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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
portal.singlesegment.1080p.avi-groobo Huh?

The BaldurManiac
I have already spoken with Mike and from what I understood recording myself while doing the run with a webcam is the best way to prove its legitimacy.

Haha, I don't think I even have to comment on this one.

Anyway, I can submit it but I assume it depends on the verifiers if they will accept it or not. So whoever will verify it either belives me or he doesn't, because there's no solid proof. Another problem would be that I only have the demos atm, I got rid of the source files.

I don't think that will be a problem.
Just call me the cynicism machine
Another problem would be that I only have the demos atm, I got rid of the source files.

Sounds like you should go back and improve the run while you're at it.
This new-born discussion about how to proof that it is SS is strange. Has this ever been used before? I think that everything at SDA can be faked. So it's very sad that this issue of using webcams or looking at demo-files was brought up here and spoiled a cool run for everyone. :-(
Edit history:
djcj: 2007-11-06 09:37:19 pm
I would record the run via Fraps, Camtasia or DVD recorder and simultaneously I would record a demo file (even if the game would split it up each level) and myself playing the game (via webcam or camcorder; ask a friend or neighbor if you don't have a camcorder or webcam).
I don't think that anyone would take the trouble to fake Fraps videos, the demo files AND the webcam video.
The BaldurManiac
This new-born discussion about how to proof that it is SS is strange. Has this ever been used before? I think that everything at SDA can be faked. So it's very sad that this issue of using webcams or looking at demo-files was brought up here and spoiled a cool run for everyone. :-(

this guest is correct
Edit history:
djcj: 2007-11-06 11:10:12 pm
this guest is correct

I second that!

I've experimented a little with the host_timescale command and made a run of advanced chamber 16 in 20 seconds with "host_timescale 0.1" on (I know, it's cheated). Made it just for fun and the speed made me lol. Cheesy


19 seconds, LoL
I've experimented a little with the host_timescale command and made a run of advanced chamber 16 in 20 seconds with "host_timescale 0.1" on (I know, it's cheated). Made it just for fun and the speed made me lol. Cheesy
XviD | x264

Nice run, but this would be really impressive in real-time Grin
This new-born discussion about how to proof that it is SS is strange. Has this ever been used before? I think that everything at SDA can be faked. So it's very sad that this issue of using webcams or looking at demo-files was brought up here and spoiled a cool run for everyone. :-(

I too don't like the idea of being treated as a cheater until proven otherwise.
Edit history:
groobo: 2007-11-07 12:10:39 am
Sounds like you should go back and improve the run while you're at it.

That would be plainly an overkill.

Anyway, I submitted the run. We'll have to wait and see if it works out or not, though.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

I too don't like the idea of being treated as a cheater until proven otherwise.

That was my point, anything can be faked given enough dedication and time. I don't see why it's suddenly a big issue.
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Lag.Com: 2007-11-07 12:44:50 am
sda loyalist
Stop bitching about verification and leave that to the verifiers, hmm?

I'm not the kind of person who cares whether a run is SS or not. However, others may be. If this can be verified from the original .dem files (there's probably a way), then there is no problem.

I too don't like the idea of being treated as a cheater until proven otherwise.

Scepticism is a gift.
If we were you, we would quit now.
I second that!

I've experimented a little with the host_timescale command and made a run of advanced chamber 16 in 20 seconds with "host_timescale 0.1" on (I know, it's cheated). Made it just for fun and the speed made me lol. Cheesy


19 seconds, LoL

Where did you shoot the second portal? In the wall? Im confused about that one.
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djcj: 2007-11-07 03:59:10 am
Where did you shoot the second portal? In the wall? Im confused about that one.

Second portal from the beginning? Yes, I shot that on the wall.
Maybe I can re-record that game on slower speed.
I did some moves so fast that they weren't rendered correctly in real time. XD


I watched the demo in "host_timescale 0.1" speed: It seems that the game didn't record all frames. Or it's just due to the demo bug...


Here the route I used:;8983279;/fileinfo.html
(played it with "notarget" on, cause I wasn't in the mood to re-run it with "host_timescale 0.1" on ^^" )
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
May be anyone run new levels in portal?
Edit history:
groobo: 2007-11-07 09:07:21 pm
What new levels?
Waiting hurts my soul...
So, what runs should be up here on SDA anyway?  There are a few challenge modes beyond the regular game right?  Like least portals, least steps, and least time.  Any others?  Probably only least amount of time would be accepted... if we had least portals or least steps then how would it be decided if a longer run, but less portals was produced?  Would that override it?
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
I say less time and thats it. The others fall into the 'superplay' category - just as we don't have a StarFox 64 high score, we shouldn't have a 'least steps' portal run that takes 30 seconds to line up a shot.
Just did chamber 18 with 0 portals (if someone still cares) :P.
Just did chamber 18 with 0 portals (if someone still cares) :P.

Chamber 18?
Zomg, video please! XD
Waiting hurts my soul...
That's awesome, 0 portals.  Lots of object/wall jumping huh?
How did you get across the first gap at the beginning?  There are no objects to fly with, and obviously no portals.  Once you get passed that you could use the objects in the little side steam room.
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
i bet you could abh over that gap
If we were you, we would quit now.
i bet you could abh over that gap

Yup yup. It takes quite a bit of time to find the correct orientation, but its doable. Check it out:

Portal - Chamber 18 - 0 Portal Gap Jump
Don't think!  feeeeeal
If you do a little bhoping motion while ABH you gain speed faster.  I can jump that gap without starting out facing forward and only using 2 jumps before it.