Also as a side note - here's just a brief overview of how we intend to release information.
As soon as sign ups close (23rd December) we will release a full, uncut list of games that were submitted, who submitted them etc etc By the end of AGDQ 2014 (~15th January) we will then release a full, cut list of games that will be in the marathon. This will be a final list. Then, within about a week and a half (praying all goes well!) we will release the full, draft schedule. This gives everyone a good 2 and a half weeks to review the schedule and swap places with people etc etc.
That should answer your question I think
Further more, another big thanks goes out, the sign ups are still coming in...slower - but they're coming in!
Just remember, sign ups go for another two weeks, so tell your friends and harass your neighbours - let's make this a nice big fat marathon!
Hey there, if anyone knows who to contact to gain control of the OP here, I'd appreciate it.
There's some stuff that needs doing, and the current OP is going to be taking a less active role in organisation from here on in, at least at the current time. (IRL stuff, exams and so on)
Well to everyone that has signed up for this marathon to help children someone by the name of softman25 has deleted all the information we have on the sign up so I do not have anything from anyone sorry but this marathon may not happen anymore. I am really mad and upset about this because I do not see if they had a problem with me why did they have to take there anger out on the marathon. This does not seem right and nice to do if this wasn't about me but about children with a major problem and some on the verge of death.