Edit history:
puwexil: 2015-08-05 10:06:26 am
puwexil: 2015-04-06 12:40:33 pm
puwexil: 2015-04-06 12:30:38 pm
puwexil: 2015-04-01 12:34:51 pm
puwexil: 2014-12-20 08:42:50 pm
puwexil: 2014-10-27 03:25:04 pm
puwexil: 2014-10-20 12:02:43 pm
puwexil: 2014-10-02 12:58:12 pm
puwexil: 2014-08-03 01:41:32 pm
puwexil: 2014-08-03 01:29:13 pm
puwexil: 2014-08-01 11:14:00 pm
puwexil: 2014-07-05 09:46:45 am
puwexil: 2014-05-26 10:40:20 pm
puwexil: 2014-05-09 10:09:56 am
puwexil: 2014-04-22 01:29:00 pm
puwexil: 2014-04-08 10:57:15 am
puwexil: 2013-12-17 08:23:16 am
puwexil: 2013-12-05 09:25:29 am
puwexil: 2013-11-12 10:01:16 am
puwexil: 2013-07-21 09:24:00 am
puwexil: 2013-06-09 05:13:05 am
mikwuyma: 2013-06-08 09:51:53 pm
puwexil: 2013-06-08 09:46:08 pm
puwexil: 2013-06-08 09:41:08 pm
puwexil: 2013-06-08 09:40:24 pm
puwexil: 2013-05-24 02:44:36 pm
puwexil: 2013-05-24 01:16:52 pm
puwexil: 2013-05-18 09:12:45 am
puwexil: 2013-05-17 09:16:43 am
puwexil: 2013-05-16 09:45:56 pm
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puwexil: 2013-05-11 09:43:25 pm
puwexil: 2013-05-11 07:51:08 pm
puwexil: 2013-05-11 05:11:04 pm
puwexil: 2013-05-11 05:02:40 pm
puwexil: 2013-05-11 04:59:55 pm
puwexil: 2013-04-27 07:58:38 am
puwexil: 2013-04-01 12:23:01 pm
puwexil: 2013-03-06 07:53:41 am
puwexil: 2013-03-03 11:32:14 pm
puwexil: 2013-02-18 09:32:52 pm
puwexil: 2013-02-16 08:03:11 am
puwexil: 2013-01-30 08:17:32 pm
puwexil: 2013-01-29 01:10:53 am
puwexil: 2013-01-27 01:42:20 pm
puwexil: 2013-01-22 10:49:10 am
puwexil: 2012-12-17 11:21:13 am
puwexil: 2012-11-06 07:26:13 am
puwexil: 2012-11-04 09:14:14 pm
puwexil: 2012-10-21 11:42:25 am
puwexil: 2012-10-21 11:42:05 am
puwexil: 2012-10-02 06:55:58 pm
puwexil: 2012-09-29 08:59:50 pm
puwexil: 2012-09-15 11:41:42 pm
puwexil: 2012-09-15 11:41:26 pm
puwexil: 2012-09-15 11:41:14 pm
puwexil: 2012-09-14 06:50:14 pm
puwexil: 2012-09-14 06:49:04 pm
puwexil: 2012-09-14 09:51:32 am
puwexil: 2012-07-26 06:43:40 am
puwexil: 2012-07-26 06:42:21 am
puwexil: 2012-07-25 09:20:57 pm
puwexil: 2012-05-13 08:27:38 pm
puwexil: 2012-05-13 01:23:13 pm
puwexil: 2012-04-21 08:33:04 am
puwexil: 2012-04-20 07:36:53 am
puwexil: 2012-03-20 05:30:56 am
puwexil: 2012-03-20 05:29:59 am
puwexil: 2012-02-23 07:55:16 am
puwexil: 2012-02-13 10:24:20 pm
puwexil: 2012-02-01 03:28:24 pm
puwexil: 2012-01-15 12:09:38 pm
puwexil: 2012-01-15 11:58:18 am
puwexil: 2012-01-13 09:46:39 pm
puwexil: 2011-12-24 05:57:07 pm
puwexil: 2011-12-17 08:21:29 am
puwexil: 2011-09-18 11:19:50 am
puwexil: 2011-09-17 08:02:57 am
puwexil: 2011-09-08 08:19:16 am
puwexil: 2011-08-17 02:00:32 pm
puwexil: 2011-08-01 03:18:46 pm
puwexil: 2011-08-01 09:13:37 am
puwexil: 2011-06-30 08:07:34 am
puwexil: 2011-06-20 05:44:15 pm
puwexil: 2011-06-15 09:56:20 pm
puwexil: 2011-06-15 07:27:29 pm
puwexil: 2011-06-05 09:18:29 pm
puwexil: 2011-05-29 11:56:20 am
puwexil: 2011-05-29 12:37:34 am
puwexil: 2011-05-28 11:10:12 pm
puwexil: 2011-05-28 10:34:38 pm
puwexil: 2011-05-28 06:37:47 pm
puwexil: 2011-05-28 05:31:05 pm
puwexil: 2011-05-26 07:41:21 am
puwexil: 2011-05-26 07:40:54 am
puwexil: 2011-05-25 11:22:50 pm
puwexil: 2011-05-25 11:22:41 pm
puwexil: 2011-05-25 11:22:39 pm
No pain, no gain
I'd like to get a Twitter ID listing for SDA forum members started here. This will be both to make it easier for SDA members that use Twitter to follow each other, and so that I can give @ mentions to runners that make the SDA Twitter feed (for getting a run published on the site, playing in a marathon, etc.) and hopefully boost their follower counts.
