For now, Lufia II will be a 4-Way Race between the "4 best runners" that submitted, considered after the leaderboards. So get your Spot by getting a nice PB and submit it to the there!
PS: Pandolum dont take Part in the Race, he didnt Submitted.
The Leaderboard: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Agc4P1ngSJIKdFBDN0ZONmQ2X3VlbnVYTVB3YjdxZHc&gid=0
For now, Lufia II will be a 4-Way Race between the "4 best runners" that submitted, considered after the leaderboards. So get your Spot by getting a nice PB and submit it to the there!
PS: Pandolum dont take Part in the Race, he didnt Submitted.
The Leaderboard: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Agc4P1ngSJIKdFBDN0ZONmQ2X3VlbnVYTVB3YjdxZHc&gid=0