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Quote from mikwuyma:
I just want to say you're making great progress so far, even if this is only a practice run. I keep on seeing sweet shortcuts and ideas. Keep up the good work!

EDIT: In the third segment, how do you drop down and grab the pole about 40 seconds in? I keep on dying when I try that.

if i remember correctly, you just hang off the ledge, press X to fall down, and that's all you do.  He should automatically grab the pole without having to press anything else.

Glad you're enjoying the run so far Smiley  i can't wait to get through this and start the real thing.  I'm actually also excited to SS this game too ... i'm suprised no one has gotten under 2 hrs yet.  Seems simple enough.  I'm going to assume my real segmented run will be around 1:32-1:34.  Cut out all the difficult tricks and the game isn't really that hard ... but i haven't tried it yet, so i could be way off.  Maybe a low 1:5x could be in store?  I actually might do SS attempts before working on the real segmented run.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Funny, I tried all sorts of button combinations and I grabbed onto that pole maybe once out of 40 tries. Every other time I fell the Prince's legs hit the pole and he died. I'll guess play around with that shortcut some more tonight, but I didn't think it would give me so much trouble :-\. I'm playing on the PS2 version, but I doubt that makes a difference.

I don't know what you consider difficult, but you should really do the Dagger of Time shortcut for a single-segment run. Even if you screw up 2-4 times, you still save a lot of time.

BTW, if you're wondering, I'm taking an interest in the tricks because I want to run this game for the marathon.
You got a deletion wish?
Quote from mikwuyma:
Funny, I tried all sorts of button combinations and I grabbed onto that pole maybe once out of 40 tries. Every other time I fell the Prince's legs hit the pole and he died. I'll guess play around with that shortcut some more tonight, but I didn't think it would give me so much trouble :-\. I'm playing on the PS2 version, but I doubt that makes a difference.

That seems to be a Cube/Xbox only trick, I can't pull it either (just fall to death).
Quote from mikwuyma:
I don't know what you consider difficult, but you should really do the Dagger of Time shortcut for a single-segment run. Even if you screw up 2-4 times, you still save a lot of time.

BTW, if you're wondering, I'm taking an interest in the tricks because I want to run this game for the marathon.

yeah, i'm doing the DoT shortcut for the SS ... it's so close to the beginning of the run that it makes sense to put it in.  Nice that you may be running the game for the marathon.  Let me know if you have any questions with this game or PoP:TTT (if you're thinking about running that one too ... i think i saw you might be running it in the game list)

anyways, here's practice run segment 13 ... now at 1:07 through 65% ... i would like to be at 0:56 at this point for my real run.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
There won't be any two thrones/rival swords for the marathon because it's a long game, really hard to SS according to your comments (lots of glitches apparently?), and Sands of Time is the most popular and well-liked game of the series anyway.

BTW, I bought the Gamecube version on ebay so I'm going to test and see if falling down and hitting that pole or grabbing it really is a version difference, it'll be so stupid if it is. Sad

Do you think you can match/beat Satvara's time?
Quote from mikwuyma:
BTW, I bought the Gamecube version on ebay so I'm going to test and see if falling down and hitting that pole or grabbing it really is a version difference, it'll be so stupid if it is. Sad

Do you think you can match/beat Satvara's time?

I'm curious to hear if the version difference will matter for that one part.  As far as matching Satvara's time ... i'm not sure at this point.  Right now i have planned to leave out a trick he did that saves 1 minute, as well as 1 or 2 other tricks that save far less than that.  But I'm finding small tricks that i'm not sure he used or not, so i might be making up that lost time?  Regardless, when i'm done with my practice run i'll have a calculated theoretical time for my real run, and it should be pretty close to his time at the final save.  Looking ahead, i know 100% for sure i won't be any higher than 1:31 at that final save (projected final run time).  And i think when i go back through for the real thing i'll find a few more possible improvements.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I just received my GC version in the mail today. I played up to the part where you can shortcut by dropping down, and it worked every single time. Like UCPro said, all you have to do is drop. Stupid console differences. Sad

