and him any feed back on it here or via twitter tbh I like it a lot and am willing to go with it if you think you can do better plz lmk or give us some ideas on how to improve it (please keep it as pointed as possible don't be vague)
To this point I have contacted The Finalsplit and TSSB, both The Tinalsplit and TSSB have said they would be happy to talk about it. http://www.twitch.tv/thefinalsplit http://www.twitch.tv/thesundaysequencebreak I will let you know more as I do.
If you have any other ideas please let me know now is the time for me to start working out kinks, before I get runners involved (in week 3/4)
hey guys my names is the sid and I heard there was gonna be an X1-6 relay but haven't heard any more about it since jokaahs fantastic MM classic relay since I'm gonna take the ball and run with it lets try and make it X1-8+Z1 the date is april 26th starting at noon EDT
at the moment the categories are as follows.
google doc http://bombch.us/c4y
X1 - Any%
X2 - Any%
X3 - 100%
X4 - Zero 100%
X4 - X 100% (could use a backup to make this viable)
X5 - All Stages (normal) (needs backup)
X6 - All Stages (easy) (needs backup)
X7 - Any% (NG+ PC) (needs backup)
X8 - Any% (normal) (needs backup)
MMZ1- All Stages (needs backup)
X2 Low% (Darko & Gameo are in if I get one more runner I can make this a finale bonus) ( most likely not part of the relay per-say)
MMZ2/3 is still on the table if i can get a third runner as well
runners are allowed 2 games you may include more depending on how things turn out we may allow 3 runs per or you might have to go with another option.
so for any one interested please let me know what game you would like to run and your PB.
I will be Re-streaming this on Twitch.tv/Zewings stream (no I'm not joking I have already asked and he said yes) for better visibility, and I will include all the runners info so i will "finalize" the runners a week prior to the race so by Easter you can enter in as a backup after that point.
If you are knowledgeable in MMX speed runs, but don't feel like you could run a game (or don't want to) let me know if you would like to participate as a commentator.
Keep in mind x4 is still open atm I can fill it when ever (as in i have a backup, but he would have to run 3 games, and I would like to avoid that), but I would like a new fresh runner to keep this going.
later this afternoon I will have an info banner for people to put out complements of @DzoHo
thank this man for the use of his excellent picture! and follow him while your at it his art is always this good.
I also have a pretty swag layout from nvmlulz https://twitter.com/nvmlulz/status/449703156910268416/photo/1
also the relay banner can be found here http://imgur.com/pVZw10m
Give me and him any feed back on it here or via twitter tbh I like it a lot and am willing to go with it if you think you can do better plz lmk or give us some ideas on how to improve it (please keep it as pointed as possible don't be vague)
To this point I have contacted The Finalsplit and TSSB, both The Tinalsplit and TSSB have said they would be happy to talk about it. http://www.twitch.tv/thefinalsplit http://www.twitch.tv/thesundaysequencebreak I will let you know more as I do.
If you have any other ideas please let me know now is the time for me to start working out kinks, before I get runners involved (in week 3/4)
hey guys my names is the sid and I heard there was gonna be an X1-6 relay but haven't heard any more about it since jokaahs fantastic MM classic relay since I'm gonna take the ball and run with it lets try and make it X1-8+Z1 the date is april 26th starting at noon EDT
at the moment the categories are as follows.
google doc http://bombch.us/c4y
X1 - Any%
X2 - Any%
X3 - 100%
X4 - Zero 100%
X4 - X 100% (could use a backup to make this viable)
X5 - All Stages (normal) (needs backup)
X6 - All Stages (easy) (needs backup)
X7 - Any% (NG+ PC) (needs backup)
X8 - Any% (normal) (needs backup)
MMZ1- All Stages (needs backup)
X2 Low% (Darko & Gameo are in if I get one more runner I can make this a finale bonus) ( most likely not part of the relay per-say)
MMZ2/3 is still on the table if i can get a third runner as well
runners are allowed 2 games you may include more depending on how things turn out we may allow 3 runs per or you might have to go with another option.
so for any one interested please let me know what game you would like to run and your PB.
I will be Re-streaming this on Twitch.tv/Zewings stream (no I'm not joking I have already asked and he said yes) for better visibility, and I will include all the runners info so i will "finalize" the runners a week prior to the race so by Easter you can enter in as a backup after that point.
If you are knowledgeable in MMX speed runs, but don't feel like you could run a game (or don't want to) let me know if you would like to participate as a commentator.
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