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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
P.S. I don't know if it helps but I give also the inputs in my console as I don't know if I can even use component with PS2:

and with my console they saler gave me such cables (I use the one with SCART..):

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Introverder: 2012-06-25 04:05:24 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
OK, i understand more what is composite, component and SCART.. Read some articles..

Still don't know if my PS2 has to cooperate with component or is it just a feature which my tv has to have now if it has SCART in it?

Someone told me that DVD-recorders which record NTSC games are not present basically in Europe, so I would have to buy a capture card if it's true..

SCART and component aren't video formats, but cable types. A SCART cable can carry composite, S-Video, RGB or YPrPb signals, component cables are mostly used for YPrPb but can also carry RGB or YCbCr. PAL and NTSC have different refresh rates (50Hz / 60Hz), resolutions (240, 480 / 288, 576 lines) and colour encoding (only for composite and S-Video).

The PAL PS2 will output YPrPb 720x576 at 50Hz or 720x480 at 60Hz with the right (= component) cable.

I think I just confused you even more... but basically: get a component cable for PS2 or PS2 (it's the same) and you can record with a device that has the three input plugs (green, red and blue) + red and white for audio.
For example this device will record component video and also split the picture to your TV. There are several other external boxes like this.
Edit history:
Introverder: 2012-06-26 04:41:35 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 04:40:05 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 04:33:58 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 04:32:33 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 04:32:07 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Yeah I feel little confused, don't understand now 70% of what you've just said.. I off course have no complaints, just the area (of such devices etc., no experience) is very new to me to enter.

More confused as I've read the SDA DEMANDS on the quality and I don't know if for example the given from you device meet the standards or not:

Capture cards: capturing incorrect resolution/framerate. For standard definition, NTSC is always 29.97 FPS and 720x480. 30 FPS and 640x480 is also acceptable if your card only allows those. PAL is always 25 FPS and 720x576. 704x576 is also acceptable.

Both capture cards and DVD recorders: failing to record both channels of audio. This is important because sometimes there are sound effects on only one channel. Obviously, this doesn't apply to NES, Sega Master System, or other systems that cannot produce stereo audio.

Capture cards: capturing to a lossy codec (video or audio). Audio should be uncompressed (PCM) or otherwise lossless (e.g. FLAC). Video should be one of the following: Lagarith, HuffYUV, TechSmith Screen Capture Codec (used by e.g. Camtasia), FRAPS codec. You need a fast, reliable hard drive to write the data, because there will be a lot of it. Once you capture, then you can use, for example, Anri-chan to encode the video. Encoding to a lossy format while capturing kills the quality. - I don't know if ANY of the devices we've been speaking about now (these external boxes..) meet this requirement :/..

Capture cards: capturing interlaced video in progressive mode. Otherwise you get this.

Capture cards: capturing interlaced video to a lossy colorspace. Basically, don't use YV12. H.264/DivX are always YV12, another reason you can't use them to capture. Lagarith's options window lets you select other colorspaces. YUY2 is good. Otherwise you get what we call chroma ghosting when you deinterlace (after capturing).

Capture cards: recording overpeaked audio. You have to manually adjust the audio so it's not too loud - the software won't do it for you. You can tell if it's too loud if the volume level indicator touches the top at any time during the recording.

I've found such a home site here with the devices like you've been speaking I guess.. :

This cable IS GOOD?: .

I understand that it is just ONE component cable - means the one which look like the one above, right?..
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
And blizzz could you recommended such a device that would be checked by you the best or by many other people which has been checked as good, reliable and not maybe cheap but still medium price device? I'm speaking of course about the capturing devices on which we've been talking..
Oh, I guess you're right, these boxes record deinterlaced videos. I've never used one of them. The cheapest way to record component would be the USB device from dealextreme that I linked earlier, it won't have stunning quality but it's a lot cheaper than an internal capture card. You'll also have to think about how to split the video to your TV. I'm not sure if you can just use passive splitters for component video.

The component cable you linked should be fine.
Edit history:
Introverder: 2012-06-26 06:21:03 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 06:02:25 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 06:00:08 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 05:59:42 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 05:56:53 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 05:51:19 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 05:47:14 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Blackmagic Intensity Pro/Aver H727 - Anubis, this would be a solution for me?, as you've told sth about it.

I just see that it cost a little,lot..

And what about this one? : ?? It is much cheaper..
The link should be this card which is an old PCI (not PCIe) card and doesn't support anything but composite and S-Video.

The H727 is probably the cheapest internal capture card for about 70€ (when I bought it) and has decent but not stunning quality. The big plus is that it can record HDMI from Xbox360 and PS3.
The Intensity Pro has a built in video-out which means that you don't need to worry about a splitter, but it's a lot more expensive and I think you are forced to use proprietary software. There are also various problems with game consoles.
I would not recommend the Intensity Pro for your use. Expensive and has trouble with old game consoles.