Maybe what Reaver was talking about was less a PAL/NTSC difference and more of a difference between console versions.
Sorry been away a bit. Yeah I could never grab that pole when you drop down either. It would always hit it and die. I found if I rewind time even if I rewind slightly so I'm in mid air it grabs it then. I really cant explain why. I think they did something to the PS2 version. Does the PS2 version (NTSC) let you use the rewind trick?
practice run segment 14 ... i'm now at 1:16 through 71%.  I'd like to be at 1:04 at this point for my real run.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Quote from Reaver:
Sorry been away a bit. Yeah I could never grab that pole when you drop down either. It would always hit it and die. I found if I rewind time even if I rewind slightly so I'm in mid air it grabs it then. I really cant explain why. I think they did something to the PS2 version. Does the PS2 version (NTSC) let you use the rewind trick?

Vorpaledge said he could pull it off about once every 20 minutes, so I guess?
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2010-08-20 10:51:59 am
mikwuyma: 2010-08-17 11:09:34 am
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I'm just posting here because I went through the first 7 segments of UCPro's test run to see what was viable for a single-segment/marathon and what wasn't.

Segment 1: Everything is viable. I have trouble doing the first corner jump at the beginning,. Undecided If the jump becomes too irritating, I might not even try it since it only saves a second or two. When I try running over the chairs, I sometimes run into them, but that still destroys them, and I think that's still faster than drawing your weapon and slashing them.

Segment 2: DoT early should definitely be done. If it's done on the first try, you save about a minute and 15 seconds. Even if it's done on the fourth or fifth try, you still save at least 40 seconds. Honestly, the only thing that I wouldn't do is the first corner jump right after you see the Dagger of Time - it's surprisingly difficult to pull off because there's a railing in your way, and it only saves one second. The second corner jump is really easy and saves around 4-5 seconds, so there's no reason not to do it.

Segment 3: Not much to mention here, except for the jump down to the bed, which saves around 50 seconds, IIRC. The positioning on the trick is really picky, but I think with enough practice it can be done in a single-segment run. Like the Dagger of Time early trick, you can still screw it up a couple of times and save a big chunk of time. Also, it looks impressive so it has to be done. Tongue

Segment 4: That one jump to the left to get on top of the ledge is incredibly hard to do (0:40 in the video), and even if you succeed, there's a good chance the sawblade will hit you. Instead, I just jump down to the floor, climb up the left wall, and jump off, which still saves a good amount of time over getting past the sawblades normally, and there's no risk involved. The palm tree shortcut...

...yeah I'm not doing that. However, there's a minor shortcut after you hit the button and climb up the normal way. If you jump near the first spinning blade instead of where you're supposed to jump, the cutscene activating the trap won't trigger. Aside from that, not much to say aside from the sawblades being really annoying. Sad

Segment 5: The trick to skip the fight by the pool/pond is pretty easy. As long as if I don't make any big mistakes, it's easy to open the door before Farah dies, which is nice because that fight takes over a minute to finish. Bouncing off the columns to hit the pole early also isn't too difficult, as long as if I make sure I'm centered when I start (or else I just climb up incredibly high and leap to my death).

Now the rewind trick. I get it in my first string off attempts, on the third rewind, except I didn't follow what UCPro said in his comments, and I trapped Farah in the room with enemies. Sad Maybe hitting her once will get her to follow you? I don't know. Then in the next 10 or so minutes, I think I pull off the trick twice. I'm incredibly baffled by how the trick works, and as far as I can tell, there's no consistent positioning or timing that makes it work. Sad I think I'll just do the puzzle normally, but I might try to return and try the rewind trick some more because I'm a stubborn idiot like that.

Segment 6: I think the shortcut at the very beginning can actually be done single-segment, it just requires some setting up because the positioning and angle is very precise. However, when I last tried the wall jump, I got it three times in a row, and immediately proceeded to fail the easy part, the wall run, three times in a row. Cheesy The shortcut seems to save around 25 seconds, more than half of that from the vultures because they take forever to come down and fight you.

