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The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:49:23 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:43:41 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:43:20 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:42:54 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-03 02:40:11 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-01 03:28:49 pm
The Sid: 2014-04-01 02:09:28 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 06:35:22 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 06:35:05 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 05:31:52 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 12:55:16 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 12:55:03 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 12:43:58 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-31 11:17:42 am
The Sid: 2014-03-31 11:06:09 am
The Sid: 2014-03-31 11:05:38 am
The Sid: 2014-03-25 02:00:39 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-25 02:00:30 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-25 09:10:30 am
The Sid: 2014-03-25 08:00:52 am
The Sid: 2014-03-25 07:59:47 am
The Sid: 2014-03-24 02:43:22 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-24 10:56:43 am
The Sid: 2014-03-24 10:21:19 am
The Sid: 2014-03-23 05:42:22 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 05:23:23 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 05:08:15 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 04:16:12 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 03:07:16 pm
The Sid: 2014-03-23 02:49:31 pm
raising the stakes on being bad!
So now we are going to move into "phase 2" and start looking manly for commentators and backups (mainly x4-6 and possibly 7&8) for the games in the relay in week two/three,now that I have it mostly filled out  (the games/runners).
Keep in mind x4 is still open atm I can fill it when ever (as in i have a backup, but he would have to run 3 games, and I would like to avoid that), but I would like a new fresh runner to keep this going.

later this afternoon I will have an info banner for people to put out complements of @DzoHo
thank this man for the use of his excellent picture! and follow him while your at it his art is always this good.

I also have a pretty swag layout from nvmlulz
also the relay banner can be found here
Give me and him any feed back on it here or via twitter tbh I like it a lot and am willing to go with it if you think you can do better plz lmk or give us some ideas on how to improve it (please keep it as pointed as possible don't be vague)

To this point I have contacted The Finalsplit and TSSB, both The Tinalsplit and TSSB have said they would be happy to talk about it. I will let you know more as I do.

If you have any other ideas please let me know now is the time for me to start working out kinks, before I get runners involved (in week 3/4)

hey guys my names is the sid and I heard there was gonna be an X1-6 relay but haven't heard any more about it since jokaahs fantastic MM classic relay since I'm gonna take the ball and run with it lets try and make it X1-8+Z1 the date is april 26th starting at noon EDT
at the moment the categories are as follows.
google doc
X1 - Any%
X2 - Any%
X3 - 100%
X4 - Zero 100%
X4 - X 100% (could use a backup to make this viable)
X5 - All Stages (normal) (needs backup)
X6 - All Stages (easy) (needs backup)
X7 - Any% (NG+ PC) (needs backup)
X8 - Any% (normal)  (needs backup)
MMZ1- All Stages (needs backup)

X2 Low% (Darko & Gameo are in if I get one more runner I can make this a finale bonus) ( most likely not part of the relay per-say)
MMZ2/3 is still on the table if i can get a third runner as well

runners are allowed 2 games you may include more depending on how things turn out we may allow 3 runs per or you might have to go with another option.
so for any one interested please let me know what game you would like to run and your PB.
I will be Re-streaming this on stream (no I'm not joking I have already asked and he said yes) for better visibility, and I will include all the runners info so i will "finalize" the runners a week prior to the race so by Easter you can enter in as a backup after that point.
If you are knowledgeable in MMX speed runs, but don't feel like you could run a game (or don't want to) let me know if you would like to participate as a commentator.

Thread title:  
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doicm: 2014-03-23 03:02:40 pm
If you want a reference for the last X1-X6 relay race and how that went, here's the results:

As far as the relay I tried hosting went, it went pretty badly. I tried planning it two weeks in advance, and I guess that wasn't enough time to get a firm commitment out of people. I had a lot of people drop out at the last second, and I had to recruit some people at the last second as well (so I stopped caring about balance). Some of the goals were a bit off. Also, my internet was (and still is) very poor. Some people did seem to have fun with it though, but I don't plan on ever organizing another relay again. I realize that I don't have the ability or presence to organize good relay races.

