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mikwuyma: 2011-06-14 04:44:07 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-06-14 04:40:06 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-06-12 04:27:28 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Sorry, I'm a little late with this topic because I was busy making sure the summer marathon was being setup.

Anyway, I'd like to establish some details.

The name:

Looks like Awesome Games Done Quick 2, though a couple of people are saying just reuse AGDQ and forgo the two.

The charity:

We're going with Prevent Cancer Foundation again. PCF was great to work with and we know they already have a Paypal account. Also, PCF said they would gladly promote us again.

The Location:

The 4-H Center again. The center worked out great for AGDQ, and it can accommodate hundreds of people, so why change a good thing?

The only two things I can think to change are:

1. Make sure our meeting rooms aren't in the basement. No cell phone service is not fun. Sad

2. Get a room with a window, not a lot of windows (too much glare), but I'd like to be able to tell whether it's light or dark outside. If people don't want a room with some windows, then we should at least put a clock in the main marathon room.

Notice how I didn't say make the bigger room the main marathon room. Using a bigger room would mean more cross-talk problems when the room fills up, and the room will look even emptier during graveyard shifts.

One last thing, the hard cap for rooms is 5 people per room, ask room 5216 why more people per room is a bad idea. Tongue

The time frame

I know I said during the AGDQ I would consider doing the marathon next summer, but after thinking it over and talking to a couple of people, I'd rather hold the marathon during the winter around the same time (first week of January) again. There's two reasons why:

1. Plane tickets are cheaper during the winter, which is important for anyone who is coming from out of the country.

2. (this one is more important) The 4-H Center has plenty of spare rooms during the winter, but is mobbed by school groups and summer camps during the summer. Not only would we have to reserve earlier for the summer months, but we wouldn't have a building mostly to ourselves.

Like I said earlier, I am planning to hold the marathon during the first week of January, starting on the 4th, and ending on the 9th.

The length:

We pretty much proved last marathon that our limit is around 5 days, or 120 hours. Then again, we might have been able to go further if people slept more. Tongue

BTW, there are going to be at least 4 hours (spread out, not all in one chunk) reserved for setup, because I know there will be a bad estimate somewhere, or something will go wrong with setup.

The actual date:

We are starting Wednesday January 4th, which means our setup day is Tuesday the 3rd. This start date means marathon will end on Monday January 9th.

The question is whether I want the marathon start date to be Tuesday Jan 3 or Wednesday Jan 4. Mind you that there will be a prep day no matter which day is picked. The difference is that starting on Tuesday means that we would end on Sunday (the 8th), but our prep day would be the day after New Year's, Monday, which might be a little too close to New Year's. Starting on Wednesday would mean we end on Monday, but the prep day would be a little farther from New Year's.

If you're wondering why these days, I think any later date would risk cutting into people's school schedules.

I will go over games later, but I will say one thing: unlike last year, I can't give everyone a game.
Thread title:  
<3 room 5216
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Rakuen: 2011-06-11 07:15:22 pm
Weegee Time
One last thing, the hard cap for rooms is 5 people per room, ask room 5216 why more people per room is a bad idea.

Don't tell me people have forgotten the fine arts of room arrangement and shower scheduling!

In other news, I'd say start on Tuesday and end on Sunday.  I personally think it's better to cap off the weekend with a bang rather than roll into Monday when people have to work and the under-18 demographic has school.  Of course, we might end up rolling into Monday anyway...

Also, chalk up a vote for Awesome Games Done Quick 2.  Going with Quicker leads into Quickest the year after, then what do you do? *waits for someone to come and break his logic*
My feelings on The Demon Rush
After quicker is Done Quick With a Vengeance, to follow Quake even further.

And yeah I think ending on Sunday is better too, just the prep day being the day after new year's is :-/
Arrested for felony abuse of emotes
Quickerest! :3 I prefer AGDQ2 myself though.

Flights tend to be cheaper during the week, so that might affect some people's travel as well.  In that case, ending on Monday might be less expensive.  More food for thought.
Balls jerky
I'm so totally there! For the whole thing this time! Probably won't end up running anything because I'm terrible like that though. Unless you guys really want Panic! for Sega CD. I could run that easy. Or do what everyone else does and play one game non stop for months. That might work too. And we don't need a building to ourselves as long as there are french chicks around. Trekhaak will back me up on this one.

Just throwing it out there: I know I'll have monday off for new years so starting on Tuesday would mean one less day I'd have to take off from work (Tues - Mon as opposed to Wed - Tues)
Professional Second Banana
Quote from Itsu de Mo:
Flights tend to be cheaper during the week, so that might affect some people's travel as well.  In that case, ending on Monday might be less expensive.  More food for thought.

This is definitely true - when I was booking my flight back from the summer marathon there was an over $100 price difference between flying on Sunday vs. Monday, plus the flight options were more limited on Sunday.

IMO this can be easily remedied by giving people the option to stay at the 4H center Sunday night so they can leave on Monday.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Yeah, I forgot to mention that everyone can still stay Sunday night to rest.
so pro u don't even know
My vote goes to agdq 2, it gonna be the SDA franchise.  Love the following: 4H center, 1st week of January, idea of starting early in the week and ending on Sunday.

I will be there for longer than 12 hours this time. I would say at least 48 hours if not more. Early list of games for me:

MTPO (obv)
Ninja Gaiden (race w/whomever)
DD II: THE MOTHERF#*@ing REVENGE (revenge on that stoopid glitchfest that was jrdq, and also co-op race vs PJ and Heidman)
TMNT IV: (co-op with mikwuyma)
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duckfist: 2011-06-11 09:01:08 pm
Although I like "Awesome Games Done Quicker", abbreviating it "AGDQ2" will make it easier to differentiate between the two marathons.

Also, I'm so going to this.  The last AGDQ got me participating around here, so there's no way I'm missing it.  My brother lives in DC, so that will be an opportunity to visit as well.  I'll take off the entire week of the 2nd to the 6th, and probably the following Monday.

Tiki and I want to do a Mega Man 10 race.  As for other games, I'm not so sure I'll have the chance, but if I do, then Mega Man 9.
Formerly known as Skullboy
Either name works fine with me (though I do like the Die Hard title progression) as does the date. I don't know where I'm going to grad school yet but I should be able to be there for the whole thing again if the marathon is during the proposed week.  I'll wait a bit before I start claiming games. I need to practice a few and get some decent times down first.
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RaneofSOTN: 2011-06-11 09:35:30 pm
I want off the ride....
#2, i prefer the sequel. Quicker just doesn't work for me. Now i need to get a freaking job and start saving up! I need to be there.. I NEED TO FUCKING BE THERE...

i dont have anything lined up but just being there to help out and commentate so yeah..

oh and tuesday -> sunday. I'd leave prob on the next tuesday if allowed just to make it aflat week, also it means we can spread out more goodies. Also i wanna hang out with the awesome sense of taste that mister uyama has ;D!
Talk to the Hand
Mike, if those are really the only two dates you're considering for the start of this thing, I'd rather it start on the Wednesday..

For the name. I think I like AGDQ2.
Quote from sinister1:
Early list of games for me:

DD II: THE MOTHERF#*@ing REVENGE (revenge on that stoopid glitchfest that was jrdq, and also co-op race vs PJ and Heidman)

The Speedrunning Teacher
My vote goes to AGDQ2.

I'm planning on coming to this marathon this year along with my fiancee/wife. Can't guarantee to be there, but I imagine that I will be able to.
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
DK is coming to town this year!  Bringing the Mrs. as well.  Need more west coast representation.  Wink  I only had to request the time off 9 months in advance, January is insane in my line of work. 

I like AGDQ2, but only if you tie in a video game reference each year.  Something like AGDQ2 the Revenge, then AGDQ3 the Alien Wars, etc.  Just a thought...

I'm just really looking forward to meeting everyone and maybe doing some fun commentary. 
As for games I can offer to run:
Smash Bros 64
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Contra (Co-op anyone?)
Super Mario Kart (Race?)
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Aftermath: 2011-06-12 05:26:46 am
Quits halfway
Going with 2 is probably better for the future, so I'd say agdq2.

I'm also planning on coming to this, hopefully I can snag some game slots.
SGL Scrublord
What, no one thought of AGDQer?

I'll definitely be showing up, driving from NJ will be a cakewalk, though I wonder what i could run? Maybe I'll race a block/graveyard shift in the background, 7th Saga or the like. Just a totally inane idea I just had...I need to think less past midnite.
Put me in the AGDQ2 camp. Easier to abbreviate.

I plan on coming this time around too...can't 100% guarantee it, but put me down as a "definitely maybe" Wink

List of games I could run: I'll work on it.
Quote from theseawolf1:
What, no one thought of AGDQer?

I'll definitely be showing up, driving from NJ will be a cakewalk, though I wonder what i could run? Maybe I'll race a block/graveyard shift in the background, 7th Saga or the like. Just a totally inane idea I just had...I need to think less past midnite.

