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Edit history:
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-08 07:23:13 am
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-08 05:50:58 am
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-08 03:39:55 am
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-08 03:32:20 am
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-07 04:37:58 pm
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-07 01:39:15 pm
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-07 08:32:21 am
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-05 04:28:25 am
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-03 08:21:49 am
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-02 10:21:06 am
I must simply laugh.
SCRUBATHON - Online Marathon from March 7th - March 9th

What is a "Scrubathon"?

Well we had a hard time coming up with a name for this, so we pinned it down to this because we did not came up with anything better(yes this is really the reason).

Why are you doing this Marathon?

Originally some friends planned to do a small Online Marathon to help out our friend Sakegeist to cover the costs of Crystals for Life and donate to the Marathon itself. Due to several personal reasons I don't want to stretch out here, this is gonna be an online marathon purely for funzies, having a good time and bring entertainment.

When is it going to be held?

We will start on Friday March 7th at 16:00 CEST(10:00 EST) and hopefully finish on Sunday 19:00 CEST(13:00 EST).

Can I sign up for this marathon?

Unfortunatley no, we planned this out to help out a friend and as much as I would like anybody to participate in this, this would be too much of a pain to reorganize and making it work for everybody. However if you would like to commentate on a game that is featured in this marathon just PM me or write it in this thread, i can still make that happen (most likely).

So you are not collecting donations?

Well yes and no. We were planning on having incentives for the games we feature in this marathon, however it seems pointless if we don't have a cause. If people still want to donate, they can do so, every donation we receive we will donate to Crystals for Life at some point during the C4L Marathon. (Be aware though that the runners of this Marathon can choose to what they want to donate it to thumbsup )

What is gonna be in this Marathon?

Run List

Bibi und Tina - any% Race
Chrono Trigger - any%
Dino Crisis 2 - any%
Dragonball Advance Adventure - any% (
Final Fantasy IV - any% (
Final Fantasy V - any% (
Final Fantasy VI - any% glitchless (
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - any%
Illusion of Gaia - 100%
Ittle Dew - any%
I Wanna be the Boshy - any%
Kirby's Dream Land 1 - any% (
Knights of the Round - any% Percival
Lufia 2 - Rise of the Sinistrals - any%
Lufia 2 - Rise of the Sinistrals - Ancient Cave any%
Maui Mallard - any% (
Muri - any%
Secret of Evermore - any% (
Soul Blazer - any% (
Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island - any% (
Teleportower+ - any% (
Terranigma - any% Race
Tetris Attack - any% Stage Clear
Valdis Story - any% Wyatt

Runner List


Schedule (Finalized)

Is there still something left to say?

I still need help creating a good banner and streamlayout for this, if anybody has some freetime and can come up with something it would be muchmuchmuch appreciated. Other than that I hope we can bring you some good entertainment and such and hope we will have a great time.

If you have any suggestions just use this thread for it, I appreciate criticism/suggestions very much in any form whatsoever since it is the first time organizing something like this for me.

EDIT: We decided to hold the marathon at, be sure to follow that channel!
Thread title:  
This will be awesome! Only 2 days left and I'm pretty hyped already.

Btw, I changed my Shadowrun-run on Sunday into (in my opinion much more viewer-friendly) I wanne be the Boshy. Although I am far from perfect in that game, it will surely still be way more fun to watch than Shadowrun (and that's what this Marathon should be all about Wink )

Hopefully we will see a couple of people around there!
If you need anyone to help commentate for FF6 I'll be around.
Stream is live now. Be sure to tune in! Smiley
Edit history:
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-07 01:38:26 pm
eLmaGus-: 2014-03-07 08:22:55 am
I must simply laugh.
sure LCC just let yourself be dragged into the group we would love to have you :3

I will add links to the Highlights of every run so you can rewatch it if you want to!

EDIT: Also decided to add the highlight links to the Run List in the first post, so if you want to rewatch check that!
I must simply laugh.
Thanks to all people participating and wanting to help out, in my eyes this was a great success and we all had a lot of fun!

Im looking forward to being part of a thing like this again!
Was a lot of fun and worth the sleep deprivation.

Runs I'd recommend for those that didn't manage to catch them: Soul Blazer (Jenja did a great job. beat my pb in a marathon =D) , FF4 (so many piggies), Chrono Trigger (really solid), and Terranigma (excellent race with a really close finish and a few different strats by the racers). Of course, there were quite a few good runs in there, just those are the ones that come to mind.
Literally speaking... literally...
God that was good! What a great weekend, you guys really took it off.

pls do it again soon!