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defying gravity
It still doesn't work.
Do I have to release duck and if so, when?
Do I have to hit any other direction keys besides the "Up" for the first jump?
Should I always be "autofire-jumping" or should I pause somewhere?
It still doesn't work.
Do I have to release duck and if so, when?
Do I have to hit any other direction keys besides the "Up" for the first jump?
Should I always be "autofire-jumping" or should I pause somewhere?

You must press duck all the time and you can also start the jump backwards.You just have to jump when touching the ground and you must not press any direction key.
defying gravity
This is weirdo. I can easily do it when having jump on the mousewheel, but I can hardly do it with Jump on an Autofire-Script.
Thanks for the help though Smiley
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slYnki: 2007-12-16 09:06:50 pm
Hmm, I'm curious as to how the companion cube shortcut works in Test Chamber 17. Not having to open the incinerator and all... groobo, may you explain further, and then may I massage your butt?

Once that's sorted out, I believe my time will land around 17:10 or so to begin with, just to be reasonable. Then when I finally go insane, under 17 minutes doesn't sound too improbable...
If we were you, we would quit now.
This is weirdo. I can easily do it when having jump on the mousewheel, but I can hardly do it with Jump on an Autofire-Script.
Thanks for the help though Smiley

Yeah, I dont used a script because it doesnt seem to work with one. I believe using a script makes it jump 'too often', so it wont work if that happens. When you ABH, you actually hit the ground twice per jump, which is what makes you gain speed. If you use a script, youll jump in between those jumps and it wont work.
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groobo: 2007-12-16 09:19:05 pm

Yeah, I dont used a script because it doesnt seem to work with one. I believe using a script makes it jump 'too often', so it wont work if that happens. When you ABH, you actually hit the ground twice per jump, which is what makes you gain speed. If you use a script, youll jump in between those jumps and it wont work.

This is a common problem. In order to solve this you should bind +duck to one of your mouse buttons (at least that worked for me and for anyone having problems with abh).

@slynk: You have to put the cube exactly in the middle. AFAIK it should be tilted. I don't have a 360 so I can't tell for sure, you should ask Cody. And the massage won't be necessary, thanks :P.
I use an older version of AHK, but my script works great for ABH.  Here it is:

GetKeyState, state, Space, P 
if State = U ; The button has been released, so stop the loop. 
; Otherwise: 
Send, {SPACE}
Sleep, 20 ; i.e. 30 ms delay between clicks. Adjust this value as needed.

GetKeyState, state, LAlt, P 
if State = U ; The button has been released, so stop the loop. 
; Otherwise: 
Send, {v}
Sleep, 30 ; i.e. 30 ms delay between clicks. Adjust this value as needed. 

I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
For ABH, I have a logitech G15 keyboard with macro buttons - if anyone has a simliar KB, you can just set one of the buttons to "press space, release space, 0.016 sec delay", and "repeat while pressed". Works great.
defying gravity
It depends on the delay you set in the script. I've only tried 1ms, 50, 100 and 200 before, but it seems to work much better with something around 20. Let's find out the perfect delay Wink
@slynk: You have to put the cube exactly in the middle. AFAIK it should be tilted. I don't have a 360 so I can't tell for sure, you should ask Cody. And the massage won't be necessary, thanks :P.

Whatever you say, groob. I'm melting the butter as we speak... Anyhow, I got the cube trick to work after falling in myself a couple times. You have to place it sort of on the left of the incinerator, after bumping it into the side a couple times. Then it falls in. I haven't gotten it to work exceptionally fast, however, so I think I may stick with the old method in my single segment, if I happen to craft one.
If we were you, we would quit now.
I began work on my speedrun! Please give me any feedback on how it looks, or if I messed anything up. Thanks!

First map, Chambers 00-01:

Second map, Chambers 02-03:
looks great Smiley
how many saves do you use per map? because sometimes it looks like youve been using 5-6 per room
Swedish Fish
uuh,  segmenting segments. Sad

one per "map" feels more right.
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Ekelbatzen: 2007-12-17 01:30:36 pm
Well done Wink But I dont like the demo recording, you see that the transition from portals are bad when you walk through a portal or the cube gets thorugh it.

When I look at my segments until now I see that I have to run the first chambers again Cheesy You can compare your further segments to the segments I have yet if you want:
If we were you, we would quit now.
looks great Smiley
how many saves do you use per map? because sometimes it looks like youve been using 5-6 per room

Chamber 00: 1 at the beginning of the game, 1 right before the portal opened, 1 autosave in the next room = 3 total
Chamber 01: 1 autosave at the beginning of the room = 1 total => 4 total for testchmb_a_00
Chamber 02: 1 autosave before the elevator door opened = 1 total
Chamber 03: 1 autosave when you turn the corner outside the elevator = 1 total => 2 total for testchmb_a_01

Note: The map names don't make any sense in relation to the actual chamber numbers, because they do 'double up' chambers on some of the maps, like these first 2 here.