If you'd like to be included in the listing, just post your ID in this thread and I'll get it added.
SDA Twitter Roster
Official SDA Twitter - SDAspeedruns
AdamAK - AdamKuczynski
adde - addeSRL
AlecK47 - AlecK47goesfast
ApeL - apel_runner
AllTheHighwinds - AllTheHighwinds
andrewg - Winnerisyou
ashe_bug - ashe_chan
Augora - AugoraRiceBall
BaronOfBacon - BaronOfBacon
bjw - shoepercent
bluebomber285 - mike_megaman
Breakdown - BreakdownSDA
Brossentia - Brossentia
burningsoup - burningsoup
Caracarn - CaracarnVi
Carcinogen - CarcinogenSDA
chessjerk - chessjerk
ChristosOwen - ChristosOwen
Chrno - ew_64
ChurchnSarge - AH_ChurchnSarge
cojosao - cojosao
CVagts - CVagts
darbian - darbianSRL
Deuceler - Deuceler
DJS - djs__
djtifaheart - djtifaheart
Dragondarch - Dragondarch
duckfist - regularduck
dunnius - dunnius
e_alert - everalert
Edobean - _Edobean
Emptyeye - EmptyeyeDotCom
Essentia - EssentiaFour
Everhate - DraknarEverhate
Exo - ExoSDA
feasel - feasel0
Felly - _Felly__
FinalDragoon - FinalDragoon
Flip - Flip714
Gamingnerd - GN_Version2
Golden - mngolden
Greenalink - greenalink
Grogman - Michael_Peisley
Gyoo - Gyozell
HiipFire - HiipFire
hummeldon - hummeldon
Hurblat - Hurblat
iast - iastSA
Iceplug - Iocesploc
ibldedibble - ibldedibble
ING-X - ingx24
Itsu de Mo - ItsuDeNinjaMo
Jokaah - thisIsJoka
Josh the Funkdoc - SRKFunkdoc
kariohki - kariohki
kazrya - kazrya
Knox - knoxisbest
Kotti - thekotti
kirbymastah - kirbymastah
Kiyura - Kiyura
Klaige - Klaige
LackAttack24 - LackAttack24
Lag.Com - lagdotcom
Laplacier - Laplacier
Lemon - lemon_sda
LeonPowPow - LeonPowSRL
Letsremax - Letsremax
MarkSoupial - MarkSoupial
Marlie Tang - krysrltal
MaturedSinner - MaturedSinner
Mecha Richter - mecharichter
megakidicarus - megakidicarus
mike89 - SegaJunkie
mikwuyma - mikwuyma
Mrs.Emptyeye - Mrs_Emptyeye
MrSparkle - MrSparkle404
Nightdawn - Nightdatsu
Neohart - neohart
Neviutz - Neviutz
Obdajr - Obdajr
Omnigamer - TheOmnigamer
Onin - FollowOnin
Opario - opariomcgee
OtakuSRL - OtakuSRL
0xwas - yun0x
ozzy88 - ozzy__88
Paraxade - Paraxade0
philosoraptor42 - philosorapt0r42
PixelKaye - pixelkaye
PJ - TheSuperSNES
Potato Handle - BoggyB
presjpolk - presjpolksda
puwexil - puwexil
Raen - xRaen
Rakuen - rakuen42
RaneofSOTN - RaneofSoTN
RedArremer - RedArremerSDA
RoboSparkle - RoboSparkle
Rody B. ToMMon - BroadyToylor
rggibson - rggibson_
rinimt - rinimt
romscout - romscoutSDA
Ryxos - ryxos_
saintmillion - saint_million
Santana - SantanaSR_
Satoryu - cwSatoryu
ShadowDraft - ShadowDraft
sinister1 - sinister1sda
Sir VG - SirVG
sk84uhlivin - sk84uhlivin
Slyse - SSlyse
Softman25 - Softman_25
Sunblade - XxSunbladexX
The_Scrivener - Tolaria_DWest
theseawolf1 - theseawolf1
Tiberius - james__tiberius
tjp7154 - tjp7154
TrUShade - TrUShadeSDA
UchihaSasuke - JK_UchihaSDA
UraniumAnchor - UraniumAnchor
WanderingMind - DarkHeroMind
xfullmetal17 - xfullmetal17
Yagamoth - DonYagamoth
ZachSK - zskessler
ZakkyDraggy - ZakkyTheHybrid
zastbat - zastbat
Zelkys - Zelkys
ZenicReverie - ZenicReverie
Zeupar - Zeupar
Zewing - ZewingSDA
Zyre - WingedZyre
If you'd like to be included in the listing, just post your ID in this thread and I'll get it added.
