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defying gravity
The beginning didn't really matter because he had to wait anyways.
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
Theoretically it could be faster on 17, although I don't think I could do it...

if you don't wait for the orb, and start ABH'ing, and right before you hit the orb, while in the air during a hop, turn around, smack the orb out of the way (up or to the side), and turn back to continue ABH'ing.

Pretty difficult, but would save 2-3 seconds from the beginning
If we were you, we would quit now.
Theoretically it could be faster on 17, although I don't think I could do it...

if you don't wait for the orb, and start ABH'ing, and right before you hit the orb, while in the air during a hop, turn around, smack the orb out of the way (up or to the side), and turn back to continue ABH'ing.

Pretty difficult, but would save 2-3 seconds from the beginning

Nope. I thought the SAME thing, but you seem to forget the SECOND orb. I did test this exact thing you speak of, but when you reach the second hallway, you waste alot of time having to avoid the other orb that is, at that time, at just about the top of the steps. You go sooo much faster ABH-wise if you ABH up the steps, cause you slide, basically making up for the time in the end. Youll reach the end of the second hallway at about the same time with alot less effort. Also, you massively slow down trying to turn during an ABH to deflect the orbs.  Ive even tried ducking under the orbs backwards while ABHing, but they end up hitting the cube and either knocking it out of your hands or instantly killing you. The option i went with seemed the fastest and simplest. Youd have to play the game in slow motion (TSA) style to do stuff like that.
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DemonStrate: 2008-01-27 04:35:24 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
I think you guys will likey the chamber 18. If you were using the challenge timer, the timing would be about 29 seconds... It's definitely a new record. Im just that awesome. :-P.

Chamber 18:
Oh. My. God. Absolutely sensational, Demon. That was a lot of fun to watch.

Nope. I thought the SAME thing, but you seem to forget the SECOND orb. I did test this exact thing you speak of, but when you reach the second hallway, you waste alot of time having to avoid the other orb that is, at that time, at just about the top of the steps. You go sooo much faster ABH-wise if you ABH up the steps, cause you slide, basically making up for the time in the end. Youll reach the end of the second hallway at about the same time with alot less effort. Also, you massively slow down trying to turn during an ABH to deflect the orbs.  Ive even tried ducking under the orbs backwards while ABHing, but they end up hitting the cube and either knocking it out of your hands or instantly killing you. The option i went with seemed the fastest and simplest. Youd have to play the game in slow motion (TSA) style to do stuff like that.

Enter the first hallway just bhopping, not abhing. Abh after you hit the first orb, you'd arrive in the second hallway just in time and you won't have to deal with the second orb. This would save even a couple of seconds. Also you could stop abhing sooner after the 1st hallway, the last jump was pointless, you just lost time there.

Your chamber 18 is epic.
If we were you, we would quit now.
Enter the first hallway just bhopping, not abhing. Abh after you hit the first orb, you'd arrive in the second hallway just in time and you won't have to deal with the second orb. This would save even a couple of seconds. Also you could stop abhing sooner after the 1st hallway, the last jump was pointless, you just lost time there.

Your chamber 18 is epic.

Yeah, I only had very few attempts that stopped at the end of the first hall's stairs. If you ABH too fast, you become uncontrollable. I'll definitely keep that idea (bhop first and abh the second) in consideration. Thanks.
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groobo: 2008-01-27 03:07:13 pm
bhop first and abh the second

What I meant was that you can bhop the first half of the hallway and abh till the end after you hit the orb. That way, iirc, with your last jump you'll land directly under the steps and you won't have to wait for the second orb to get somewhere so that you can abh through the second hallway.
If we were you, we would quit now.
Dangit. I had segment 1 of Chamber 19 done, but I just revised my route for segment 2 after finding a way to skip a certain jump that wastes like 3 seconds or something, so I need to redo it again. :-/. Im happy I barely have to walk on the ground for a majority of Chamber 19, since it's such a long chamber. You guys will appreciate the effort I put into it, or at least I hope so. :-P
Hail Discordia!
Holy shit, this speedrun is shaping to be one of the most horribly broken first-person runs ever. I wonder what Valve thinks of nearly every one of their chambers being shred to pieces.

And great job, DemonStrate! I'm really looking forward to the escape levels.
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DemonStrate: 2008-01-31 02:24:14 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
This is the best Chamber out of all the other chambers. Most glitches used and most refined level I have completed thus far. Took over 8 hours of constant testing and practicing. I effectively used autosaves for every segment (except for the first segment which is explained in my video comment). I present Chamber 19.

Chamber 19:

Edit: Lol, I just calculated that it took me; for the 38 seconds length that the video is; 12.63 minutes of practicing and retrying per second of the final product. 12 mins/sec.... thats terrifying.
King Laskdjf
Jesus christ that was fast.

The final run is going to be so damn epic.
Don't think!  feeeeeal
At the end you could save a lot of time by duck jumping under the ledge and keeping you speed, instead of hitting the ledge, losing all your speed and then crawling through.
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DemonStrate: 2008-01-31 03:26:02 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
At the end you could save a lot of time by duck jumping under the ledge and keeping you speed, instead of hitting the ledge, losing all your speed and then crawling through.

Yeah, I know that. I just went with that segment because I didn't have much more time to keep running that level today, and I really wanted it done. I'm not going for 'pure perfection' in this run. Similarly, youll notice that if I could have gotten the ABH out of the portal in the hallway before I fell down the elevator shaft perfectly, I would fall directly into the hole, and not waste the time having to jump additionally. I have lots of little mistakes like that throughout my run, but i'm not going to fret over them. Its not like i'm going Half-Hour Half-Life on this run or anything :-P. Its more like the 45:45 run. I'm thinking if you played this game to perfection, you could get it to be around or under 10 mins, which, if i have the determination after this submission, may be my goal. That would be a sight to see.