EDIT: About the box Shuda51 mentioned, it is worth pulling it out simply because you have so much time in between vultures to pull it, but Farah won't go inside the crack until all of the vultures are dead and you go inside that little cave.

The corner jump to get out of the cage slightly faster is also kind of hard, but I think it should be done, even if it only saves about 6-7 seconds.

I think when you fight the scarabs, it might be faster to kill all of them first, then hit the switch so you skip the sword sheathing animation at the end.

Segment 7: Nothing here except for some minor tricks at the beginning and lots of platforming. I hate that bird who can knock you down right as you jump. Angry

I'll play more sometime in the near future, and UCPro needs to do more segments so I can shamelessly copy him. Tongue
mike - everything you mentioned as far as the route for the first 7 segments looks good to me.  do you have a target time you are shooting for when you do the run for the marathon?

i'll get back to my practice run probably this weekend ... might have a little free time.  I still have to figure out where i want to save at for my next segment ... right now i'm thinking i'll spawn the save point right before entering the prison.  You can kill almost all those enemies with one use of haste.  I'm not going to kill all the enemies in the prison (which would make moving the box easier) because that takes way too long.  I'm not looking forward to that rewind trick after leaving the prison ... it's so inconsistent - but then again, every rewind trick seems inconsistent.  that difficult trick in the middle of a long tough segment might drive me insane (at least it will for my real run)
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2010-08-20 10:53:15 am
mikwuyma: 2010-08-20 10:53:04 am
mikwuyma: 2010-08-20 10:51:35 am
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I don't know what my target time is yet, but sub-2 hours seems pretty easy to achieve if at least half of Satvara's tricks are applicable to a single-segment run.

BTW, I tried doing the sword shortcut in segment 8, and I can't climb up and do the wall jump at 1:33 like you do. Every time I try, I get stuck in the water. Is there something I'm missing? Satvara uses a rewind to perform the trick, but you don't even rewind. Out of all of the tricks I've seen so far, I really want to perform this one because it saves a TON of time if you do it (it's at least 2 or 3 minutes, IIRC).

Also, are you sure you don't want to combine segments 8 and 9 for your real run? I haven't played up to that section yet, but the fight to trigger the save point costs a lot of time.

P.S. I really need to practice Dagger of Time early and the Sultan's Quarters jump a lot. I'm pretty bad at them right now. Undecided
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2010-09-08 05:05:20 am
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Okay, so I tried out segments 8 and 9 from UCPro's run, and now I 100% understand why he chose to split up the sword and mess hall into segment 8 and 9, and not keep a super long segment 8. That checkpoint abuse Satvara pulls off requires nearly tas-levels of luck. I tried about five times and Farah either died before I even escaped the mess hall, or died right after I exited the mess hall. I even tried luring the enemies a bit before leaving the mess hall, but they always crowd around Farah once you're too far away. Yeah yeah, five attempts isn't that many, but I'm trying to see if strategies are viable for a single-segment run

Yes, getting to the mess hall means I finally figured out how to do the early sword shortcut. I just wish that stupid ledge wasn't so near a corner, because timing the wall climb perfectly is ridiculous. If you time it too early, you wall run instead, if you time it too late, you're in the water and you can't climb up the wall. :-/ Have any suggestions on how to do the jump more consistently?

UCPro: I can usually bust out the early sword shortcut within 30-60 seconds of trying (depending on how jerkfaced the enemies are being), but I really don't understand what triggers the repeated game over. The game over ALWAYS occurs when I'm moving towards the cabinet that lets me jump onto the pillars in the center of the sword room. I always make sure Farah is in the room before I attempt the shortcut, but maybe I'm still missing something? I guess if worse comes to worse I can move the object that's blocking the crack. There was one time when the repeated game over occured twice, then I was able to move on, but every other time it just occurs until I quit the game. Sad

I also have some trouble doing the wall jump shortcut onto the pole right after the sword room wall is destroyed, but it really doesn't add much time to pull out the block and jump onto the pole normally.

