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@DemonStrate: Thanks, i will re-run that chamber.
Swedish Fish
Ok here's the 1:02 run I mentioned the other night for escape_02...

Very nice.

I can see two ways of improving this. First off the mentioned bunnyhop. The second possible improvement is to shoot the portal to get the turret just before you portal to the door. (at 11 seconds at the youtube video). It should be possible since  I managed to do it with lower timescale. Good luck! Tongue
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Ekelbatzen: 2007-12-12 07:34:59 pm
I found randomly a bug with which you can boost yourself away from the portal! You can do it when you duck at the right time.
I binded duck on the mousewheel to show it.
When you have too much speed it doesnt work anymore, you can see it when I try it after falling thorugh the third portal.

If we were you, we would quit now.
I found randomly a bug with which you can boost yourself away from the portal! You can do it when you duck at the right time.
I binded duck on the mousewheel to show it.
When you have too much speed it doesnt work anymore, you can see it when I try it after falling thorugh the third portal.

Sorry to say, but i saw someone discovered that before. Ill have to find a link to it later. I saw it probably a week and a half ago. BTW, you can do it when you go really fast, you just have to mash jump. Itll eventually bounce.
I knew many people got it randomly, but I thought they didnt know how they did it.
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Fragalishus: 2007-12-13 06:49:05 pm

Very nice.

I can see two ways of improving this. First off the mentioned bunnyhop. The second possible improvement is to shoot the portal to get the turret just before you portal to the door. (at 11 seconds at the youtube video). It should be possible since  I managed to do it with lower timescale. Good luck! Tongue;9244749;/fileinfo.html

Well there's that but I don't think it's any faster and certainly not as cool as opening the door.  btw, with the right mouse and strafe movements you can really boost through that floor portal for the turret and make it just inside the door on your way back whatever.  I think I know what you're referring to, and if so, yeah it'd be a tough shot. May not even be thinking of the same thing tho.

There's also a certain angle you can lay the portal under the turret so that it pretty much insta-gibs GLaDOS.  Almost as soon as you jump over the portal and squat the game really chugs hard (probably due to all 3 cores knocking loose almost simultaneously, playing sounds, running scripts, playing animations, all never meant to be run all at once, keep in mind).  I'm not sure if it's one good shot, (maybe like a "headshot" on her?) or if it's 3 individual shots from the turret that are direct hits even tho you maybe lag and don't hear them winding up to get you or even fire for that matter.  Haven't played around enough yet trying to reproduce it just something to think about if anyone's poking around on escape_02.
If we were you, we would quit now.
I believe this should gain an extra second or two on Chamber 7:

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Ekelbatzen: 2007-12-13 05:27:32 pm
Yes, it definitely will  Cheesy You can use ABH too with that trick
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Fragalishus: 2007-12-13 07:23:54 pm
I believe this should gain an extra second or two on Chamber 7:

heh, even if it's not faster it's cooler, nice find.

I meant to mention something else, too.  Haven't quite figured out the exact science of it but there's a way to get more juice out of the portal using techniques similar to ABH.  Again, haven't played with it enough but I think it has something to do with holding the "back" key as you go through a portal, and pull back on the mouse as you go through so you sort of whip through the portal and haul ass out the other side.  I'm sure we've all done it at some point, just go flying for seemingly no reason, or get way more boost than you're used to for the particular trick you're trying.  Thinking the back key has something to do with it.


Some random blooper footage and some glados/core dialogue, etc.  3rd time that turret got me in the hallway in the exact same way is when I thought of just putting a portal in front of it down below.
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DemonStrate: 2007-12-14 03:47:24 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
I meant to mention something else, too.  Haven't quite figured out the exact science of it but there's a way to get more juice out of the portal using techniques similar to ABH.  Again, haven't played with it enough but I think it has something to do with holding the "back" key as you go through a portal, and pull back on the mouse as you go through so you sort of whip through the portal and haul ass out the other side.  I'm sure we've all done it at some point, just go flying for seemingly no reason, or get way more boost than you're used to for the particular trick you're trying.  Thinking the back key has something to do with it.

Im gonna test that some more too. I've definitely flown out of portals with extreme speed for no apparent reason. I had thought before that it might have to do with which direction you are facing when you enter a portal and exit the other one, but i think ill spend some time tonight to see if we can figure out how to use it.

Here is a video of where i often get 'unexplained speed':

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slYnki: 2007-12-14 06:24:37 am
Today when I was screwing around with Test Chamber 18, I got some nasty speed from jumping off the "super button platform" and landing on the security camera I was holding. I don't know where this could be used effectively. Maybe if one were to drop down onto a button with a storage cube, bump off it and effectively gain a speedy head start on ABH? I dunno, just throwing it out there.

Right now I'm in the process of finding little places to gain precious seconds out of. When you get the modified portal gun, for instance. When you portal up to the elevator, you can shoot a portal right next to the elevator whilst still inside your first portal, and you'll bump straight into the elevator. Cuts a second, if that. All the meager stuff I find will aid a highly segmented run.
Swedish Fish
yeah,  I did that cameraboost too.  But I could not find any use for it. I think it has something to do with the camera moving and you landing on it.