SDA Twitter Roster
Official SDA Twitter - SDAspeedruns
AdamAK - AdamKuczynski
adde - addeSRL
AlecK47 - AlecK47goesfast
ApeL - apel_runner
AllTheHighwinds - AllTheHighwinds
andrewg - Winnerisyou
ashe_bug - ashe_chan
Augora - AugoraRiceBall
BaronOfBacon - BaronOfBacon
bjw - shoepercent
bluebomber285 - mike_megaman
Breakdown - BreakdownSDA
Brossentia - Brossentia
burningsoup - burningsoup
Caracarn - CaracarnVi
Carcinogen - CarcinogenSDA
chessjerk - chessjerk
ChristosOwen - ChristosOwen
Chrno - ew_64
ChurchnSarge - AH_ChurchnSarge
cojosao - cojosao
CVagts - CVagts
darbian - darbianSRL
Deuceler - Deuceler
DJS - djs__
djtifaheart - djtifaheart
Dragondarch - Dragondarch
duckfist - regularduck
dunnius - dunnius
e_alert - everalert
Edobean - _Edobean
Emptyeye - EmptyeyeDotCom
Essentia - EssentiaFour
Everhate - DraknarEverhate
Exo - ExoSDA
feasel - feasel0
Felly - _Felly__
FinalDragoon - FinalDragoon
Flip - Flip714
Gamingnerd - GN_Version2
Golden - mngolden
Greenalink - greenalink
Grogman - Michael_Peisley
Gyoo - Gyozell
HiipFire - HiipFire
hummeldon - hummeldon
Hurblat - Hurblat
iast - iastSA
Iceplug - Iocesploc
ibldedibble - ibldedibble
ING-X - ingx24
Itsu de Mo - ItsuDeNinjaMo
Jokaah - thisIsJoka
Josh the Funkdoc - SRKFunkdoc
kariohki - kariohki
kazrya - kazrya
Knox - knoxisbest
Kotti - thekotti
kirbymastah - kirbymastah
Kiyura - Kiyura
Klaige - Klaige
LackAttack24 - LackAttack24
Lag.Com - lagdotcom
Laplacier - Laplacier
Lemon - lemon_sda
LeonPowPow - LeonPowSRL
Letsremax - Letsremax
MarkSoupial - MarkSoupial
Marlie Tang - krysrltal
MaturedSinner - MaturedSinner
Mecha Richter - mecharichter
megakidicarus - megakidicarus
mike89 - SegaJunkie
mikwuyma - mikwuyma
Mrs.Emptyeye - Mrs_Emptyeye
MrSparkle - MrSparkle404
Nightdawn - Nightdatsu
Neohart - neohart
Neviutz - Neviutz
Obdajr - Obdajr
Omnigamer - TheOmnigamer
Onin - FollowOnin
Opario - opariomcgee
OtakuSRL - OtakuSRL
0xwas - yun0x
ozzy88 - ozzy__88
Paraxade - Paraxade0
philosoraptor42 - philosorapt0r42
PixelKaye - pixelkaye
PJ - TheSuperSNES
Potato Handle - BoggyB
presjpolk - presjpolksda
puwexil - puwexil
Raen - xRaen
Rakuen - rakuen42
RaneofSOTN - RaneofSoTN
RedArremer - RedArremerSDA
RoboSparkle - RoboSparkle
Rody B. ToMMon - BroadyToylor
rggibson - rggibson_
rinimt - rinimt
romscout - romscoutSDA
Ryxos - ryxos_
saintmillion - saint_million
Santana - SantanaSR_
Satoryu - cwSatoryu
ShadowDraft - ShadowDraft
sinister1 - sinister1sda
Sir VG - SirVG
sk84uhlivin - sk84uhlivin
Slyse - SSlyse
Softman25 - Softman_25
Sunblade - XxSunbladexX
The_Scrivener - Tolaria_DWest
theseawolf1 - theseawolf1
Tiberius - james__tiberius
tjp7154 - tjp7154
TrUShade - TrUShadeSDA
UchihaSasuke - JK_UchihaSDA
UraniumAnchor - UraniumAnchor
WanderingMind - DarkHeroMind
xfullmetal17 - xfullmetal17
Yagamoth - DonYagamoth
ZachSK - zskessler
ZakkyDraggy - ZakkyTheHybrid
zastbat - zastbat
Zelkys - Zelkys
ZenicReverie - ZenicReverie
Zeupar - Zeupar
Zewing - ZewingSDA
Zyre - WingedZyre
Thread title: