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I've been bouncing between several different games lately and haven't updated this thread in quiet a while. Anyways I've improved my personal best with a 56:55, but Zemanzo (Another runner) has been able to improve this even further with a 55:25. We both are capable of beating this time and one of us probably will sometime soon.

I've also gotten an urge to do a segmented run of this game as there are some really interesting routes that you will never see done in a SS run that I think would be amazing to see done and overall it would just be a good means of getting more consistent with a few of the tricks/glitches used. If I do continue with this plan of doing a segmented run, I'll post videos for each wing after they are completed, which might be a while since I'd be striving to either match or even break the IL times for every room (quite a few will be nightmares to do optimally).

Here's a link to Zemanzo's 55:25 run:
It's been quite a while since this thread has been updated so here I go:

-Current SS any% WR is 53:10 by Zemanzo and can be found here:

-We are both very interested in bringing this time down even further and it looks like 51:xx is possible with a clean run. We are also looking into either implementing more of the IL strats to save time as well as finding new tricks/routes altogether. Hopefully we can manage to get this run to be sub 50 in the near future :D.

-Current SS All Collectibles WR is 1:01:05 by Blood_Thunder and can be found here:

-This is a new category that I've come up with and routed over the past week. It's as close to a 100% category as possible (game defined 100% is not possible in 1 single run). The route doesn't differ from the any% too much, but consist of picking up 24 collectibles throughout the game (4 Blue-Prints and 20 Awkward Noise Generators). This category can still be improved upon quiet a bit since it's fairly new and will more than likely be improved upon very soon.
The WR's for both Any% and All Collectibles has gone down once again.

-After the WR for any% being tied at 52:51 by Zemanzo and myself, I managed to get a 51:09 this morning ( This run is very well done but there are a few mistakes which can be improved upon. Sub 50 is looking like a dream run Smiley

-I've also managed to bring down the All Collectibles time to 58:47 ( This run can definitely be improved upon and sub 55 looks like a decent goal to aim for.
With Quantum Conundrum making the game's list for AGDQ, I've really started to put more time into practicing and running the game again. I've been trying to implement any of the tricks that might have been too inconsistent or too risky previously to help bring the time.

I brought down the times once again :p

Any% - 50:25 (
    - I'll hopefully be able to get this to around 49 minutes, anything lower would be outstanding with the current strats
All Collectibles - 58:35 (
    - I was 3 minutes behind at one point in this run, sub 55 should be easy to achieve
Those were nice runs from what I saw, I will watch them definitely! #breakingamonologue
Don't bother watching those, both times were improved a few hours after i posted that update Cheesy

Any% - 49:38 ( and (
      - Unfortunately my internet went down for a few moments during the run so the twitch highlight is in 2 parts. Luckily i still have a local recording so I can upload a HQ version of the full run sometime soon!
      - This run was really solid, only 2 big mistakes (missed a jump to a minor setback pt 1 and died in minor setback pt 2) other than that there were not many small mistakes either. I'll need to watch over it again but I might submit this to SDA

All Collectibles - 56:12 (
      - Really solid run up until the end. lost over 2 minutes due to silly mistakes. sub 54 is definitely possible and will be my goal for this category.
damn sub 50, congrats! Again, I promise to watch them when I find the time to Wink
I've finished watching back through the 49:38 and sadly there were a few more smaller mistakes I didn't quite remember. Nothing too big but enough for me want to really push for a sub 49 run before submitting this. It won't be an easy task to beat this record considering almost all of the difficult rooms were done really well but I'd rather have a cleaner run even at the cost of grinding out attempts. I'll be trying to add in a few more risky strats as I do more practice.
Keep at it Cheesy I like the progress.
Quote from Blood Thunder:
It won't be an easy task to beat this record considering almost all of the difficult rooms were done really well but I'd rather have a cleaner run even at the cost of grinding out attempts.

2nd day of doing some no-reset runs for AGDQ practice and I've already gotten a 49:05 (

There were hardly any big mistakes. I've glanced back over the run and "a round the world" / "catch and release" seems to be the only 2. Everything else can just be optimized a bit more, which will be a pretty difficult challenge.
Wow, nice! Too bad I wasnt watching ... Keep it up Wink
Edit history:
Blood Thunder: 2013-11-24 07:25:57 pm
Not really an update on the actual speedrun, but I did a 1 handed run yesterday that didn't go too badly (

It was a fun challenge, but I'm not sure I plan on doing anymore in the future. I mentioned it near the end of the run, but I'm trying to come up with some sort of donation incentive for this game at AGDQ. If anyone has ideas, please let me know as I'm having trouble finding something reasonable.
Quote from Blood Thunder:
I'm trying to come up with some sort of donation incentive for this game at AGDQ. If anyone has ideas, please let me know as I'm having trouble finding something reasonable.

Can any puzzles be done blindfolded?
Edit history:
Blood Thunder: 2013-11-25 05:31:02 pm
I could mess around until i completed it, but with pc games (of the 3d nature) it's really hard to keep track of where you are/where you're facing. Slightly move your mouse too far and you're looking in the complete wrong direction, press a movement key for too long and you're past where you need to be.

Although I might end up doing a blindfolded run at some point in the near future just to see how far I can get, I don't think that it would work out too well for a marathon setting.
Finally got around to working on All Collectibles% a bit more, managed to get the time down to 53:06!

Still a lot of time to be cut out so sub 52 seems pretty likely
Edit history:
3l3ktr0: 2015-08-04 12:57:38 pm
3l3ktr0: 2015-08-04 11:55:51 am
Hi guys Smiley

Almost 2 years without any message but doesn't matter !

I really like the game when I saw it at the SGDQ Blood Thunder I've found it really cool (more than Portal in fact :D) and I've began to run it ^^ I'm training the Blue Area for the moment before going on other sections.

I just have a question about how do you do to go so fast on the main screen to win time between levels to reload at the start of the next level ? Is there a key which do it ?

Also I manage to do the "Object Flying" while moving but I can't manage to get the boost of speed that you can get here ( ) at 6:58 or 10:38 for example ? Sad

Thank you !
Go to your steamapp files -> common -> Quantum Conundrum -> Engine -> Config -> BaseInput

under 'general bindings', paste: (you can make Tab any key you want).

Edit history:
3l3ktr0: 2015-08-05 09:38:28 am
Ok thank you Smiley

Now, everytime I quit the game and I click continue on the main Menu I come back to the Hall Cry

You must quit at at a precise timing ?

EDIT : Oh .. maybe it works only on a new game ?
Edit history:
3l3ktr0: 2015-08-09 12:24:48 am
So ! For my first try I did 1:14:24, the run was ratter shitty at the end of Yellow and all over Red Wing, stupid deaths by inattention, you can't imagine how I shouted on some levels xD

I'll post the video soon, if you want to laugh ... (a lot Lips Sealed )