SDA Note: So according to SDA, I only have to add .5 seconds so far, because of the save right before the portal opened on Chamber 00. I'm really trying to use those autosaves wisely.
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groobo: 2007-12-17 06:19:25 pm
SDA Note: So according to SDA, I only have to add .5 seconds so far, because of the save right before the portal opened on Chamber 00. I'm really trying to use those autosaves wisely.

You will get penaltiezed for the auto saves because in Portal they occur at random, not at certain points on a map. I'd also advise you to use one segment per chamber for the early ones (except the first one).

Something more creative: In chamber 3 you can land a portal closer to the force field (tiny, upright wall). Also you should slowly move your mouse in the opposite direction than your strafe key while abhing, as Spider-Waffle pointed out god knows how many times. Not doing so you gain half the speed you could get, not to mention that in chamber 1 you even lost some speed at least once because of this.
Something more creative: In chamber 3 you can land a portal closer to the force field (tiny, upright wall).

I've tried that before, the elevator refuses to open if you do that Sad

Looks damn nice thus far, Demon. I don't care how many segments you use, I just want to see how fast this game can go =)
Waiting hurts my soul...
Didn't someone post a vid of slowing down the game so it was basically all a blur when played at normal speed?  That really wasn't too interesting.
If we were you, we would quit now.
You will get penaltiezed for the auto saves because in Portal they occur at random, not at certain points on a map. I'd also advise you to use one segment per chamber for the early ones (except the first one).

Sorry, but you are wrong. They do not occur at random. There are obviously triggers that you pass in order to activate the autosave. I have to spend time before each chamber I run in order to find where it autosaves in the next chamber. I will not be penalized for using those autosaves.
defying gravity
Just my opinion, but I think runs with indefinite saves are pointless. (for games like this at least)
No offense
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groobo: 2007-12-17 08:57:27 pm
I've tried that before, the elevator refuses to open if you do that Sad

You just have to take one step back to trigger the elevator. I'm pretty sure this method will be slightly faster.


Sorry, but you are wrong. They do not occur at random. There are obviously triggers that you pass in order to activate the autosave. I have to spend time before each chamber I run in order to find where it autosaves in the next chamber. I will not be penalized for using those autosaves.

Yeah, I've just tested it and you're right, sorry. It appeared to be random for me probably due to the super awkward auto save trigger placement.
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DemonStrate: 2007-12-17 10:53:47 pm
If we were you, we would quit now.
Also you should slowly move your mouse in the opposite direction than your strafe key while abhing, as Spider-Waffle pointed out god knows how many times. Not doing so you gain half the speed you could get, not to mention that in chamber 1 you even lost some speed at least once because of this.

ABHing doesn't depend on this for speed. It depends on how fast you are going on the initial jump. Gaining speed depends on the timing of the jump (if it jumps at soon as you would hit the floor, youll gain speed faster). The strafing and looking (normal bunny hopping) does not directly factor into it gaining speed faster, but in semi-rare cases, it may increase speed. For the most part, the speed at which you ABH, completely depends on the jumps. I found this out rather quickly when doing the TimeScale Assisted runs of HL2:EP2. For those, I had to hit jump by hand at the right time to gain large amounts of speed. My loss of speed in 01, is only because of the jumps. Its basically randomized when using the scroll wheel to jump, as I am. The AHK script does not work for me. I cannot crouch while holding jump using it, and the mouse wheel seems to be easiest for me.

And for good news, I got the next 2 maps done for the speedrun:
Chamber 04-05:

Chamber 06-07:

Edit: I reuploaded the 06-07 video. It should work now.
@usernameguy: If you liked 04, you'll really like 07.
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usernameguy: 2007-12-18 12:41:32 am

If you're right, then, theoretically, you could program a perfectly timed "straight line" ABH.  You simply change the wait times every loop through to something you've tuned.  Might be worth the effort.

EDIT: Chamber 4 was AWESOME.  Video for Chambers 6&7 "is unavailable" according to YouTube.
EDIT2: Ha.  Hit the orange portal on the drop.  Nice.
Don't think!  feeeeeal
but in semi-rare cases, it may increase speed.

You probably just aren't doing it well, if your good at it it's not semi-rare, instead it's every time.
For Chamber 04, wouldn't shooting a portal underneath the cube then ABH towards the door be faster?