How could I possibly forget about NWN!? Bad me, bad! As for the Temple of Elemental Evil - the RPG module for 3.0 is called "The Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil"; the PC Game is called "The Temple of Elemental Evil - A Greyhawk Adventure". But the PC game is based on the module - they just simplified the title for some reason or another. Most likely because it's rather stupid to make a "Return" game without having the prequel... I'm looking forward to the run, Mimir!
I could understand not knowing the abbreviations for the individual games, but I find it hard to imagine someone on a gaming site doesn't know RPG. Not knowing D&D I would find just as incredible, but kids these days I guess...
Honestly, the only abbreviation that gave me pause was actually the "Req" in the title. My first thought was "required" or "requirements."
Congratulations. Downloading as we speak! One down, one, two, seventeen, nominator, third quadrant... (feh, where's a metaphysicist when you need one) many more to go!