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FlamingMage: 2011-02-05 10:52:11 pm
Yup, at it again!

I've been running ACiT for a while now, figuring out route and glitches and so on. I recorded a 3:25ish Casual SS today that I'll edit and upload (probably tomorrow) for a general starting point.

I currently plan on doing a SS run, with a goal of about 3:10? Still not really sure how fast it can go, and I may have missed a few glitches still.

I thought it was about time to make a thread and discuss this, because even though I've been talking with some people through youtube and streams, all runs can be improved by a thread. Once I have that video I'll post it in here, the play quality wasn't acceptable by any means but it does show the route almost accurately, and for my first time SSing the whole game, first time playing in a few weeks, I didn't do too poorly.

I hope we can make this an amazing run.

Trimmed the video to a slim 2:40 by removing loads and fast forwarding cutscenes and deaths. Makes me think that sub 3 might be a possibility.

Also, the video claims it will take 11 hours to finalize, and then I'll have to upload it to Utube beyond that...maybe monday is a more realistic goal for getting it posted.
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Obscure games ftw
Yay more Ratchet and Clank!
Can't offer any help on this, but will definitely provide support (and watch the finished product)
The huge video is way too unwieldly to work with. I'll work on getting a better run and then commentate + post that in segments. God, I hate leaving my computer running for 12 hours only to find that the upload failed Sad
aka CheesyPoofs
I'm definitely looking forward to this run.
I think the glitching proportion of the run is very good and there's only a few planets without them (Vorselon's Ship).
Sucks to hear about that video problem but when it gets uploaded I will give it a watch.
Gimme some sugar Shaggy!
I'm also looking forward to this, I almost got 100% completion..... then a bozo deleted my save file
This is going to be a fun project swede. Hope you can figure out the video situation soon, I would love to see the run in its entirety. Maybe I'll even start going back through my file to look for things.
I have some stuff recorded, but amazingly, have run into additional problems. The DVD randomly corrupted itself, so the video is super choppy. I'll probably try and run it again today, with a fresh DVD, and see what sort of results I can get.

In the meantime, I'm going to again hold off on bringing up possible discussion points because the run is already so far in planning and I don't think anyone else really knows my route Sad I need to get those videos done, but you know, life. Urgh.
Finally worked out all the problems, got 1:40 ish of run uploading tonight with commentary and so on.
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Oh yeah! Finally something on CiT!
Nope, problems not solved. This upload has actually failed 13 times at this point. Sorry guys, I grow tired of this failure.
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Awwww... If Youtube fails, try Dailymotion or Vimeo.
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Still no news on upload?
Nope. Videos deleted themselves, or maybe I did by accident. But my bet is on themselves. I'll try to record something this weekend, but I have been super busy lately and haven't had any time to work on this run.

Do you guys just want me to discuss the route without videos?
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Well, route discussing is always great, even without videos. Smiley
Okay, I'm finally back to working on this. I have a pretty good first hour recorded that I'd like to upload some of soon, to get feedback.

A few ways I could upload it:

As is (full video, no commentary)
Trimmed down to just the interesting bits (commentary possibly)
Just the glitches, no execution tricks or anything (commentary guaranteed)
As is, sped up very slightly (Boring parts removed, whole thing slightly accelerated minus complicated glitches)

To everyone interested in watching this, which of these appeals most? Which sounds unwatchable? Your responses mirror how much effort I'm willing to put into this Wink
aka CheesyPoofs
Good to see your still working on this.
I would probably want to see trimmed down with commentary, but if you can do commentary the full video would still be fun to watch. As is, sped up very slightly would be annoying to watch.
Hearing about the route is fun, another option might just to release full video and commentate over the important parts.
I just realized that, since my ps3 has ToD data on it, I've been buying the groovitron glove with the discounted price (11,000) instead of the normal price (22,000).


Do I have to delete ToD off my ps3? I'd really rather not, but I understand.

If I have 22,000 bolts when I buy it, and for the rest of the game have at least 11,000 at any time, could we just fudge a little and act like I bought it full price? Tongue

This seems like an issue I should probably take to mike/flip. Does anyone have any other ideas?
You can copy your ToD data to a flash drive, delete it from your PS3 and do a new fresh game from ACiT. So you keep your ToD save!
Ahh, excellent. Didn't even think of that. Glad that I thought to ask you guys Tongue
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You're welcome Wink
And give us some videos, I'm eager to see them!
So, progress?
Yurp. I have two hours sitting in my editor right now. I'll get something up soon, this time for real! Probably tomorrow honestly.

I'm also getting sick and tired of SS fails, so I'm seriously considering segmenting. Does anyone object? There are just a ton of semi-difficult tricks and combat. I've played no game besides ACiT and minecraft for like two months now.
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Segmented is much better, as long it's awesome. Like ToD was. Smiley
Okay. I'll be uploading a SS fail in 15 minute segments over the next few days, the first one is all of Unknown Location and Zolar Forest (with loads/cutscenes subtracted)

Terribly tired Sad