Game Name: Dragon View
System: SNES
Category: Any% or 100%
Gameplay estimate: 2:40:00 (any%) or 4:10:00 (100%)
Ending estimate: 0:25:00. This game has heroically long credits. There are FIVE unique credit sequences. We certainly do not have to watch them.
Dragon View is a super unique and rather rare action RPG for the SNES, made "famous" for a wild glitch encountered in a save-less run that is guaranteed to crash the game if it doesn't accidentally call the credits. Both of these categories will be saving and resetting at least once to ensure that this glitch does not happen.
+Dragon View has a very unique aesthetic and narration style.
+The map has a compass.
+Both categories have really good pacing, with the exception of 100%'s Very Long Grind™.
+There is a LOT to talk about in both categories. This game has a very rich plot (which I need to review), interesting combat mechanics, and a substantial amount of route considerations to discuss.
+This game is never showcased anywhere by anybody. I have been the only runner for ~5 years.
+100% category is extremely stable. Will not cause wild fluctuations in the schedule.
+Is not Drakkhen.
-Any% is an incredibly difficult run with a few extremely high risk sections. Deaths are quite time-consuming (5-10 minutes, usually).
-100% contains one extraordinarily long and unavoidable grinding session (20 minutes). I try to break it up by collecting some upgrades and visiting side dungeons within the grind, but it will still be rough if there aren't a lot of donations to read.
-Dragon View is definitely not well-known.
-Aside from naming the protagonist, there are no worthwhile donation incentives.
-Is Drakkhen II.
Donation Incentive Offers:
-Protagonist name (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, star, and ·!?/-"'&*.,;: are possible characters)
-Scaling incentives to skip having to watch each of the 5 ending sequences (the ending is REALLY long!)
Sample run video: This is a sample any% run in 2:29:39. The game was very fortunate to bless me with the worst RNG I have ever seen from this game. As my survivability is strictly tied to the health/MP drops I get, and drops are entirely random, it is very beneficial to test the worst case scenario! I was short on resources nearly the entire run and still managed to finish. This run also has one 5-minute death, which is very possible in this category. Estimate basically accounts for equivalent luck and one additional death.
I do not have a video for the 100% run at this time. If I don't die in the first 15 minutes of the run, it is nearly impossible for me to die unless I have a monumental lapse in judgment. That category is significantly safer and much preferred, but there was simply not enough time post-GDQ for me to adequately prepare both.
*While it has been suggested that I find a way to incorporate a Grand Memory Clobber demonstration into this run, that is not possible without a significant waste of time. The Grand Memory Clobber has a habit of erasing save data; I can't simply show it off after the save and before the load because there might not be a file to load. It is also extremely risky to promise as a bonus incentive because I have to play the entire hour-long stretch between the first boss and the Ortah cutscene without dying, and the most significant risks are in this stretch. A single death makes it impossible to call the Grand Memory Clobber. There is no possible backup or safety strat without resorting to emulator.*
System: SNES
Category: Any% or 100%
Gameplay estimate: 2:40:00 (any%) or 4:10:00 (100%)
Ending estimate: 0:25:00. This game has heroically long credits. There are FIVE unique credit sequences. We certainly do not have to watch them.
Dragon View is a super unique and rather rare action RPG for the SNES, made "famous" for a wild glitch encountered in a save-less run that is guaranteed to crash the game if it doesn't accidentally call the credits. Both of these categories will be saving and resetting at least once to ensure that this glitch does not happen.
+Dragon View has a very unique aesthetic and narration style.
+The map has a compass.
+Both categories have really good pacing, with the exception of 100%'s Very Long Grind™.
+There is a LOT to talk about in both categories. This game has a very rich plot (which I need to review), interesting combat mechanics, and a substantial amount of route considerations to discuss.
+This game is never showcased anywhere by anybody. I have been the only runner for ~5 years.
+100% category is extremely stable. Will not cause wild fluctuations in the schedule.
+Is not Drakkhen.
-Any% is an incredibly difficult run with a few extremely high risk sections. Deaths are quite time-consuming (5-10 minutes, usually).
-100% contains one extraordinarily long and unavoidable grinding session (20 minutes). I try to break it up by collecting some upgrades and visiting side dungeons within the grind, but it will still be rough if there aren't a lot of donations to read.
-Dragon View is definitely not well-known.
-Aside from naming the protagonist, there are no worthwhile donation incentives.
-Is Drakkhen II.
Donation Incentive Offers:
-Protagonist name (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, star, and ·!?/-"'&*.,;: are possible characters)
-Scaling incentives to skip having to watch each of the 5 ending sequences (the ending is REALLY long!)
Sample run video: This is a sample any% run in 2:29:39. The game was very fortunate to bless me with the worst RNG I have ever seen from this game. As my survivability is strictly tied to the health/MP drops I get, and drops are entirely random, it is very beneficial to test the worst case scenario! I was short on resources nearly the entire run and still managed to finish. This run also has one 5-minute death, which is very possible in this category. Estimate basically accounts for equivalent luck and one additional death.
I do not have a video for the 100% run at this time. If I don't die in the first 15 minutes of the run, it is nearly impossible for me to die unless I have a monumental lapse in judgment. That category is significantly safer and much preferred, but there was simply not enough time post-GDQ for me to adequately prepare both.
*While it has been suggested that I find a way to incorporate a Grand Memory Clobber demonstration into this run, that is not possible without a significant waste of time. The Grand Memory Clobber has a habit of erasing save data; I can't simply show it off after the save and before the load because there might not be a file to load. It is also extremely risky to promise as a bonus incentive because I have to play the entire hour-long stretch between the first boss and the Ortah cutscene without dying, and the most significant risks are in this stretch. A single death makes it impossible to call the Grand Memory Clobber. There is no possible backup or safety strat without resorting to emulator.*