I'm down for a 7-character race in 7th Saga.  First to clear all 7 files first wins.  The prize is reclaiming half of the dignity you lose doing this race.
Haters gonna hate
I also favor AGDQ2.

Put me down for "maybe coming". I'm not sure about whether or not I want to drive or fly. Driving, it would take me about 9 hours to get there. If there's anyone that lives close to southeast Michigan, I'd be willing to carpool or carpool with that person and give money for gas.

I can run the following:

Hard Corps Uprising (Sayuri Rising mode only for now. I'll work on other characters eventually Mike. I promise!)
Earthworm Jim HD (easy or original difficulty. Donation bids for difficulty maybe?)
Metal Slug 3 (A race or even co-op with Mike would be cool)
Jumping Flash! 2 (Need to practice some more, but I can get through it in about 40 minutes or so)
Blaster Master (A race with UraniumAnchor would be fun)
Castlevania HD co-op (Not sure how we'd set this up since it's online-only co-op)
Castle  Crashers (Always down to be a 4th if needed)

That's all I can think of for now. I'll add some more games if I can think of any more.
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UraniumAnchor: 2011-06-12 12:41:51 am
UraniumAnchor: 2011-06-11 11:45:15 pm
Not a walrus
Edit: ^^^^ Pssht, 9 hours? That's how far I'm driving to Utah for SGDQ. Suck it up. Wink

Any of the parameters you've laid out sound fine but I'd still say 5 people per room is going to end up with somebody having to sleep on the floor at least once.

Games you can put me down for:

Blaster Master (50 minutes) + 5 minutes to show off something if you don't mind giving me the time
- If somebody can locate a PAL NES or a way to play a PAL cart on a NTSC NES I can do a glitched run of Blaster Master as well (10-15 minutes, I'll have to mess around with it if you want to try to pull this off)
Dead Space (NG Hard or NG+ Impossible donation war?) (3 and a half to 4 hours)
Metal Storm (15 minutes)
Prince of Persia (SNES) (45+ minutes)
Super Metroid (Any% or 100%) (race?) (1:15 or 2:15)
Cool Spot (Easy Any%) (20 minutes)

Unless something weird goes wrong with my finances, but I should have a better idea of what's going on by the time summer is over.
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Arrow: 2011-06-12 12:41:11 am
Now a hit show on the CW
Put me down for probably coming.

For the name, if I have to choose between the two, I prefer AGDQ2. However, while I'm probably in the minority on this, I'd rather just call it 'Awesome Games Done Quick' (and 'Summer Games Done Quick' for the summer version, if we continue that) without any numbers, suffixes, etc. I just feel like AGDQ2 is a little misleading as it's not our second marathon (nor even our second January marathon). Referring to all future marathons as simply 'Awesome Games Done Quick' will help establish a "brand identity" that people will recognize and remember in the future.

Games I can play - the same ones I volunteered for in the previous AGDQ, and the upcoming SGDQ, and possibly some new ones as the time draws closer. I'll come back to this after SGDQ, as I'll be primarily focusing on practicing my games for that until after the marathon.

I personally think it's better to cap off the weekend with a bang rather than roll into Monday when people have to work and the under-18 demographic has school.  Of course, we might end up rolling into Monday anyway...

We can make sure to schedule people's games earlier in the weekend if they have to leave early for school, etc. My personal vote is for starting Wed.
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Sir VG: 2011-07-11 11:22:14 pm
Fucking Weeaboo
AGDQ was a blast.  I'm so coming back.  Winter is much easier for me to get away from work then summer.

I don't know why you guys were complaining about cell reception.  Mine worked fine!

How about we go with both names?  AGDQ2 - Awesome Games Done Quicker.

Time frame I'm fine with, as was the location.  It'll be nice now that I know where a few of the restaurants are around the area and a few places that deliver.

I may still do a rental car like last year, but I may get something a little smaller/cheaper, since I didn't use it as much as I expected.  But it was really nice to have.

Not sure what I'll do for games, other then I want a rematch with Satoryu on DXC.  Especially since I plan on a cool prize related to it. Smiley
sda loyalist
looks like I got outvoted

as everyone knows I have been spending every spare waking minute playing Quake in practice for this marathon instead of oh I don't know doing a slow playthrough of FF7 for Emily so any run I do next marathon will be optimal to the hundredths digit

also I think we need 'walking about' features where somebody (it is almost inevitably going to be trihex) literally walks around inbetween game setup time asking people what's up and generating hype for future runs or whatever just throwing that out there