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elbryan42: 2005-08-21 10:44:34 pm
Update: I just got to the Altar (Temple 4) with 50 mins left. That's 29 mins faster than my normal time! I have, you guessed it, three health bottles (I normally would have 12 bottles already). I passed up the life expansion on Temple 3 in favour of a fast time.

The Altar is quite tricky at the beginning, with the first two onslaughts of birdmen. Thankfully, you can cut the first attack down to two guys, and three guys in the second attack. You can bypass both battles. But doing so doesn't allow you to jump the gap (the one right after them). I'm still working on it. This is the last level before the levels 14 and 15, and building up my max health.

And on a side note, it appears I was mistaken on the saving mid level thing on XBox. I tried it on Caverns 3, and it didn't seem to work, but it does in the Temples. Thank goodness, since those levels are quite tough with low life.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Well on the PC those birdmen are no problem as long as you don't get surrounded by them in the alter level. Smiley Quite simple fighting mechanism isn't really hard to master. But on the xbox i think its much harder with that controller.
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elbryan42: 2005-08-22 12:32:23 am
Actually it's easier to fight them on the Xbox, so nyah.  Tongue Since block is A and attack is Y, all you have to do is keep alternating between the two buttons (like the SNES version of POP1).

Actually, overall, the game controls better on XBox. They ported it over quite well. I highly recommend POP on XBox, as it has a perfectly ported POP1 (Mac version, better graphics) and POP2.

But, like I said, I have to finish all of the birdmen in the level and only take only two hits, as three will kill me. That's the problem, as I'm not quite a perfect swordsman. The controls aren't really the problem.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Ok well can't wait to see how you deal with them Smiley
Well, here's an update on level 13. I can avoid getting fighting most of the birdmen at the start of level 13.  The thing is, after the gap, birdman that triggers the gate doesn't show (the birdmen that I skip follow me, not hitting the trigger), unless I fight all three birdmen before the switch. So, the fastest way is to skip the birdmen, and hit the trigger, and TRY to get to the gate before it closes. Easier said than done. But I'll figure it out. Wink
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elbryan42: 2005-08-23 11:00:18 am
Alrighty, finished it. First of all, I would like to say that the FAQ on GameFAQs (the same one that mentions the bug in Ruins 1 that doesn't work) is dead wrong when it comes to how many life bottles it takes to finish the game. He says seven, it's 11 bottles. So, that means I was collecting SEVEN bottles from the guards as opposed to three. It took me over 6 mins doing it. Looks like I'm looking for quick ways to get the expansions. Problem is, most of them take some time to get, so I'll have to pick wisely.

So, going into the final stage I had 48 mins left. I finished with 38 mins left. Besides the whole miscalculating the final bottle thing (and those darn guards dropping bottles randomly), I think I did rather well my first run through.

As for level 13, I'm quite proud of the devious tricks I pulled. I'm guessing you can find quite a few tricks in this game if you try hard enough.

And besides, now I know I can get to the last level without Life Expansions. Tongue Unfortunately no one will be able to see it in my speedrun since you need 8 expansions to beat the game.

Oh well, back to the beginning. Once I get a good solid plan going I'll start recording.

One thing's for sure, I definitely can go through the game with more finesse than I have before. Guess that's a side effect of speedrunning.

[edit] Okay, doing great my second time through! I'm at Temple 1 with 59 minutes left!!! That's only three more minutes, and with 10 life bottles. That would be 7 expansions. I never realized I was going so fast until I checked my time. Now all I have to do is pick up th expansion on level 13 and I can finish the game without fighting guards at the end. Smiley

Okay, I'm done. [/edit]

[edit 2]
Final time remaining: 43 mins!

That would be from the beginning of level 5 to Jaffar's death in 32 minutes. I'm guessing that the first four levels took me about 5-6 minutes.

Don't know how much faster I can go, since I raced through pretty fast. The extra life bottles make the game move much faster.

Don't know when I'll start recording. Maybe soon, maybe not. My VCR has been hurting lately, and I need to then get the tape to my friend's house to encode.
[/edit 2]
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Flashy: 2005-08-23 09:13:31 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Wowsa thats amazing  8) Definetly a must see speed run!  Cheesy
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elbryan42: 2005-08-26 08:08:41 am
Okay, just finished my first recorded run. Smiley

Being very critical, I felt it could be better. For these reasons:

-Missed an expansion in Level 5. But luckily when I got to the last level, the first guards I fought gave me what I needed. I was very lucky.
-Some not so fluid gameplay moments. I'm a perfectionist, and I cringe I see me, for example, not jumping everytime I run.
-I actually got hit by the goblin heads.

Overall quite a good run I think. The good news is that I gained a minute somewhere and I finished with 44 mins remaining. My guess is the missed expansion took more time than getting it from the guards. Like I said, I was lucky. Unexpected, but lucky.

I was quite nervous when the tape is running. So I may be over reacting though. I'll watch the run tomorrow and see if it looks better when I'm not being overcritical while playing.

Thankfully this isn't single segment like my planned EWJ run. It would've taken forever.

On a side note, I wish I hadn't recorded over my bloopers. I have the worst luck when recording usually. For example, when you die and pick up the flame, these things happened before being able to record the level being finished:

-The shadow actually MISSED the jump, fell into the abyss, and froze up the game.
-Once I thought gained control of the Prince, the game made me run left, into the abyss.
-I jumped onto the screen, planning to get a one-hit death from the guard. Unfortunately, I somehow pushed the guard and myself into the gap.

It was quite frustrating. Tongue Anyways, I'm sure it's great, and I'm just being hard on myself. If I'm not satisfied, I may record a new run, but only after I critically look over this one and see where the heck I gained that minute, and if a new run would be worth it.

The entire run, cutscenes included, was 52 mins. That includes the few seconds here and there to save and load. Also, I know I could save time by skipping the ending music on each level, but since I'm keeping the cutscenes, I can't really skip the music. Wink I'll time each level to the time when you can control the Prince to the time he goes up the stairs.

Okay, decided to stay up and watch the video. Here's the times:

Level 01 - 0:56
Level 02 - 0:20
Level 03 - 1:23 (-2 secs for save) Life +
Level 04 - 1:57 (-3 secs for save) Life +
Level 05 - 2:41 (-5 secs for saves) Timer Starts
Level 06 - 2:38 (-3 secs for save) Life +
Level 07 - 3:52 (-20 secs for saves/loads) Life +
Level 08 - 5:16 (-25 secs for saves/loads, -62 secs for cutscene) Life +
Level 09 - 2:40 (-15 secs for saves/loads) Life +
Level 10 - 2:17 (-3 secs for save)
Level 11 - 4:57 (-17 secs for saves/loads)
Level 12 - 4:05 (-5 secs for save)
Level 13 - 3:22 (-27 secs for saves/loads) Life +
Level 14 - 0:08
Level 15 - 3:00 (-28 secs for saves/loads) Life +

And cutscenes/end level music is on top of those times.

So 52 mins:
-about 39 minutes of gameplay
-about 10 mins of cutscenes
-3:38 of loading/saving

The thing is, the saves/loads can easily be edited out since the load restarts the room you save in. I'll have to ask Radix what exactly is allowed for editing. Worst case, I have more segments than I planned. Best case, one segment, with the parts edited together.

But I'll proabably re-record the run, since it shows in some parts that I was on edge while playing.

And I sure hope this will be accepted in the Speed Demos Archive.

Over the next few days (if I have time) I'll go over the vid closely seeing where I can save time.
Hell is where the heart is.
Good work!

Really looking forward to this one. :-)
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Good work!

Really looking forward to this one. :-)

Hehe me too, first time I've seen QDQ I wanted to see this oldie.
I'll take a new approach to the whole cutscene thing. Since I usually get much better playing through once first, and calming my nerves, I'll have a segment of just the cutscenes (for those that would like to see them), then have the speedrun itself, with as much skipped as possible, so that a more accurate time for gameplay will be possible. Minus the loading/saving of course.

