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Traivlin: 2015-05-14 05:43:33 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-25 01:13:02 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:30:56 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:30:35 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:30:17 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:30:11 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:29:55 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:27:56 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:27:20 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:27:04 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:26:27 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:26:20 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:22:59 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:20:10 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:19:04 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:18:59 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-24 10:18:56 pm
Checkpoint skips:

All of these are marked with the spinning sensen logo in the bottom right corner, signalizing you that you got a checkpoint (with the exception of the skinner one in episode 1).

Here's a chronological summarization:

In episode 0, after you've completed the Zorn chase, you'll drop down to the sanitation pit and get a checkpoint. A cutscene will play of Nilin dropping down into the sanitation pit and getting a call from Edge right after, both of which you can skip if you load the checkpoint.
This saves about 16 seconds minus whatever time it takes you to load a checkpoint, so for me it would save 13 seconds.

In episode 1, at the beginning of the second phase of the first skinner fight, where he is joined by normal leapers and gets invincible for the first time ever, you can reload the checkpoint to skip standing still until the "skinner turns invincible"-animation is over and a textbox appearing which explains that the skinner is invincible as long as all the leapers are still alive. This is the only checkpoint skip which isn't marked with the usual spinning sensen icon in the bottom right corner.
The timing is, that you get the checkpoint when Nilin starts being unable to move, which is 4 to 5 seconds after the leapers join the skinner. Reload the checkpoint when Nilin stops moving.
This saves about 6 seconds minus whatever time it takes you to load a checkpoint, so for me it would save 3 seconds (plus all the enemies stand still for approximately 3 seconds as well).

In episode 1, when you first see the Leaking Brain completely and before Nilin says "Finally - the Leaking Brain", you get a checkpoint and can reload that checkpoint to skip a cutscene showing you the area.
This saves 5 seconds minus whatever time it takes you to reload a checkpoint, so for me it would save 2 seconds.

In episode 4, directly at the beginning, you'll get a call from Edge, wait about 2 seconds to get a checkpoint, and then you can skip this call by loading the checkpoint.
This saves about 9 seconds minus whatever time it takes you to load a checkpoint, so for me it would save 6 seconds.

In episode 4, when you first use a cell as an elevator, the cell sprays Nilin with water, you'll get a cutscene of the elevator going up, the camera will go back to Nilin and then you'll get a checkpoint, which you can load to skip Nilin saying "This cell... it reminds me of... something really bad".
This saves about 10 seconds minus whatever time it takes you to load a checkpoint, so for me it would save 7 seconds.

In episode 4, after the brain drainer, you start a remembrane with Vaughan in a cell, where you have to activate something on a toilet. After you've done that, a cutscene plays and you'll get a checkpoint. Load this checkpoint and you've skipped the entire cutscene.
This saves about 20 seconds minus whatever time it takes you to load a checkpoint, so for me it would save 17 seconds.
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Traivlin: 2015-04-26 12:44:24 am

New WR! 3:16:09

Sorry for the bad audio balance. I'll do another run soon and improve audio-wise and hopefully ingame-wise.
Pretty unfortunate, because I've commented so much...
Nice time. Shame we couldn't get it lower because I won't run such long games.

You might want to look into skipping calls like that one I posted about before the Jax sign in chapter 3. That's all I can think of that we haven't really looked into.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-04-26 03:50:52 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-26 03:50:13 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-26 03:33:47 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-26 03:33:37 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-26 03:33:28 am
I've messed up a lot, so if you get every skip on the first try and be better at combat, which I wasn't really, this can easily get under 3:10:00. Although I guess that's it really, unless other mechanics or skips will be found.

Btw. has someone looked into the iceskating glitch I've posted one page back? Does anyone know how this can be recreated and can explain it to me?

Quote from zero shift:
You might want to look into skipping calls like that one I posted about before the Jax sign in chapter 3. That's all I can think of that we haven't really looked into.

So, there is an unreleased video that I've recorded which might explain that. I've found out that you can delay getting electrocuted at the beginning of episode 5, where you have to drag a sign up, so the water underneath isn't electrocuted anymore. If you do an airjump at the railing right beside the stairs, you can almost jump through the electrocuted water without ever dragging the sign up.
This might happen here aswell, you airjump and skip the trigger for the call. I have to test it.

Update: ok, it's definitely not airjumping. I don't know then... There's a checkpoint right before the call, so if anyone wants to test this: feel free.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 01:00:19 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:26:18 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:14:37 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:11:31 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:09:52 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:09:34 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:09:07 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:08:52 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:08:43 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:00:38 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:00:36 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:00:35 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-26 11:59:57 pm
Alright, I found the way to make the faster episode 3 skip consistent (the swinging pole one.. this should really have a name, cause the Johnny skip is now in episode 3 too, so we can't really say episode 3 skip anymore). It has to do with where you land after your first jump. If you land close to the edge, the height drops won't load, so you just have to make sure that you land farther from the edge.
Seems like this only effects height drops and I don't know if it affects height drops in other episodes.

If you think you might have landed too close to the edge but aren't sure, luckily there's a height drop approximately 3 feet away from the swinging pole, so you can test if height drops are loaded/triggered or not.

Also I just realized that you don't have to press anything other than "kick" or "punch" to activate an airwalk lol. I always thought that you had to press left or right too, until now.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 01:39:46 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 01:05:50 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:41:39 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:41:29 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:41:05 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:39:49 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:39:39 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:37:21 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:33:55 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:31:10 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:29:17 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:24:21 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:23:07 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 12:22:46 am
Additionally, there is a really unreliable strat right now, which saves only a few seconds. When you start an airwalk at the Jax sign, you can walk through the wall to the fight right before the swinging pole. After entering the fight, you'll be able to attack again.
Kill all the leapers and you'll get a checkpoint, load the checkpoint and you'll be in the second phase of the fight. Due to the fact that you have a locked camera during all of this (and this saving only a few seconds if done perfectly), this isn't really worth it in my opinion.

You'll also cancel an airwalk by taking damage, which isn't really explained in the first post of this thread, so if anyone knows any places where this could lead to any time saves, feel free to contribute Smiley
Furthermore, you can slow the first jump of an airwalk attempt down by pushing the analog stick down or pressing "S" after jumping. This doesn't disable the airwalk.
I've triggered the fight many times there but never got a checkpoint over there. It just reloaded me by the sign every time.

Never knew the airwalk could be canceled when I wrote that. All the testing I did never encountered active enemies, and even environmental things had no effect unless they were drones which just kill you instantly.

Furthermore, you can slow the first jump of an airwalk attempt down by pushing the analog stick down or pressing "S" after jumping. This doesn't restrict the airwalk.

What does this mean? Restrict the airwalk?

Dont know anything about ice skating animation. Isnt it just an airwalk with a messed up animation? The videos don't show how it started.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 01:49:14 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 01:40:17 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 01:39:59 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 01:39:10 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 01:38:50 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-27 01:36:25 am
Quote from zero shift:
Dont know anything about ice skating animation. Isnt it just an airwalk with a messed up animation? The videos don't show how it started.

Could be, I'm just curious if it gets activated a different way, because someone wrote in his/her description: "I've jumped before a scripted animation fully ended - and this happened".

What does this mean? Restrict the airwalk?

Sorry, I meant to write "this doesn't disable the airwalk".

Never knew the airwalk could be canceled when I wrote that. All the testing I did never encountered active enemies, and even environmental things had no effect unless they were drones which just kill you instantly.

For example, there are fires in episode 3, where you can take damage just by running into them, which cancles the airwalk.

I've triggered the fight many times there but never got a checkpoint over there. It just reloaded me by the sign every time.

You'll get a checkpoint halfway through the fight with the leapers, at the moment the skinner spawns.
Oh ok, I see.

Ice skating - I've seen weird videos with Nilin's neck totally bent to the side. I figured it was something like that. What does "I've jumped before a scripted animation fully ended - and this happened" even mean?

I've walked through fire and electricity before but can't remember exactly where. Guess it's certain areas or just more glitching. Very interesting, but I don't recall any such things on the current route.

You'll get a checkpoint halfway through the fight with the leapers, at the moment the skinner spawns.

