Sorry for neglecting this topic for so long. I'll try to answer general questions that have been popping up.
Uncharted, Trials HD, other popular games I failed to mention: These are good additions to the marathon, that is, if we have someone running them. I'm sure there are at least 100 other good additions that I missed.
Dead space/transition time: Breakdown is right, we want to minimize this time, not add things as an intermission. I have no problems with doing something interesting with a game, like having a 4-player Tetris Attack match (it's possible in the Japanese puzzle collection) to determine who gets to play the game for the marathon, but I don't want to spend a whole lot of time on intermission stuff, especially if it ends up eating hours in the long run.
Obscure games people keep suggesting: NO! Sorry, but I have to be blunt. Opening up the marathon to newer games means we have to be more careful about which games we stream because newer games and RPGs take up a lot of time. Even if we only have 3 RPGS like last year, that's still anywhere from 15-20 hours for an event that might be 80-90 hours, tops. So if I have to choose between Robotrek and Chrono Trigger, Chrono Trigger wins, big time.
Only a game like Metal Storm might be considered, but that has nothing to do with the game being really good, it has everything to do with the game being less than 15 minutes.
Sorry Robotrek and World of Mana, we hardly knew ye, and we never will.
The date: We're still a long ways off, but I'd like to at least get this issue settled before I do anything else. Most people seem to agree that options 2 and 4 are best, so I'd like to propose we go with option 2. This would mean starting on Thursday the 6th or Friday the 7th, and ending on Sunday or Monday (9th and 10th, respectively).
Why option 2 over option 4? Because option 2 means we will get more viewers. Having the stream during the weekend means that we have at least 48ish hours when people will have (nearly) guaranteed free time. Having the stream during the weekday means a lot less viewers. Option 4 would be nearly entirely during the weekday, which would be very inconvenient for most people.
Also, during the time in between the marathon and MAGFest, we can have bonus streams during the weekday, so if P.J. wants to do a 4-hour run of Robotrek, he can feel free to. (sorry to single you out, P.J., but Robotrek was the longest of the obscure games mentioned.
The only advantage of option 4 against option 2 is that it's closer to MAGFest, so you don't have to take so much time off, but I say we should sacrifice a bit of our convenience for the convenience of 1000+ viewers.
Individual responses (yeah I'm sure I'm missing at least 10 people):
Tri-Hex: Glad to see you're as enthusiastic as ever. Now if only you could apply the same enthusiasm to uploading pictures. Seriously though, the autographed Yoshi's Island is a cool idea, but I'm not sure if having a minimum bid for it is a great idea. Also, which Crash game do you think we should do? I think we should only do one so we have space for other games.
Sir VG: Actraiser is a lock because you're racing against P.J. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror is likely, but not definite at this point.
Darkwing_Duck: I don't think Startropics will be in. It's long and hasn't really aged all that well, popularity-wise.
Pootrain: If you can do trials HD runs, go for it.
Josh: I don't care what you say, Maximum Carnage has no chance of getting in, but Wolf 3d is a great choice. Maybe Maximum Carnage was big back in 1994, but it's almost unheard of nowadays.
Mickey_Mage: oooh, Wario Land 1. I'm not sure how it has aged popularity-wise over the years, but it's definitely not a bad choice. Sorry, but no Cavemen running around this year.
Satoryu: X6 might not be a bad choice, it does have the hard reputation going for it. And we should definitely try a SOTN 3-way race.
Hahaha. I agree 100% Mike. Robotrek should never be chosen over good RPGs. I was just listing every game I am capable of playing at an entertaining level, and then letting you/others pick what would work best. ^_^ I think having a limit on the number of RPGs is also a good idea, since they are so time-consuming.
I've now officially drawn a line through coming to Mikefest, I won't be making it this year. Somebody else pick up Sonic 3 and do me proud!
(Actually, there remains a chance I could participate... By the end of the year we'll probably have moved house, ideally to a place where we can get ADSL2+ internet, so it might be possible for me to stream at more than three frames per second! Since the live audience isn't as relevant a concern as it was last year, it might be possible to do more things like this.)