I'll try again tonite.
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elbryan42: 2005-08-26 08:28:16 am
Okay, forget my idea of putting the cutscenes seperate. Since I just did the best I've done so far (and I'd be hard pressed to do better). So I'm happy. Grin I'm very proud of this latest run and I'm satisified that I'm done now.

I finished at 47:58, cutscenes included, with 45 minutes remaining. Saves/loads only take up 1:21, but since they'll be either edited out or segmented at those points, it's ok. Here's the rundown, which I just documented by watching the tape:

00:00-03:13 (3:13) - Cutscene: Opening
03:14-04:19 (1:05) - Level 01 (Rooftops)
04:20-05:10 (0:50) - Cutscene: Stowaway
05:11-05:27 (0:16) - Level 02 (Island)
05:28-06:58 (1:30) - Level 03 (Cavern 1) - (3 secs for save, Life +)
06:59-08:23 (1:24) - Cutscene: Illness
08:24-10:22 (1:58) - Level 04 (Cavern 2) - (7 secs for save/load, Life +)
10:23-10:46 (0:23) - Cutscene: Tree 1
10:47-14:22 (3:25) - Level 05 (Cavern 3) - (12 secs for save/load, Life +, Timer Starts)
14:23-14:56 (0:33) - Cutscene: Carpet
14:57-17:33 (2:36) - Level 06 (Ruins 1) - (4 secs for save/load, Life +)
17:34-21:33 (3:59) - Level 07 (Ruins 2)  - (12 secs for save/load, Life +)
21:34-24:20 (2:46) - Level 08 (Throne 1) - (5 secs for save/load, Life +)
24:21-25:19 (0:58) - Cutscene: Sword
25:20-26:49 (1:29) - Level 08 (Throne 2) - (3 secs for save)
26:50-27:01 (0:11) - Cutscene: Tree 2
27:02-29:27 (2:25) - Level 09 (Plateau) - (4 secs for save/load, Life +)
29:28-30:07 (0:39) - Cutscene: Horse 1
30:08-32:35 (2:27) - Level 10 (Temple 1) - (3 secs for save)
32:36-37:38 (5:02) - Level 11 (Temple 2) - (8 secs for save/load)
37:39-37:48 (0:09) - Cutscene: Tree 3
37:49-41:33 (3:44) - Level 12 (Temple 3) - (7 secs for save/load)
41:34-44:31 (2:57) - Level 13 (Altar) - (6 secs for save, Life +)
44:32-45:00 (0:28) - Cutscene: Horse 2
45:00-45:06 (0:06) - Level 14 (Final 1)
45:07-45:16 (0:09) - Cutscene: Magic
45:17-46:51 (1:34) - Level 15 (Final 2) - (7 secs for save/load)
46:52-47:58 (1:06) - Cutscene: Ending

Total Time - 47:58 (45 mins remaining)
Gameplay - 37:19
Cutscenes - 09:18
Save/Load - 01:21

There's only one point that I'm embarassed about, but I only lose about a second and a half. In level 7, right at the beginning of the second segment a snake kills me, but since it's at the beginning of the segment, I just go back to the beginning of the room. And since besides that, I'm satisfied, going back to fix a second or two isn't worth it.

Take note, that although it's done, getting it from tape to avi could take a while, since I don't have an input card yet, and my friend with one is quite busy. But I'll try to get it done as soon as possible. But it's done besides that, so it's very close to completion.

And I'm done. I'm off to bed. Wink
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elbryan42: 2005-08-27 11:11:03 pm
Just finished with 48 mins remaining. Wasted absolutely no time doing anything. Ran-jumped everywhere too. So awesome! Too bad I wasn't recording. :|

If only I could get the DOS version to run with sound and not lock up, I could record that way and have the run faster. Another problem with the DOS version (since it's not a pure-DOS enviornment) is that there's quite a bit of slowdown when a door is opening or closing.