I would recommend the Aver H727. It has issues but the quality will be fine for you.
The H727 seems to cost ~70€ in Poland (found this shop). If you want to record component video and you don't want to watch the video on your PC with a free frames delay you'll have to buy a powered component splitter too. Those cost ~50-80€.
Edit history:
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:38:12 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:26:39 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:25:02 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:20:51 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:17:44 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:15:55 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:15:21 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Anubis wrote:

I would recommend the Aver H727. It has issues but the quality will be fine for you.

What kind of problems?..

blizz wrote:

If you want to record component video and you don't want to watch the video on your PC with a free frames delay you'll have to buy a powered component splitter too. Those cost ~50-80€.

Is it important what kind/type/quality of powered component splitter too? Without it I will have a laggy playing, like the one I have with LCD monitor?

So it is more than simple splitter which is just a simple box? I understand this for simple splitter:

And this H727 is accepted for recording purposes in SDA? ..

This cheaper capture cards has in it this:

Cable to S-Video /Composite/Component::plus:: Audio/Remote 10-in-1 , so it is sth like this:  I understand these video cables, just try to understand this "audio/remote 10 in 1" thing. But I rather believe that this audio/remote 10 in 1 must have red and white audio L/R stereo (?..)
Edit history:
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:46:08 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:45:39 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
50-80 euro for splitter seems really expensive, I've found sth like this: but it is quite expensive if we compare it to the price of H727 .. This one looks good, but I don't know if anyone has used it or not and the price mark is not low..
The input adapter is included with the H727.
I think the issue AnubisGI means is that the picture is not as sharp as with cards like the SC-500N1 (which costs a lot more), but it's still good.

You need a powered component splitter, an unpowered one like you linked (in your first post) will most likely result in lines or other artifacts in the image. The one you linked in the second post should be fine, you can find used ones on eBay.
Edit history:
Introverder: 2012-06-26 01:29:41 pm
Introverder: 2012-06-26 11:10:09 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 11:07:31 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 11:00:26 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 10:58:53 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 10:56:27 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 10:46:06 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 10:37:12 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 10:35:39 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 10:32:27 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 10:31:54 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 10:28:14 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 10:27:54 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 09:01:09 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 09:00:29 am
Introverder: 2012-06-26 08:50:21 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
When i click on your link I see:


You don't have permission to access /live/108363.jpg on this server."

Input adapter, you mean this??:

this "audio/remote 10 in 1" I guess must be some kind of second cable for audio, right (for L/R - white and red stereo sound)?

as it is written:

Cable to S-Video /Composite/Component::plus:: Audio/Remote 10-in-1

This card meets the SDA standars/requirements, right? The codec to capture will be able to choose from VD program, yes? And from what I've read the Huffyuv codec will be used - lossless right? - for the format in which my run will be captured, yes?.. So basically I don't have to worry as I will be able to record in every format I will want?..


The link works now. So 10 in 1 means basically 10 plugs - 5 for component (3 video, 2 audio), 3 for composite, one for S-Video, right (black one)? and one to plug to the card, yes?..

+ component cable will be of course still needed, right? This 10 in 1 cable is long enough to connect with the component cable from console?.. I guess that if the component cable is long enough the 10 in 1 cable doesn't have to be very long..

I've watched some videos from H727 on the net - they look really nice, so with PS2 it will also work so well? ..
Edit history:
blizzz: 2012-06-26 01:52:35 pm Did you look at that link? The adapter has plugs for component + audio, composite / s-video + audio and one for a remote control for the TV app. Of course you need a PS2/PS3 component cable to connect the console...

This screenshot was done with a Gamecube and component cable on my H727, it's quite nice. The European PS2 outputs 576i50 video which is interlaced and will look a bit blurred compared to the 480p60 output of the Gamecube, but still fine. If you're not happy with the result you can import a NTSC PS2 console which outputs progressive (480p60) video for most games.

Oh, and yes, you can capture with HuffYUV (if you want to) or Lagarith, x264vfw etc. The card can be used for example in AmaRecTV, VirtualDub.
Edit history:
Introverder: 2012-06-27 05:26:18 pm
Introverder: 2012-06-27 05:14:20 pm
Introverder: 2012-06-27 05:10:06 pm
Introverder: 2012-06-27 05:09:50 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Thanks a lot for your infos both! - AnubisGI and blizzz. I cannot promise that everything I'll do with no problem now but your pieces of advice are priceless - really.. Both of you do a really great job here :).. And you have a really true intention of help - it is normal for me.. if I know sth that it is obvious for me to help but sadly sometimes it happens on net that no one is eager to help (or is to lazy to help - but no matter the effect then is the same).. But again thank you guys now as I know from what to look for :);).

I guess when I decide to buy a capture card, as I guess soon I will go for H727 Smiley and when I see some lagging problem I go for powered component splitter.