So that's it. I just left it for a few seconds and thought I was stuck. All I could see was the icon to show the leaper was going to wall jump. I also thought the skinner appeared because you defeated a certain amount of leapers. Learn something new everyday with you around lol.
HAHAHA, I just found a truly hilarious skip, which ties in with actual ingame dialogue. It's basically a parody within the game xD

You'll see, I'll upload the skip asap! Hahahahahahaha

Enjoy! Hahahahaha
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 12:24:56 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 12:21:41 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 12:20:55 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 12:19:54 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 12:19:22 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 12:16:36 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 12:16:28 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-28 10:24:52 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-28 10:20:56 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-28 10:20:47 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-28 10:20:38 pm
Traivlin: 2015-04-28 10:20:33 pm
Okay guys, I just realized that this game is still alive and going with the possible time saves, because of my discovery earlier. Jumping too close from the edge disables height gains and height drops, which means that there are possible improvements for every airwalk we found so far. We just have to find more height gains or height drops - that's all.
I believe with this, the game could be dropped even lower than 3 hours.

It is possible that we could save about 30 minutes if we would find more height drops in episode 6 and 7 to improve the elevator airwalk and the Picksocket skip.
Speaking of which, I already found a way to skip everything in episode 7 at the ledge on which you airwalk on to do the elevator skip.
I need to work on it though, because I haven't found a good setup yet.

Update: I've found a semi-good setup which involves running forward, counting to ten and then turning 45 degrees. lol

The only other way would be to kind of "know" the skybox and orientate yourself towards that.
It sucks that there are no real reference points and you basically run through the void the whole time, while nothing is loaded other than the skybox.
If something loads, you receive an awesome gift: a locked camera - and you don't want that, because the end won't load.
Sorry, I've been working on other games recently.

What do you mean about disabling height gains and drops? Do you mean when sometimes you start the glitch higher or lower?
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 04:07:12 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 04:06:17 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 04:05:34 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 04:05:09 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 04:04:32 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 04:04:03 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 03:59:31 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-29 03:59:23 am
No, after you've already done the airwalk, you can decrease or increase your z-position (height) simply by walking through specific spots (labelled "height gains" or "height drops" by me).
For example, the 5 second time save at the end of my "Johnny and Minefield skip" video is a height drop. There's nothing on the map that would indicate its existence, but it's there.

Another instance would be my improved swing pole skip, which involves a height drop just before the SAT station, a few pages back. That's the one where I wasn't sure why it was so inconsistent, to which you replied that there was probably no logical reason other than the fact that this game is very glitchy and untested.
That skip is also the reason, why I discovered that jumping close from an edge will result in height drops and height gains being disabled/not loaded/not triggered.
It's very consistent now that I know why the height drop wasn't there before.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-04-30 04:57:14 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-30 04:56:11 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-30 04:54:44 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-30 04:54:25 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-30 04:53:36 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-30 04:38:55 am

This saves about 7 minutes over the old route.
An important thing that I've forgotten to say, is that your first jump has to land not too close to the edge. If it does, all the height changes will be deactivated, which means that you'll be too high to trigger the end cutscene.

If anyone knows a better setup for this - feel free to amaze Smiley
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-05-01 02:12:07 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-30 08:44:00 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-30 08:43:52 am
Traivlin: 2015-04-30 05:12:52 am
With this, it's very much possible now to get a sub 3 hours run. I'm very excited to see who will get it first Smiley

Also RIP Plant Skip, RIP Best Skip in Gaming History until someone starts routing 100%.
Additionally, RIP Elevator skip and RIP Straight to the Cube... you'll both be missed.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-05-01 02:12:08 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-01 02:11:36 am
Okay, it seems like the airjump enables you to skip small area triggers, and with small area I mean small sized in 3d space.

