my time should be fine barring some family xmas obligations popping up. i'll update u asap if so. edit: i'll be away for a while on the weekend but should be back 2~3 hours before my run
whats the hangout for streaming info / logistics etc. ?
Are Skype/Discord just for setup? Or are they required to have up during our run?
I ask because my computer doesn't really handle being in a voice call and streaming at the same time very well. I can make it work, but for my game stream to be good quality, it's best if I don't have a call up.
Are Skype/Discord just for setup? Or are they required to have up during our run?
I ask because my computer doesn't really handle being in a voice call and streaming at the same time very well. I can make it work, but for my game stream to be good quality, it's best if I don't have a call up.
Only need it for setup, unless you have someone commentating on your run
So I saw I made the schedule for this marathon, but never received any word in a PM or Email I was running it! I was busy with stuff and completely forgot, my bad!
Sucks I missed it, but Pink Pajamas did a good job