Edit: Yeah, not sliding under it cost me about a second... Eh. I'm really not too worried about it. I did most of the major exploits as quick as I could.
Oh my god!
Chamber 19 is so freaking fast, can't wait to see the escape run.

I'm not going for 'pure perfection' in this run.

In my opinion, for a really 'perfect' run you have to do it either timescale assisted or you have to run it in 3-second-segments.
Your run will be so epic! Grin
That was absolutely amazing. Incredibly fast, I could barely follow what was happening.
If we were you, we would quit now.
AH HA! Many new discoveries ahoy!

1. Using the command hidehud 1, you can see a timer in the corner of the game. This timer (if sv_bonus_challenge is set to 0) is the timer for the neuro toxins at the end of the game. You can see this timer at any map whenever you want. To start the timer (which counts down from 3 minutes), type in startneurotoxins. This preserves time between maps, but is sort of useless to use it that way, because when 3 minutes are up, it kills you. :-P. It would be useful to use this for each map, just startneurotoxins over at the map load and continue timing from 3 mins going down.

2. The aforementioned command sv_bonus_challenge would be a great tool to use if you didn't need to preserve next level loads. This is because it IS the timer used for challenges. Here is a listing of what it does:
sv_bonus_challenge 1: Portal Counter
sv_bonus_challenge 2: Step Counter
sv_bonus_challenge 3: Time Counter
sv_bonus_challenge 0: No Timer (Default)
The problem is, at the end of the level, it will not load the next level. It will just move the elevator up into a room with nothing in it. So, if you were doing timing on a per map basis, as was discussed earlier in this thread, use sv_bonus_challenge 3. Also, you have to type in this command, and then load the map. It will not work if you already loaded the map.

3. The glitch video on how to enter the opposing turret room quicker on Escape 01 made by djcj is a MAJOR exploit. It is, what I'm calling the 'Acute Angle' glitch (since many other games have an acute angle glitch). He took down his video off of YouTube, but I will put up a video at some point showing it off. To explain it in a basic sense, what it does is places you at the wrong coordinates for where the exit portal should be. You place a portal on the slanted walls in the turret room of Escape 01. Then you place a portal somewhere on the floor somewhere else on the map (it has to be on the floor for some reason). If you walk into the one on the slated wall, you will be teleported to another location in the map based on a distance it sends you from the location of the slant portal. The only thing I can figure out so far are these facts:
(Note: cl_showpos will show you're position in the level)
-The X distance the ground portal is away from the slant portal determines both the X distance (by some unknown calculation) AND the Z distance (also by some unknown calculation).
-The X direction the top the of ground portal is facing determines which Y direction you will travel. If it is facing the positive X direction, you will travel to the correct Y position you normally would by using portals. If it is facing the -X direction, you will travel the Y in the opposite direction from the slant portal.

A way to help out with this glitch would be how it calculates your exit location based on the positions of the slant portal, the ground portal, and the exit location. I was trying to do this earlier, but I couldn't figure anything out yet. If we can figure this out, then all you would have to do is calculate where to put the ground portal for you to end up at a desired location on the map! I hope this will be useful in the Portal sequel or additions to the game.

In other news, I'm still working on Escape 00. I had to take some time to figure out a few of the timing things, so I wouldn't have to reroute myself during the run (like on Chamber 19). The depressing thing is I couldn't find any major shortcuts, so, the level is going to be pretty cut-and-dry as far as I can tell.
That was ridiculous. Awesome.
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djcj: 2008-02-02 09:34:08 pm
3. The glitch video on how to enter the opposing turret room quicker on Escape 01 made by djcj is a MAJOR exploit. It is, what I'm calling the 'Acute Angle' glitch (since many other games have an acute angle glitch).

You mean this?

I thought this was just a normal portal-on-edge glitch. ^^"
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DemonStrate: 2008-02-03 01:56:04 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
You mean this?

I thought this was just a normal portal-on-edge glitch. ^^"

Nope. Not a normal edge glitch! If you notice in your video, you end up at the top of the room that you enter into. Thats because you move forward a certain X distance, and up (Z direction) the Y distance that the floor portal is away from the slanted portal. Just test it out yourself. I would recommend putting on sv_cheats and having a button bound to noclip, because you'll end up outside the map 95% of the time.
If we were you, we would quit now.
Ugh, Escape 00 took too stupidly long. I had to find out where the autosaves were, and spent alot of time seeing if there were any shortcuts I could use. Then, after that failed, I had to see any optimizations I could do. Then, I realized you needed some perfect timing to be able to pull off the stunts and speed I wanted. So... it took a bit of time, but its done. Check it out:

Escape 00:
Escape 00:

Very nice and smooth. Done in a single segment?
Edit history:
DemonStrate: 2008-02-06 03:03:48 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
Very nice and smooth. Done in a single segment?

Lol. No. 4 segments. :-P They were all autosaves, though, which is great for SDA timing.

Edit: Oh, you probably think its smooth because I upped the framerate of the recording to 60 FPS. I mentioned it in the video's comments.
Swedish Fish
each time the sound gets screwed its a new segment.

It's a very good run but I still dislike the xcessive use of segments.

The penalty for segmenting should be much higher,  like 5-10s per segment.