I wish you the best of luck, and I will try to support this however I can.
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cptabearica: 2014-03-23 03:01:39 pm
I'm down for running X7 -Any% (NG+) pb = 1:09:46

I would specify ps2 version of X7 as well
I'd be down to do X1 if its 100%
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Akiteru: 2014-03-23 04:06:29 pm
I'd do X1 again. PBs: any% 32:04, 100% 36:32.
Nobody really does X4 any% seriously, the most popular category is Zero 100%.

I'd be willing to do X4 and X5, but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to stream by end of april; I'm leaning towards unlikely Sad
raising the stakes on being bad!
yes i know any% is very unpopular this is why i just noted that its is faster and if i got enough good runners we could do it despite it being less marathon friendly
I'm down for x1 any%
Oh, should probably mention my any% pb right now is 33:07, but I'm currently working on improving that, not sure about an estimate for an average run.
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peter afro: 2014-03-23 06:19:41 pm
peter afro: 2014-03-23 06:00:09 pm
peter afro: 2014-03-23 06:00:08 pm
X1 100% is more popular then any%. Also my X1 100% PB is 53:09 and X2 any% PB is 56:31 (Will improve).
Quote from The Sid:
yes i know any% is very unpopular this is why i just noted that its is faster and if i got enough good runners we could do it despite it being less marathon friendly

Any% is barely any faster (literally, by like less than a minute), might as well just do 100%
raising the stakes on being bad!
Any% is barely any faster (literally, by like less than a minute), might as well just do 100%

same with x4 x any% but it still is faster but then again x is incredibly unpopular and unsafe
let me learn x3 any% .... my PBs : X1 Any% 35:10 & X4 Zero 100% 1:03:07 <- Dick Cheese PB. Can sub an hour ez
Hax I used all of my strengthz
need any commentators? I can commentate on X1 any%. You might want to get a hold of japanese players for some games otherwise it's likely going to be hard to fill spots. Look forward to watching this if it happens.
raising the stakes on being bad!
i am considering jp runners but im not sure how to go about it i am going to talk with joka about it today.
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Laseki: 2014-03-24 09:14:24 am
how do i megaman help pls sos
I'll do it if X3 ends up being changed to 100%, PB for it is 50:39.
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Flameberger: 2014-03-24 09:46:16 am
Just some guy
You already know this, but for the sake of being thorough: I can run MMZ1 All Missions, PB: 36:03.

Also, what's up with people spelling my name FlameBerger? Tongue
i'm up for some x3 100%
Hey guys,

I am new to the megaman community but if you need a mega man x2 runner for any% I'll be more than happy to run it.

My personal best atm is : 40:48

A megaman x marathon on my birthday? I have to be a part of this. I can do x8 Any% medium. No idea what my pb is as i always run easy but i'll practice it so it should be fine.
If anything i can do x8 Easy as well. I don't mind either way so let me know.
If you need another X1 runner, let me know. Times are 32:32 Any% 38:06 100%
raising the stakes on being bad!
hmm I seem to have made a huge mistake last night when getting foreign runners the time I supplied them I pre converted and in some cases i forgot to change the date (qttsix, nero, gameo)
So I am going to change the Date to the 26th for now so that international runners will still have there Sunday morning to play with and can be part of this great relay.
normally i would think just notify the individuals, but this way there is no excuse to not be involved.
sorry to those affected by the change but I think this is best if it affect a lot of people I can push it back one week if need or make some other changes as necessary but any other changes would need to require the majority of runners from hence forth.
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DarkBluesZX: 2014-03-25 08:45:50 am
Sounds like Maverick talk to me.
I have X8 normal any% down and im pretty sure that it will be fun.
My time is 1:20:12
raising the stakes on being bad!
oh musiccontrol and drakbluesZX some time when ever is good i wanted to talk with you about the x8 route qttsix has told me to use a completely different one from the ones you guys use so I want to discuss it with you to see what you guys think of it.

I think the closer that we can get this race the better

Also we will most likely stick with x8 normal any%