That was my point, anything can be faked given enough dedication and time. I don't see why it's suddenly a big issue.
I think the main reasons for the hype is based in the games style. As far as I know it's the first fps witch features Time Challenges. That and the fact that it all got out on youtube so fast which increases the "public" pressure on everybody included. Also games with sci fi-ish features tend to work as candy for trickjumpers and the likes.
Groobo, I just noticed that there's a submission for Portal, did you end up sending it in after all? If so, that's great, I'm looking forward to seeing it in a better quality than google or youtube.
Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I thought maybe it wasn't known. It is not necessary to press the button to open the furnace to burn the companion cube. If you position the cube and drop it towards the center of the closed door of the furnace it will fall through and you can proceed.
Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I thought maybe it wasn't known. It is not necessary to press the button to open the furnace to burn the companion cube. If you position the cube and drop it towards the center of the closed door of the furnace it will fall through and you can proceed.
I don't think that's known. Do you have a video of that? How reproducible is it?
It's reproducible. I've managed to do it. It might really only be viable in a segmented run though, because it often takes a few tries. Basically, the cube has to be tilted so when placed down part of it goes through the metal.
I'm curious. Does the game trigger on dropping all orbs into the incinerator at the battle with gladus. Or is the endgame triggered on the last (angry red) one only.
You have to destroy all four "eyes". Also if you destroy even one orb before glados drops the "first" one, that orb won't spawn at all and you won't be able to complete the game.
I can't get that companion cube trick to work :(. Maybe it's just another xbox 360 exclusive trick because no matter how I position the cube, not even a pixel goes through the metal.
Grats grob... i still am gonna beat it tho!
Well, you'll probably won't have to BEAT my time because there's some shit going on in my vid that even I can't exlpain and there's a chance that it'll get rejected because of that. If that happens, I won't bother to redo this run because I can't guarantee that the same thing won't occur again.
You have to destroy all four "eyes". Also if you destroy even one orb before glados drops the "first" one, that orb won't spawn at all and you won't be able to complete the game.
I can't get that companion cube trick to work :(. Maybe it's just another xbox 360 exclusive trick because no matter how I position the cube, not even a pixel goes through the metal.
Well, you'll probably won't have to BEAT my time because there's some shit going on in my vid that even I can't exlpain and there's a chance that it'll get rejected because of that. If that happens, I won't bother to redo this run because I can't guarantee that the same thing won't occur again.
That sucks. If it does get rejected, or even now, can you elaborate on what parts are under contention? I'm curious what parts aren't verifiable.
There's a link to the youtube video somewhere in this thread. Watch it. Between chambers 18 and 19, the gun loses color. The color of the last portal placed should carry over between levels, but does not there.
Oh, yeah I guess I see that. Looks like there's a bit of a skip, hiccup thing there. Maybe an issues with the encoding? Isn't there a way to get rid of the color manually? It looks like passing through that particle field at the end of each level clears the color from the gun.
It might be easier to see what's happening if those frames can be recovered.