Hey, I'm new around the forums, so I'll start my posting off with a picture of me. This picture is about 8 months old, but I pretty much look exactly the same, aside from the facial hair:
I don't have a decent picture, just a bunch of crappy closeup webcam ones. gimme a few days to snap a decent pic. it's nice to see some other guitarists here...
yes, glasses always manage to ruin decent pictures.
Here's a more recent pic of me at Flaming Gorge Dam with my husband--I'm having a hard time finding recent pics of me without him! This shows more what I look like on a day-to-day basis. I'm squinting because the sun was in my eyes, and it looks like I had some chapstick in my pocket.
One day I will picture someone exactly, and that will finally prove I'm a psychic. When I get my camera, I'll keep the status quo and take a picture of me with my guitar. Or maybe I'll wait until after Guitar 30 is done with, so I can bring my acoustic home and take a decent picture : )!
Picture of me about a year ago, I actually have alot more acne then that, I just got bored one day and photoshopped it off. At the time I took this picture I had to do some sort of stupid school project so I was kinda pissy.