Team Shining Force! Though if I may, only 1 of those 4 you selected are actually in the run so if you're going for accuracy purposes, you may want to add Tao, Balbaroy, and Pelle to be alongside Anri =)
The characters were chosen based on what their primary function is. For the Grimrock party, the two in the front row fight unarmed, the rear left is an archer, and rear right is a spellcaster. Technically, Alef would have been more accurate since she's a Bolt specialist, and the mage in Grimrock specializes in the same. But I figured Anri would be more recognizable to people who've played it casually, and she does technically get a couple of the Bolt spells. 
Also, I could have sworn Zylo was part of the speedrun route...
Also, I could have sworn Zylo was part of the speedrun route...