If anyone feels up to it / Mike allows it, Shadow of the Colossus was asked for in the stream a number of times this year despite not being a classic game at all. I don't know how long a single segment would take, but definitely under 2 hours of actual play or probably close to that if you include the ending.
edit: the total video play time of the segmented run on site is 2hr3min oops
First off, what's this Japanese puzzle collection you mentioned?
Second, I'd like to know if Kid Icarus or Kirby's Avalanche/any Puyo game are possibilities. I honestly think KI is a great choice as an older game that has become more well-known thanks to Brawl, has the Nintendo hard reputation, and has a couple interesting glitches to show off (screen wraparound, going from 0 HP to full HP). Plus, it was considered for the first marathon, so I'm sure it would fit in nicely. And though Puyo might be less popular in the states than in Japan, its numerous ports on a variety of systems show that it has its audience here. Puyo, Tetris Attack, and Dr. Mario (which I would actually be willing to run/race at this point, too) could go together in a small puzzle bloc.
Part of me dislikes the idea of a tournament/multi-way match to determine who runs Tetris Attack, due to my bias in having the current record, but I know that would be an interesting thing for the stream so I wouldn't have any real qualms about it.
Option 2 is fine with me. Having it go over a weekend is best for me anyways, since it's generally easier to take several days off at my job if I do it over a weekend. If we can get the time frame absolutely nailed down, I can put in my time off request and start working on airline tickets and such.
I am seriously hoping that KatAM any% would be a lock. It won't take too much time to do anyways - I'm figuring 25-30 minutes, but I'll have a much better idea once I get some practice runs in with romscout. Too bad we can't get 4 players in, which would make the run obscenely quick. But if it isn't done, understood.
And to to World of Mana, I'm gonna go cry now Mike.
cmon uyama, 2P KatAM should be an EASY choice for the marathon
takes no more time to set up than a race, it's generally regarded as one of the best kirby games, and many people despite considering it one of the best kirby games never had the chance to do it multiplayer anyway so it'd be something fresh
plus yea we did a test run of VG's 2P route last year and despite sucking A LOT I think we still beat the game faster than his 1P run (40ish minutes), so with practice it'd go really fast. the fact that VG and I live fairly close to each other (in comparison to most members of SDA, I mean) and have the opportunity to practice the route with each other in person should make it an even easier choice.
also just a reminder, Link's Awakening DX glitched run will be short, sweet, and another easy choice for the marathon since it will be different from last year and add little time. I know you already said in IRC it's a lock, but just wanna have it down in this thread too so we remember for sure. :p
Ok so it looks like option 2 is the best option, let's go for that. I'll wait until you give "official word" on this being the set time frame before I go looking to make a commitment to getting out there at that time, but sounds good as of now.
And I guess I'll list all the games that as of now I will be practicing over the next half year with the marathon in mind (based on what we've said so far on what will be in the show):
Link's Awakening DX glitched run (will grab powder and feather for survival security in marathon setting) Kirby and the Amazing Mirror 2P with Sir VG CV: SotN with 3 player race in mind Kirby's Dream Land (extra game run, really short, but I don't mind if you scratch this if you need to) Kirby's Adventure (possible race with MercuryZelda?) Kirby Super Star (definitely looking like co-op, possible partners being MZelda, uyama, or VG as of now) Castle Crashers assuming I'm part of the 4 player group Splosion Man (not sure if we'll end up having it but I'll try to up my game in this so there's a chance)
I know there was another title or two being discussed in the IRC but I'll keep it there for now until there's something more definite. :p My plate's already a lot more full than last year's marathon, which is a good thing.
I've been sort of working out single-segment routes for FFIV and Chrono Trigger. The problem that I've found with FFIV is that when you get to the leveling part, it can take quite a while to find the right monsters. I was trying for at least half an hour before I finally got the battle I needed, which would probably be unacceptable in a live marathon. With Chrono Trigger, I'm currently stuck at the Magus battle; I haven't yet found a reliable way to beat him that doesn't take forever.