Your luck breaking down the sword room wall was ridiculous. I always have to try to position an enemy in front of the wall to get past it.

P.S. Does your game freeze on occasion too? So far the most common spot is when you fight the vultures around the Sultan's Zoo, but it also occured to me once when doing the sword shortcut.

P.P.S. Yes, I am really that obsessed with the early sword shortcut, it saves way too much time to be ignored, even in a marathon run, IMO.
Edit history:
Reaver: 2010-09-08 09:04:34 am
Reaver: 2010-09-08 08:59:01 am
Quote from mikwuyma:
Okay, so I tried out segments 8 and 9 from UCPro's run, and now I 100% understand why he chose to split up the sword and mess hall into segment 8 and 9, and not keep a super long segment 8. That checkpoint abuse Satvara pulls off requires nearly tas-levels of luck. I tried about five times and Farah either died before I even escaped the mess hall, or died right after I exited the mess hall. I even tried luring the enemies a bit before leaving the mess hall, but they always crowd around Farah once you're too far away. Yeah yeah, five attempts isn't that many, but I'm trying to see if strategies are viable for a single-segment run

I've never been able to trigger the door before she dies. I didn't think it was possible. I even trapped her outside the mess hall one time and tried it but it just stopped as a game over around the usual time it takes her to die. That is also why I recommended to UCPro that he semgents inside the mess hall.

Quote from mikwuyma:
Yes, getting to the mess hall means I finally figured out how to do the early sword shortcut. I just wish that stupid ledge wasn't so near a corner, because timing the wall climb perfectly is ridiculous. If you time it too early, you wall run instead, if you time it too late, you're in the water and you can't climb up the wall. :-/ Have any suggestions on how to do the jump more consistently?

I suffer from the same problem. There is another method to get up there but the positioning is a bit awkward. I'll post it later.

Quote from mikwuyma:
I really don't understand what triggers the repeated game over. The game over ALWAYS occurs when I'm moving towards the cabinet that lets me jump onto the pillars in the center of the sword room.

I'm not sure what causes this. Have you tried Satvara's method of getting up there where he goes through the gap in the wall and uses the rewind trick to jump higher? Or do you continue along the ledges? It could be the difference in timing or moving along the ledges triggers something. This bug was happening to me also. I think I moved the object away from the crack so Farah goes through before trying the trick. If you do use this method the easiest way to get Farah to go through the crack is by running into the trap section with the swinging log and hanging on the edge of the drop. She'll stop fighting and go through.

@UCPro Oh yeah in your segment 14 to get the 2nd sword, although it didnt cost anytime this time around I would recommend leaving the Red guards behind rather than the blue one to deal with. The red ones you can easily knock down anywhere. The blue ones have a high tendancy to block attacks.


2nd method for getting up there is nearer the end. There is a step in the water. If you press the wallrun button as you land on that step (when your first step from the floor into what you think is the water) you should make it up there.

To stop the game over I might of just figured it out by accident. Run along the wall on the left hand side as I did in my video post. Worked twice for me during testing. The 2nd time was without a game over occuring the first time. Could've just been coincidental but it might be worth a try.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Thanks for the quick response, Reaver. Your tips should help me out a lot.

I continue along the ledges after I do the sword shortcut. I've only tried the rewind trick in one spot (when you wall run to hit that switch), and I could never get it to work reliably. I never tried running across the left wall, so I'll have to try that sometime.

I'm guessing rewinding is necessary to perform the shortcut like you did in the first 30 seconds of your youtube video, and I don't understand how the method you used at the end of the video is any different from UCPro or Satvara's. Also, am I the only person who turns the camera to the side when trying to perform that trick?

Another question: is it just me, or is the forward, forward, attack move you mentioned only possible if you've already attacked once? I've only been able to perform the move as part of a combo, not by itself.
Quote from mikwuyma:
Thanks for the quick response, Reaver. Your tips should help me out a lot.

