the very ugly one to the right. one of the ugliest photos of me ever.. in the middle is martin "märtha" Hagwall (don´t a member of this site) and to the left Niklas "Nystroem" Nyström ( a member)
And here is many stupid sweds also from the game session "TV-SM" I´m the one with the red "hat" with the DS!
come on. A want to see more faces please!
wow.. how will i get this picture smaller :S It looks really bad
Frezy, who's the loser who got the N-gage?! and What NES game is that? looks like Rescue Rangers BTW, here's a picture of me at my High School Graduation. Seems like so long ago. I'm the guy with the ungodly goofy grin being held by the other guy. Man, what's with the side burns!?
Tompa, you can upload your pictures to somewhere like
Each picture you upload will have various addresses. You can insert the Url - or like most people here, you can post what it says in the Image link such as:
I've had the glasses for about a week, ooh the imbued intelligence
I know I look fairly scrawny, but don't get the wrong idea about me. Maybe I'll post a video of me free-running the stairs when I have time to make one
I've had the glasses for about a week, ooh the imbued intelligence
I know I look fairly scrawny, but don't get the wrong idea about me. Maybe I'll post a video of me free-running the stairs when I have time to make one