For example, in Episode 1, after the first ever climbing part of the game, you can skip the trigger that activates the leaper that says something like "Meat stinks".
If you run by him, he just sits there and doesn't move at all.
This doesn't save any time, however it's something that indicates that it might be possible to skip Edge call triggers, fight triggers or any other kind of triggers, if they are small enough in 3d space.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-05-01 11:59:55 pm
Traivlin: 2015-05-01 11:59:03 pm
Traivlin: 2015-05-01 11:57:37 pm
Traivlin: 2015-05-01 03:00:37 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-01 02:56:42 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-01 02:56:14 am
I've already found 2 other improvements btw, one improves the airwalk after the floating market skip, and the other one is a new one which you can do after you've completed the second leaper fight (that's the one where a leaper attacks you at the beginning and damages you heavily). It skips pushing one button to move something out of the way and the fight with the 2 leapers after that.

I have to time it though, because it might be even. If it's not, it's probably a really small time save anyway.

Update: Okay, the skip saves like 2 seconds, so not really worth it. I'll probably make a video of it anyway, just to show what's possible.
The first one saves a bit more though. Haven't timed it yet, but it should be around 10 seconds, also it eliminates the inconsistent (at least for me) falling platforms skip.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-05-02 09:33:39 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-02 09:30:34 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-02 09:29:26 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-02 09:28:25 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-02 09:27:23 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-02 09:27:14 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-02 09:26:08 am
Little airwalk information/news:
I just found out why the airwalk doesn't work on some ledges.
The airwalk only works in the camera mode "Level Traveling", which means that all manual camera movement is disabled/restricted (meaning manual 360° camera movements aren't possible).
If manual camera movement isn't disabled on a ledge, it usually means that the camera is either in the camera mode "Adrift_Walk" or "Adrift_Cornice", which always lets you control the camera.
If you have full control over the camera on a ledge, you won't be able to do an airwalk on this ledge.

You know the drill. I've lost my mind during this.
OMFG!! So much improvements. Very very good job. Thanks to the inexistance of SDA Notification btw.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-05-06 08:50:00 pm
Hey, welcome back TalesOfPixelia!

Little update:
I have tested to see if it's possible to skip anything in episode 2 and 6 with the new height information.
Unfortunately, in episode 2 there aren't enough height drops to potentially skip the first meeting with Bad Request - at least I couldn't find any that get me low enough.

In episode 6, there was the possibility of either dropping in height to skip the white enforcer fights and the Bad request cell chase completely, or to gain a little bit of height to skip the white enforcer fights and half of the cell chase.
I'm sure that there must be some way to get either of them, but unfortunately I couldn't find any height gains or height drops in the area, other than the stairs beside the adjustable ledge you airwalk from. This area will unload though if you go to the next area and get the camera unlock, which would be mandatory for this skip to work.

So, the only height drop I could find is unloaded after getting the camera unlock in the next area... That's such a shame, but I still believe that there might be some undiscovered height drops/gains.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-05-08 06:48:18 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-08 06:47:44 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-08 06:47:36 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-08 06:39:07 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-08 06:38:44 am
Okay, I just had experienced the iceskating glitch for the first time myself and I now know for certain that it you don't activate it like the airwalk. I don't know exactly how I did it, but I grabbed the same ledge I jumped from - and then the glitch occured. So I guess it's for specific ledges only. It was the third ledge after the swing pole in episode 3, that requires you to shoot a button, so the ledge gets accessible.

Anyway, I tried iceskateairwalking to another area in episode 3, but was unable to, because my game crashed. So it's unfortunate, but I don't think that iceskating is that useful for huge skips. Maybe somewhere you can use it to do a small one.

Also, another small information: Only airwalks, where you have the ability to walk through all terrain and areas don't have any collision at all, can get a fixed/locked camera. Airwalks that interact normally with the environment can't get a fixed/locked camera.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-05-08 07:31:00 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-08 07:30:34 am
And another small update: You don't have to reload the checkpoint after you drop down to the Zorn area in episode 3, if you've used the airwalk to trigger the cutscene above. You just have to jump and the camera will unfix itself.
You can then start the remembrane and proceed normally.
Edit history:
Traivlin: 2015-05-08 10:39:25 am
Traivlin: 2015-05-08 10:39:17 am
I've just experienced some kind of superjump, where Nilin jumps about five times higher than in a normal jump. I've recorded it too, but I believe atm that it's only possible at one specific spot in the game.
I'll probably include it in the next video.