My feelings on The Demon Rush
What tricks are you going to omit from the run? You've already performed some pretty difficult rewind tricks. I'm guessing the rewind trick after the wall run through the water in segment 6 is still going to be in because it's at the beginning of the segment.
Palm tree bullshit is actually fairly consistent if you practice it enough. You have to make sure your left foot is slightly to the left of the vertical line (look more closely at your practice segment 15 to see what I mean) before making the wall climb. I will admit, it is a really precise trick.
Oh yeah, I tried Torpedo dropping and wall jumping right before the prison but I couldn't get anywhere. Maybe if you could wall jump onto the ledge near the wall, you could wall run somewhere, but I doubt anything useful would happen if I did that.
EDIT: I might have figured out a semi-consistent way of doing the shortcut wall run at the beginning of the game.
Palm tree bullshit is actually fairly consistent if you practice it enough. You have to make sure your left foot is slightly to the left of the vertical line (look more closely at your practice segment 15 to see what I mean) before making the wall climb. I will admit, it is a really precise trick.
Oh yeah, I tried Torpedo dropping and wall jumping right before the prison but I couldn't get anywhere. Maybe if you could wall jump onto the ledge near the wall, you could wall run somewhere, but I doubt anything useful would happen if I did that.
EDIT: I might have figured out a semi-consistent way of doing the shortcut wall run at the beginning of the game.