Im gonna test that some more too. I've definitely flown out of portals with extreme speed for no apparent reason. I had thought before that it might have to do with which direction you are facing when you enter a portal and exit the other one, but i think ill spend some time tonight to see if we can figure out how to use it.

Here is a video of where i often get 'unexplained speed':

My guess was that you get that boost because you duck at the right time, like I showed some posts before( ). I got that boost mostly at that level, too, and you have to duck to jump off the block.
If we were you, we would quit now.

My guess was that you get that boost because you duck at the right time, like I showed some posts before( ). I got that boost mostly at that level, too, and you have to duck to jump off the block.

Sorry to say, but thats not it. I have a video of various tests I did resulting in the 'unexplained speed.' This is copied from the youtube video description:
I tested this alot. The things i have figured out:
-It does not have to do with placing a portal near a wall, or has to do with being close to a wall.
-It does not have to do with crouch or jumping, it just has to do with 'something'.
-Using jumping, you do not need crouch.
-When jumping, it seems you need to time it exactly so that the apex of your jump is in between both portals. That does not mean that you need to have your body/head coming out of the top of a portal.
-It does not matter where you are looking.
-It does not matter if you are going forward or backward, and you can strafe while doing it.
-Its reproducible, but there are still some inconsistencies between when you can do it, and where you can do it.

If anyone can figure this out, it would be such a great help for the speedrun.

Note: Its best to download this video and view it frame by frame between when I didn't get the speed and when I did. The facts listed above should be more apparent that way.

Here is the link to the video:
Hm...looks difficult to find out what that really is  Tongue
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slYnki: 2007-12-14 07:36:23 pm
I managed to get that little speed boost in Escape 01. I was half way through my first portal, and I went to jump, but the portal pushed me out faster. I think you do have to jump pretty much a frame before you go through the portal, and your jump is cancelled, but you still keep the momentum from it...? Even if we do figure out how to get it done consistantly, I still don't think we're going to be able to explain it perfectly =P

On the subject of my mini-trick finding, I thought I had found a nifty little place for a portal in Test Chamber 3. You can fire your blue portal right next to the elevator, but unfortunately the door doesn't open when you do it. Grr. Woulda cut a second.

On a random note now, I broke the entire game the other day. I don't know how I did it, but I literally broke the entire game. I was doing Escape 02. I ran into the rocket launcher room, and I pushed the chair clean through the glass, then it sunk into the ground in the rocket launcher room. I shrugged it off, and continued. When I set up the chair boost, my chair sunk into the ground again, then started violently bouncing up and down. So I started flinging it everywhere, and sure enough, it bounced everywhere. I went to Test Chamber 00, and the cup, the radio and the clipboard weren't in there. I tried to get the cube, and it was stuck way up in the dispenser... I restarted the game after that, because that was just freaky, but also insanely cool, because it serves absolutely no purpose =P

By the way, would runs on the PC be seperate from the 360? Because Cody Miller and myself are interested in crafting a run on the 360, just for the hell of it.
I think it should be seperated, because in the 360 version are more bugs to cut time than in the pc version.
Swedish Fish
Hmm,  at the menu screen you can see more objects by the relaxation pod than in the actual game. A clothes hanger or something.
I think it should be seperated, because in the 360 version are more bugs to cut time than in the pc version.

I think you have that mixed up a little... Tongue

If anyone is still planning on using the chair in Escape 02, I think this could be a better method. After the second window is destroyed, you shoot the first portal as usual, then you grab the chair quickly and drop it infront of the portal. After setting up the next portal, you grab the chair through the portal, then run along. I think it saves a couple seconds over the old method of carefully placing it by the door, opening the door, then shooting the portal. Maybe. Just trying to contribute ; )
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groobo: 2007-12-14 10:21:43 pm
I think you have that mixed up a little... Tongue

Actually there are some tricks doable only on the 360 version. Eg, you can drop the companion cube into the pit without opening it first, or you can place a portal behind the door in chamber 12, skipping the required cube.
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Ekelbatzen: 2007-12-14 10:23:47 pm
No, I mean for example this old post. We tried, but it is not possible on the pc version because there is a metal surface...
I noticed you didn;t use this little trick in your SS run groobo. It saves a small amount of time in chamber 12, instead of having to fling yourself up to the cube.

Edit: groobo wrote earlier than me... Cheesy
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slYnki: 2007-12-14 11:13:42 pm
Actually there are some tricks doable only on the 360 version. Eg, you can drop the companion cube into the pit without opening it first, or you can place a portal behind the door in chamber 12, skipping the required cube.

I was blissfully unaware of such differences until now! Fantastic! I did know about skipping the cube, I didn't know about the companion cube trick, though. That's nifty. Going to have to give that some testing. Still, the lack of ABH in the 360 version is troublesome ^_^;
I would be interested in a seperated 360 run if there are more shortcuts you can't use in the PC version.
defying gravity
Could someone explain the ABH a bit further? I can't get it done.
Could someone explain the ABH a bit further? I can't get it done.

Jump forward, then turn around, duck and then jump when touching the ground. You better bind +jump to your mousewheel. Do not press back while jumping or else it doesnt work.