I continue along the ledges after I do the sword shortcut. I've only tried the rewind trick in one spot (when you wall run to hit that switch), and I could never get it to work reliably. I never tried running across the left wall, so I'll have to try that sometime.

I'm guessing rewinding is necessary to perform the shortcut like you did in the first 30 seconds of your youtube video, and I don't understand how the method you used at the end of the video is any different from UCPro or Satvara's. Also, am I the only person who turns the camera to the side when trying to perform that trick?

Another question: is it just me, or is the forward, forward, attack move you mentioned only possible if you've already attacked once? I've only been able to perform the move as part of a combo, not by itself.

Yeah last method was the same as theres. Thought I'd include it anyways. I guess I press wallrun instinctively at the right time, but I think its just as you change height as you step off the floor onto the step/water below. I've never tried it from the sideview.

The first method you dont need to rewind. It was just that positioning in that trick is sometimes awkward and I felt I had a good position, so I used rewind just to retry from that exact location. I'm not exactly good at minute adjustments Tongue 

I've been able to pull off the forward, forward, attack on its own on several occassions. Sometimes it doesn't always work and he'll just throw a regular attack. I always assumed it was because I had bad control on the analog stick.
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2010-09-17 02:45:52 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Okay I caught up to UCpro in terms of segments. Now it's time for the list of stuff that I think can be applied to a single-segment/marathon run.

Short version: Everything that doesn't involve the rewind trick or palm trees. The rewind trick is too hard and unreliable to do, and palm trees are just random and frustrating. I seriously have no idea how Satvara even discovered the palm tree jumps.

There are also a couple jumps that I don't bother with because they're really precise and only save 5 seconds at most. One jump that sticks out in my mind is the one at the beginning of segment 10.

Segment by segment:

Segment 8: The early sword shortcut is difficult, but it needs to be done because it saves so much time. It also looks really cool when done right. Aside from that trick, I had trouble doing the wall run that grabs onto the pole right after you get the sword, so I'll probably just pull out the block. Aside from those two things, there isn't much to comment on.

Segment 9: The shortcut at the beginning of the segment is surprisingly easy to pull off. I don't remember any difficult tricks in this segment.

Segment 10: Doing the two angled jumps, the one right at the start and the other before you're in the area with the birds, are really hard to pull off and don't save more than 5 seconds each. However, the to the caves is surprisingly easy to do. The only thing you have to be careful about is falling off while you're walking along the wall.

Segment 11: I don't remember anything special about this segment.

Segment 12: I remember there was a kinda picky jump or two. I might wall run instead of jump across some of the pits, but that's about it.

Segment 13: I pulled off that rewind trick once after trying about 10 times, and all I did was walk around a column mid-air. Too bad, because that rewind trick saves about 2 minutes. I remember the wall run after you activate the door and traps is pretty annoying, but aside from that, I can't remember too much about this segment. Well, I did screw up triggering Farah slipping into the crack while the cutscene is playing, but I didn't understand that you had to be in the area where the crack is when the cutscene plays (or make sure Farah is there).

Segment 14: I did this segment twice, because the first time I completed it I had about 5% health remaining. The first time I just fought until I had 4 sand tanks (or whatever the white things are called) so I could speed kill in the observatory. I had a lot of trouble pulling the mirrors because of enemy spawns. Angry The second time I just killed all of the enemies, and used the super slowdown to kill a bunch of enemies quickly once, but I think I could easily build it up twice considering how many enemies there are. I pulled off the rope shortcut both times (it's not too bad once you know that the angle needs to be just slightly to the left). I started with a time of 1:12 for this area (this is just a test run to see what I am going to do for the marathon) and ended up with 1:24 both times, which really confused me because I thought the second time would be slower for sure. I'll have to play around with enemy spawns and moving mirrors more, but I'm thinking it's a better idea to kill everything for a marathon run.