I'm also going to start practicing FFX soon, since I'll be playing it in an unofficial TSG community Final Fantasy marathon in early August. BTW, for the TSG marathon, I'm planning to do an actual SS attempt, which means I won't be saving and might possibly not complete the entire game. I don't get many opportunities to do long runs like this, so I might as well make it count when I get the chance.
Anyway, I'd like to nail down which RPGs we're going to have so I know what to practice. I think Kingdom Hearts 2 would be good, if Axel Ryman is able to do it. I'd probably choose Chrono Trigger over FFIV, although I suppose we could have both; I just don't yet have SS routes for those games. And like I said before, FFX would be easy to run - especially since I'll already be practiced up on it - but very long.
I would say pick one from between CT, FF4, and FF10. I dunno if multiple long rpg SSs are a good idea, especially if you're not as familiar with them as you are with 6. I'd personally lean towards CT, but that's just because it's by far my favorite of the three.
Suppose I should get in on this too. For the marathon, I am considering:
Super Metroid (definite) Rocket Knight Adventures (almost-definite, I'm familiar with a good deal of the tricks) Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (probably, I've done some fooling around and it seems fun) The Red Star co-op (assuming I don't get edged out by the other 50 SDA members chomping at the bit for this one)
other games I could pick up the slack on, with some warning: Resident Evil 4 (but really, there's gotta be someone better already lined up for this one. i know carc is considering it) Shadow of the Colossus (but the tricks seem pretty hard and/or random)
Let's see how much I can get down here before I go to work. . .
First off, I agree 100% with Mike's last post. To sum up, first I love some of the obscurer stuff that's been mentioned, but we have to consider our audience and we want to appeal to as broad an audience as possible. As for games that were addressed as questionable, I agree on all counts. Second, option 2 is likely our best choice (and those who have posted since seem to have embraced this). I personally vote for a Friday start.
cyghfer: I see Kid Icarus as a borderline game for this thing (and coincidentally falls into the category of borderline games I personally really like). Yes, more people know about it since Brawl hit, but there's really only so many out there who have played it and even less who know it well. The fact that you know the cool glitches helps it's chances, though. I don't think it gets a flat out no at this point, but when it comes time to make a schedule if we're running high on time it'd likely be an early cut.
romscout: I think Splosion Man is a great choice as we could definitely use more newer games and I'm under the impression it's a pretty popular Live title, though I don't know how long it is which could be a determining factor.
And since other people have been doing it:
Games I definitely want to do:
Legend of Zelda Earthworm Jim (race is on moooh!) Devil May Cry (on DMD of course, though I'm thinking starting with a full Dante is the way to go)
Games I'm considering/could pick up the slack on if no one else steps up:
Link to the Past (given 6 months I should be able to get good at this) Shadow of the Colossus (though I'm wondering how much a consistent SS route would differ from regular play, most of the speed tricks are HARD to nail with any consistency)
I have some more to say, but out of time at the moment.
Have you played/seen the recent HD remake on Xbox Live Arcade? You can play up to 4 players at once and Andy Asteroids is pretty trippy this time as it feels like it's going to mess your eyes :s.
romscout: I think Splosion Man is a great choice as we could definitely use more newer games and I'm under the impression it's a pretty popular Live title, though I don't know how long it is which could be a determining factor.
It's one of the top rated titles of XBLA and it feels pretty long to complete when comparing it to a Sonic game (speed running wise, Sonic is usually 15-30 minutes In-game time whilst Splosion Man is around over an hour - 100 minutes In-game time, if the run is really good.).
If you clear the entire marathon and the remaining hours is nothing but multiplayer fun, I would suggest Peggle, the XBLA version is on offer this week @ 400 points and you only need to use 1 controller when playing 2 player duels.
Well I've checked flights and cost and everything and it's certainly do-able. I might have to PM mike some questions about the surrounding area (I'm planning to go to NYC afterwards, possibly Boston and it would make sense to see DC). The prospect of showing off Bayonetta to everyone actually has me really excited.
