Quote from Endless:
It's a trick known as strafejumping, which is present in every id game and best known from the Quake series. The basic idea is to continually jump to maintain your momentum and to accelerate in the air through strafing and specific mouse movements. It's a bit arcane and takes a lot of practice, but it allows you to move very quickly. As for how he jumped high, the stairs are effectively a ramp, and colliding with a ramp causes you to move at the angle of the ramp. Since he's going fast horizontally to begin with, the ramp causes him to go fast vertically instead.
Here's a picture to demonstrate, read it right to left.

Here's a picture to demonstrate, read it right to left.

Quote from BWoods:
@atomicjo: Rage's ramp jumping is pretty freaking strong, I'd say it's stronger than Quake 1/Quake 3 CPMA's ramp jumping. You can get some pretty absurd height if you can make sure you are getting enough speed going up the ramp. A lot of staircases are built as ramps physically except for a few examples (Sheriff Black's staircase in Wellspring, staircase leading up to Redstone in Subway town.) This is done to keep the number of physical surfaces to a minimum, iD software was VERY selective with what they let you interact with physically in this game. A lot of the game world is much simpler than what you see, unfortunately there isn't a way to draw the world like how we had commands like r_showtris in the Quake 3 engine.
Okayy, I didn't notice he had great speed before hitting the ramp, cause he start running for less than 1 meter before hitting it.