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Christ, SDA is "srs business."

Wasn't this thread about an IRC channel? (Incidentally, too many tabs in Chatzilla already open; not gonna bother.)
Edit history:
AKA: 2008-09-22 08:41:13 am
He's back!
To be fair, Lag was a much better mod compared to StrangenessDSS. While locking topics was well intentioned, I do think some of them could have run there course a little longer before finally closing them. In terms of representing SDA, I think he's been very harmful to the site for reasons Enhasa has just mentiioned. I remember trying to ask friendly questions about Quake speedrunning on IRC, only to receive elitist and unhelpful answers. If I wasn't apart of SDA then it certainly would have put me off joining beforehand.

Was it justified to remove him?


Was it right to remove him?

Thats a much more arbitary question, that would likely to require using a phone a friend or ask the audience life line. I'm somewhere in the middle leaning more towards No.
Hi! I'm andrewg!
argh.. can't get onto #sda, too many mibbit users connected or something... so lame.
Andrewg, save yourself the trouble and get a proper browser like Firefox (needs the ChatZilla add-on) or Opera that can handle IRC without sites like mibbit.
Quote from 65:
Andrewg, save yourself the trouble and get a proper browser like Firefox (needs the ChatZilla add-on) or Opera that can handle IRC without sites like mibbit. IRC client.
Why have three programs when you can have just one? 'Sides, they are a pain in the ass to set up when compared to browser clients.
Because they only need a fraction of the system resources browser clients require.
That shouldn't be a problem, unless you're running it on a Pentium I or something or trying to encode something with resource-demanding settings when you chat. I even dare to say that in today's day & age it doesn't make a lot of difference which one you want to run.
Quote from 65:
That shouldn't be a problem, unless you're running it on a Pentium I or something or trying to encode something with resource-demanding settings when you chat. I even dare to say that in today's day & age it doesn't make a lot of difference which one you want to run.
I just use Trillian for it, plain and simple.

(Doesn't make me very popular though...)
Illuminated, are you using Trillian 3 or what? I can't figure out how to use that as an IRC client. =[
It says "Trillianbasic3" up in the corner. The thing about the irc button is that its hard to see because its the same color as the background.
Edit history:
Kibbo: 2008-09-26 03:05:15 pm
Quote from 65:
trying to encode something with resource-demanding settings when you chat
This plus running Doom 3/Crysis/whatever at the same time. At that point you really don't want a client eating 70+ MB of memory Wink

Edit: ...not to mention being able to cause Fraps to choke, a total killer for us PC runners.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I use Trillian 2 which is kinda ghetto but it's alright, it does what I need and uses very little memory and it's the last version which isn't crappy bloatware.

I make it sound like I have a reason, but actually I was just too lazy to get another IRC client, and I use 2 because I'm too lazy to update. Actually when 3 came out they were all "sorry, we nerfed the IRC support in this version" so fuck that.
Quote from Kibumbi:
Quote from 65:
trying to encode something with resource-demanding settings when you chat
This plus running Doom 3/Crysis/whatever at the same time. At that point you really don't want a client eating 70+ MB of memory Wink

Edit: ...not to mention being able to cause Fraps to choke, a total killer for us PC runners.

Yes, I thought of that but omitted it to make it shorter. That and I don't really see the advantage of having a chat program on at all when you're recording; it's not like you're going to drop a comment whilst speed running. Of course, that might just be me.

Fraps chokes on every single excuse known to man. How you guys get your runs done while you're recording with Fraps (and on good settings, too) still baffles me despite the fact that I've been here for over two years.
I wanted to roll back to Trillian 2 for that reason. I couldn't find it anywhere though. Lost it over years and years of formats.
Fraps chokes on every single excuse known to man. How you guys get your runs done while you're recording with Fraps (and on good settings, too) still baffles me despite the fact that I've been here for over two years.
This is one of the reasons you often see PC runners go on and on about how they had to replay every segment 5000+ times. Fraps is messing up a lot of attempts, and the number increases if you have "demanding" software running in the background. All of a sudden firefox can decide to mess around with something in the cache and ruin a video due to the gigantic chop in the system it just caused.

And I do actually often bring up my IRC client and yell on #sda whenever I was 5 pixels from a perfect attempt.
There needs to be a better screen capture program. TBH, the guys on the tech board should write one. =p
That would be awesome, SDA's own screen capture software Grin
Dex was busy with something, I'm not sure how that turned out...
definitely something i've thought of before. however i have almost none of the required experience to make it happen.
Another reason for using a seperate IRC Client is that Browsers are prone to hanging from time to time. And unlike Chrome, which executes scripts and tabs as seperate threads, Firefox can be taken down by a single bad javascript or flash when things go wrong, where a simple restart of the whole firefox process is the best way out. Running IRC from your browser will thus result in useless reconnects which are annoying to other chat users as well as yourself. Not to mention that I can chat AND browse in Full Screen on my Dual Monitor Setup Tongue
Invisible avatar
Quote from TheVoid:
That would be awesome, SDA's own screen capture software Grin
Dex was busy with something, I'm not sure how that turned out...

I found an open source recorder that didn't record sound. I wanted to add sound recording to it, but the software had a buncha bugs/stupid things, so I decided it'd be stupid to evolve that one. And I have no real experience that would let me start something that complex from scratch. Smiley
Now dex is a mod?