As I mentioned in my previous post, as soon as dates are 100%, I'll book my flights and all that (regardless of whether I can run Bayo to a high enough standard).
romscout: I think Splosion Man is a great choice as we could definitely use more newer games and I'm under the impression it's a pretty popular Live title, though I don't know how long it is which could be a determining factor.
Greenalink already said this but I think a (really good) single player run would push two hours. A multiplayer run would be shorter, I think (it's a completely new set of 50 levels), and at present, romscout, UraniumAnchor and myself are running through the levels to see how feasible a multiplayer run would be. A single player run would be murder because of how tight the timing is on some of the levels (especially the ones with the rising water) and multiplayer doesn't have this problem anywhere near as badly, so I think multiplayer would be the way to go for a one-shot run.
On the note of tight timing, though, I won't be able to participate remotely (even with an awesome internet connection), and all I will have to say to UraniumAnchor is 3-9 and he will know what I mean.
Resident Evil 4 (but really, there's gotta be someone better already lined up for this one. i know carc is considering it)
I'm a little ill prepared for it, but I still have 6 months to do that. No sweat. I'll do it.
If I do 5 as well, I need a co-op partner. Got it on both PS3 and 360, but PS3 is preferred.
So, my current lineup: RE1 - Chris, Best Ending RE2 - Leon A (+ Claire B? Get back to me on that) RE3 - Essentially, get drunk and practice a line, then be on stage in 20 minutes. RE4 - (What kind of run are we looking for? New Game? Load Game?) Metal Gear Solid
I've decided I don't really want to do Silent Hill. Not this year, anyway.
If you are going to be giving away drawings again it might be a good idea to take digital photos of them before hand so that you display them on the stream when relevent. Rather then just holding up to the camera. Thus being able to tell what the drawing is.
I'm a little ill prepared for it, but I still have 6 months to do that. No sweat. I'll do it.
If I do 5 as well, I need a co-op partner. Got it on both PS3 and 360, but PS3 is preferred.
We should do it, cause with a little effort we can get together and do some practice over summer and then before the marathon in the same room and over internet to make sure it works. And ps3 is fine with me...
I'm thinking over ALTTP too, breackdown its my next game on the want to speedrun list but I need a USA catridge thats the main problem so far I will have a better idear at the weekend because then I finely had some free time.
EDIT: OH second option ftw as sooner it get fixed the better.
btw: Mabey it's a good idear to write those new infos in the first post.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet (at least here) is the multiple-TV setup. From what little I've seen of the marathon, and from what some had said in the IRC channel, just setting up the second TV for the races was a royal pain in the ass. So I have a suggestion to hopefully counteract this: get someone to bring their DVD recorder for the marathon, and use it for the races.
Now, I'm not sure how realistic this is for someone to do, and I'm not certain it'll actually help the multiple-TV disaster that's gonna happen again. I just wanted to bring it up so that kind of downtime isn't in the marathon like it seemed to be from what others have said.
Also, romscout mentioned this, so I'll repeat it here: set up the second TV while the ending of the current run is playing so it's set up quicker. Though I'd go as far as setting it up while the current run is going if it takes that long, but that's me.
Everybody seems to be posting again with the games they plan to / want to run now that the date is more set in stone, so I'll follow in suit.
Wario Land: Shake It! <-- definitely
Also of note, I fully intend to purchase and speedrun Lego Harry Potter when it comes out later this month. I know Essentia wants to 2P Lego Star Wars with her husband, so it's really up to Mike if we want 2 games from the Lego franchise in the marathon. For what it's worth, they're very well liked and not too lengthy. Also I'd be willing to pick up a player 2 if anybody is interested (Multiplayer runs ftw).
I really wish there was more that I could do, but 2 of my 3 submitted runs to the site are 7+ hour multiplayer rpgs :/ and for every other game that I'm good at, someone else at SDA is better lol