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DOSBox <3
I've found Prehistorik 2, the sequel to it's predecessor Prehistorik by Titus Entertainment, quite fun game to play and explore. It has secret levels, secret platforms triggerable by hitting them in the air, lots of hidden shortcuts and great replayability.

The game itself has gone abandonware and you can get it at or

I decided to start this thread and start giving tips for fastest possible routes to the levels.

For Level 1, jump on a bear high up in the air in the first open gap half screen to the right from the beginning and trigger a platform by hitting air with the club. Press down in the middle of it. You find yourself near the exit, just run to the right, take the green tinderbox and touch the streetlight.

For Level 2, go the the high pole to the right, jump on bear and on the bird too so that you can jump high enough to get over it. It's quite hard. Then just run to the right, go into the cave, take tinderbox and go to the streetlight. You can skip cave and press down under the streetlight to finish level by jumping on the pink switch and getting into first secret level.

For level 3, I haven't yet fully investigated it, but you can finish it by either beating the boss to the right or by using the most upper wasp as a transport to the right where you can finish the level thru the secret level. Could be shortcuts and faster ways here.

Level 4, either run to the right as fast as possible, take tinderbox below the start and run to the right again or use dinosaurs as platform in the killing pit and destroy the left wall there to get to secret level. Could be faster ways and shortcuts here.

Level 5, there are some hut shortcuts and risky shortcut jumps down the trees but you need to press down near end to get tinderbox high in the trees and then finish level. I think I'm missing lots of shortcuts or even a secret level here.

Level 6, not very much improving possible, just go down with the screen and beat the boss. Throwing axe is optional.

Level 7, probably tons of shortcuts, haven't yet investigated it, just know where you can get huge extra points by dropping in hole near end and following the path to refridgerators. Quite interesting to speedrun where the snowstorm starts and some other places too.

Level 8, some press-down warps around the level I think, not yet investigated fully.

Level 9, the fortress is probably full of crazy secrets and warps, long since I played it.

Single segment run would be quite hard but single level runs would be playable. Use passwords (depend on the PC) to warp to necessary level.

Expert should be the difficulty to play on.

I don't know yet how to fix sound on WinXP, ideas? (press F3 to turn the annoying sound off).

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I don't know yet how to fix sound on WinXP, ideas? (press F3 to turn the annoying sound off).

If it's a DOS game, try running it in DOSBox. That has fixed sound issues in old games for me before.
Never give up!
Regarding the sound issue, I don't know exactly what settings you'd use in this case, but I suggest the program VDMSound.

I know that's what I had to use to get BUILD engine games working with sound under WinXP, and I'm fairly sure it can help with the same problems for other DOS games.
DOSBox <3
I started practising and running. Found couple of big shortcuts.
Wish me luck. Tips for playing and shortcuts would be appreciated.

Although I still can't make sound work. With VDMSound I had to press F3 and turn sound off, otherwise the game would just freeze. I DID make it work on DOSBox, but the sound was a bit awkward, not at all as it used to be on my old PC I don't have any more. Also on DOSBox the screen where you choose the difficulty and the following screen showing the world map and location, is not readable.

Anyway, what program should I use to record runs and what would you recommend to solve playing of the game for once?
DOSBox <3
Captured some of the vids now. At least perfectioned Level 1 with the best possible route but keep finding new routes and shortcuts on later levels. :clap:
DOSBox <3
first 6 are watchable Smiley
accepting tips Wink
Edit history:
JediTry: 2005-12-17 01:08:27 am
Semi-retired FPS expert
I used to love this game. No idea where the installation files are now though... First 2 levels are great, I don't think they could be faster. The rest is downloading now.

EDIT. In level 3 around 0:14 I think it's faster to wait for the bee to come back rather than jump to the bottom and make your way back up. I can't remember, but perhaps it is possible to get there a tiny bit earlier so the bee is still around.
DOSBox <3
Could you PM me your MSN Address, email, or IRC location, so we can talk about it more? And yes, only first 2 and maybe level 5 vids are good.
DOSBox <3
New and quite a lot improved vids at
DOSBox <3
Made also low quality versions and amazingly small all in one packages for both HQ and LQ, check out!
DOSBox <3

Check these a lot more improved versions for all levels Smiley 7-zip unpackers required (such as PowerArchiver or 7-zip or perhaps WinRar). Tips accepted.