Oh well, at least I know what is the best possible time. I'll try to do it again with recording. Hopefully I can encode the tape pretty fast, but we'll see.

So, who's all looking forward to this one?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
As far as I know you can just run it in Dosbox?:) Recording it is a different things because when I use fraps there is purple noise in the movie.
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dessgeega: 2005-08-28 10:27:17 am
i like to watch.
i'm looking forward to this one.

and i appreciate that you're compiling a movie of skipped cutscenes. i wish more speedrunners did that.
I can't wait to see this one. Do you plan to do PoP, as well? If not, think of the fame!

(By the way, I have the print version of that walkthrough. Still read it every once and a while. It's great.)
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elbryan42: 2005-08-28 07:18:06 pm
I dunno about POP. Those guillotines make me very nervous. I always take my time with them, taking deep breaths. I'm not kidding, as great as I am at POP, and know the timing for almost evertthing, I suck at those things. That wouldn't be my game. Sorry. Sad

I considered doing SNES POP (for some reason the guillotines don't bother me as much on there), but someone already did an tool assised run of it so I didn't see the point.

One thing I was really considering for a while was doing is an SNES walkthrough of POP 1, official strategy guide style. Another 8 levels, with the Prince's narrative.

Anyways, now that I'm awake, time to drag the XBox to my room to record once again.
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elbryan42: 2005-08-29 07:00:34 am
Done what I like to call a very, very, very near perfect run. I can maybe, possibly shave off 5-10 seconds (like finishing a fight faster or something unreliable as that). That's how much I worked on it. This time going through making sure everything was done absolutely perfect. And it only took me 5-6 hours. Tongue

Here's the breakdown of my tape. This time I skipped cutscenes, and will make a cutscene vid from parts of my previous run.

00:00-04:25 (4:25) Segment 1 (Rooftops, Island, Cavern 1 and 2) Life +2
04:25-04:46 (0:19) Between Segment Saving/Loading Crap
04:47-10:25 (5:38 ) Segment 2 (Cavern 3, Ruins 1) Life +2, 75 mins start (timer starts)
10:26-10:45 (0:19) Between Segment Saving/Loading Crap
10:46-14:06 (3:20) Segment 3 (Ruins 2) Life +1, 70 mins starting
14:06-14:25 (0:19) Between Segment Saving/Loading Crap
14:26-17:54 (3:28 ) Segment 4 (Throne) Life +1, 67 mins starting
17:55-18:13 (0:18 ) Between Segment Saving/Loading Crap
18:14-22:25 (4:49) Segment 5 (Plateau, Temple 1) Life +1, 64 mins starting
22:26-22:50 (0:24) Between Segment Saving/Loading Crap
22:51-27:31 (4:40) Segment 6 (Temple 2) 59 mins starting
27:32-27:56 (0:24) Between Segment Saving/Loading Crap
27:57-31:19 (3:39) Segment 7 (Temple 3) 55 mins starting
31:20-31:42 (0:22) Between Segment Saving/Loading Crap
31:43-34:41 (2:58 ) Segment 8 (Altar, Final 1) Life +1, 52 mins starting
34:42-35:04 (0:22) Between Segment Saving/Loading Crap
35:05-36:25 (1:20) Segment 9 (Final 2) 49 mins starting

Total Time: 36:25
Save/Load: 1:47
Final Gameplay Time: 34:12 (48 mins remaining)

So, yeah, that makes the gameplay just over 3 mins faster than my previous recorded run, and slightly faster than the playthrough I did yesterday afternoon. Much less saving this time, done in definite segments.

That's it. This one's the final one. Really. Wink

Now to get it encoded. That may be a while. Sorry. :|
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'll be waiting for the video  8)
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Flashy: 2005-09-16 01:32:13 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Any updates?  Smiley
Not yet. I've been REALLY busy at work lately. Still deciding on the method I'll be using to encode the run. It'll be less money to get my friend to encode it, but without a working car, it's a little tricky to get to his house.

I'll get it all figured out this weekend. I have most of it off.