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Breakdown: 2009-05-06 02:27:48 am
Haters gonna hate
Figure I'll try my hand at running one of these things.

Welcome one and all to the SSS tournament.  Now I know a lot of you are thinking right now "SSS?  What's that?"  Well I'll tell you:

The SSS tournament will feature 3 different objectives across six playing weeks.  These are:


Each week will feature a different game and will focus on one particular goal.  The goals are pretty self explanatory I think, but I'll offer some additional clarification for each playing week.

There will be no voting weeks, the games are already picked out, you're at my mercy here (it'll be fun, I promise Smiley ).

Odds are you won't own most, if any, of the games I'm going to pick, so emulation is likely your best option.  I'm not going to hand out links to roms or emulators, but I willing to bet most participants won't need the help, and to those who do, google is your friend.

So basically how this works is more or less the same as all weekly tournaments that have been held here in the past.  The playing weeks will begin and end Sunday night at midnight (EST).  During the playing week you, well, play the game trying to to either complete it as fast as you can, score as high as you can, or survive as long as you can depending on the set criteria.  You are welcome (and encouraged) to post your progress as you go.  At the end of the week submissions are closed, I tally points for the week, and we move on to the next.  At the end of the six weeks I add up the scores for each player over the six weeks and crown a champion who gets the best prize there is:  the satisfaction of winning.

Yeah, there's no real prize, but this tournament is all about having fun, playing some games you might not have been exposed to otherwise, and a little friendly competition. 

So hopefully at least a few of you are wondering how you can get in on this.  The answer is simple, just submit a score/time/whatever when the first game get announced.  There will be no official sign ups of any kind, anybody can play and can join at any time.  Don't have time the first two weeks?  Fine!  Just joined the site week 5?  Feel free to play the last two!  And if you're taking the time to play the games, please don't not submit your score for whatever reason.  There's no reason to feel embarassed if you think your submission is low/slow/whatever.  No one will chastise you for it (and if anybody does they have some issues of there own).  Like I said before, the main goal here for everybody should be to have fun.  Sure there's a competitive element, but I'd like to view that as a secondary element to this thing.

Now that said, for those who do plan to take a competitive approach to this be aware that I do plan to reward those who play in more weeks by adopting a scoring plan Enhasa proposed during Aquatiger's tourney.  This tournament will use a scaled scoring system so that weeks with fewer participants don't count less towards the overall standing.  The plan is as follows in this example:

-Week 1 there are 8 players, 1st place gets 8 points, 2nd gets 7, and so on down the line til 8th gets 1.

-Week 2 there are 10 players, 8 of which played in week 1.  For this week 1st is worth 10 points, 9 for 2nd and so on as before.  However, week 1 will now be rescaled to 10 points since there are now 10 total participants, so everyone who played in the first week gets 2 more points.

-Week 3 there are 6 players, 5 of which played in at least one of the previous weeks and one newcomer.  With the addition of a new player, this week will award 11 points for 1st place and down to 5 for 6th.  The previous weeks will then be rescaled for 11 total points.

Hopefully that makes sense.

So I think that about sums everything up.  I plan to start the first week this coming Sunday, May 10th.  In the meantime, if you have any questions, thoughts, comments, or ideas feel free to post about them here. 
Thread title:  
Waiting hurts my soul...
Sounds good, I'm in, can you announce the games early so we can plan to get them?
It's-a me, Stalin!
Is it DVD recorder only?
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from JackT:
Is it DVD recorder only?

Friendly competition, not going on the site or anything, but if you'd like to make a video feel free to. Smiley
I'll definitely try to make time next week to get involved in this, the last one looked like a lot of fun Smiley
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Take a glance at this thread and you can pretty much figure out how it works in general.
destroy them with lazers
I'm in i've got more free time for this one that last tournament.
Hopefully I'll get in some on this one, since for whatever reason I never was able to do anything with the Mark II Tourney.
Never give up!
There is definitely a good chance I'll participate, if my work schedule allows for it.

I'm curious now - are any of the games you've lined up leftovers from either Enhasa's (speedrunning) tourney or mine?
Haters gonna hate
There is one game that has been poached from a previous tourney, and one of the weeks I haven't finalized in my mind yet, but two of the maybes for that week might come from past tourneys.

And while this was already answered, I will back it up that there is no need to confirm your score/time/whatever.  You may post screenshots or replays if you want to, but we'll largely be operating on the honor system.

And no, I will not be announcing the games or what S will be each week in advance.  The fourth and fifth Ss are suspense and surprise!
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from Breakdown:
There is one game that has been poached from a previous tourney, and one of the weeks I haven't finalized in my mind yet, but two of the maybes for that week might come from past tourneys.

And while this was already answered, I will back it up that there is no need to confirm your score/time/whatever.  You may post screenshots or replays if you want to, but we'll largely be operating on the honor system.

And no, I will not be announcing the games or what S will be each week in advance.  The fourth and fifth Ss are suspense and surprise!

What's the sixth S?
Haters gonna hate
That's a Secret. Wink
Silver Hawk!
Run a hentai game and the 7th S could know the rest.
destroy them with lazers
It could be Simpsons and we can play the arcade beat em up port.
Waiting hurts my soul...
I declare this tournament open!!!  Save the next post for Breakdown, that way he can start a new page.  Was this supposed to start at midnight tonight, or this morning?  Also, what timezone are you going by?  Grin