BTW, I never tried to do the library without killing myself at the top if I didn't kill enemies. Do you know what happens if I don't kill myself, Reaver? Does Farah die?

Post-segment 14: The observatory shortcut requires a lot of precision, to the point where it seems random. The shortcut does save about a minute, and each retry only costs 2-3 seconds, so I'd say it's worth doing. The prison descent shortcuts are actually really easy to do. I kill four enemies in the prison so that there's only the slow guy left, which makes moving the box really easy. I haven't been able to get the rewind trick at the switch to work, but it's worth trying anyways because there's very little penalty for failure. However, triggering the switch the normal way requires some luck (enemies not spawning where you need to wall-run/climb, and Farah surviving). The farthest I've been is the elevator battle, which I botched horribly, though I'm confident I can get a successful try without too much trouble. I'll save once I get up to the hourglass.

Fun fact, if you don't pull off rewinds for shortcuts like UCPro and Satvara, the next area doesn't load and you just fall into nothingness.
OK, so i've been away from this for a while now, but i'd like to get back to it at some point.  Life has been busy the past couple months...i got engaged, and my wedding is coming up fast.  Everything involved with that has kept me away from this, but maybe sometime early next year i can get back to my practice run and finish it.  Then i'd think about whether i would want to start off doing a finalized segmented run, or go right for a SS run.

Just wanted to give a little update since i haven't been on these forums at all over the past 3 months, and i'm getting this itch to come back and finish things up Wink
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I figured you were busy since you haven't been on the forums for a while. Anyway, if you do a SS, then weird stuff will happen, like on the bottom of this post.

Also, stuff like that is the reason why I'm not running the game for the marathon. Sad
that's strange...did you do any testing to see what glitches or SB's lead to those issues?
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Well, the funhouse mirror one is really hard to replicate. It involves dying while you're switching from landscape to normal view (or vice versa), then immediately rewinding. To be honest, it's harmless because it seems to reset itself at the next cutscene.

The Farah dying loop, I'm not sure. It just happened to me once by fluke. I wasn't even trying any shortcuts. I doubt it happens often though.

There's other stuff:

-The game can sometimes freeze when you fight the birds near the Sultan's Menagerie, and I have no idea why.

-Doing second sword early can put you in a game over loop. Despite what Reaver said, running across the wall doesn't seem to help a whole lot against it (I did this 4 times on stream and it failed all 4 times).

-Despite backtracking a bit like you did for your segment 9 shortcut, the door and lever still wouldn't spawn most of the time, and I couldn't figure out why. But it is kind of funny to see the Prince stuck hanging on air permanently.
ah, ok....well, looks like i'll have to do some testing with the bigger timesavers to make sure success rate is high enough to deal with for a SS run (the one that comes to mind is the second sword early route).  I really cant wait to get back on this soon!  Hopefully there are a few interested people out there Wink
I came back to the forums at a good time Smiley

I was doing a playthrough of this also but got frustrated with the random game overs. Got two decent segments but had weird moments in the 3rd segment where I thought I found a time saver but I got a game over when the level restarted and a couple seconds later it would game over, respawn and game over so I got stuck in an endless loop of game over :S

Quote from mikwuyma:
-Doing second sword early can put you in a game over loop. Despite what Reaver said, running across the wall doesn't seem to help a whole lot against it (I did this 4 times on stream and it failed all 4 times).

Yeah that Reaver guys always talking crap.

Its funny I tested the wallrun like 4 times and it worked everytime until I tried it again a few days ago. I really dont understand how it works. I think trying to pull these tricks off in a single segment run is likely to result in too many chances of a random game over. The main one for the SS run would definately be 2nd sword early which would save a lot of time and is a fairly easy trick to pull off. If anyone could figure a way to stop the game over it would really be helpful.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Sorry, I didn't mean to say you were talking crap.

It's actually funny, because when I tried wall-running the first couple of times, it worked like you said, but now it doesn't seem to work at all. Maybe it's marathon curse. :X