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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm glad to see this run has actually gotten off the ground. :3

Looks like I missed out on quite a lot, so I'll check out the segments a little later. xD
Raiker Z from reading i hope SM64 has helped ease some stress on you from you attempts at all these segments. Can't wait to see you back in action.
Yama - The spiked boulder didn't really delay me, something I actually tested since doing that is seeing if I could completely clip through the boulder (I couldn't) in the end, it doesn't really cost time and I think it looks cooler then just having to wait to undo Bow after the boulder, so there isn't much of a reason to say ouch there.

I need luck for both 26 and 27, 26 because there are a vast amount of things to go wrong, and 27 because it is a hater.

Yup, the run has been going along amazingly, I didn't even need all the practice time I thought I would for chapter 3, so I got alot more done then I thought since starting!

Yes, sm64 is a fun game to race, I'm not that good at it, but hey its still fun Tongue my best 70 star is currently 1:19, only... 30 minutes behind people that are good.

I guess I should mention Paper Mario, I'll either be working on it again next week, or in two months. The only class this semester I'm worried about is a half semester class, so I'm going to try to get as much work as possible out of the way now, if I feel like enough is out of the way that I can focus on Paper Mario again after I get most of the work done I will, if not I'll just wait until after the class is done, my other three classes are easy, the hardest one of them is C# programming which is more typing, but way easier then C++ so far, so nothing to worry about in those classes unless I... fall asleep I guess, hell even then for one of them I'll still pass... (Had to take a Ms Office class this semester covering 2 chapters a week with extra credit, yes... how fun to be required to take easy courses again...)

I will be getting back to it I do promise, I hope to have it finished before May/June because I'll probably be moving then, and that would be a pretty long delay, most of the segments after 26 are pretty straight forward, dodge enemies, scare enemies, kill boss, figure out puzzle that a 5 year old wouldn't have trouble with. Honestly outside of the white clubba/mole scare bits, the only problem would be FP conservation and being overly picky about movement.

I guess the gambling will take awhile, but its so ridiculously short that I can do 100+ takes a day without much complaint (It's a good thing I don't have a mic or do audio commentary, needing to get it in one try 5-6 times will probably get me worked up :P)

I'm still hoping somebody is quietly working on this using my route, It would be fun to see some competition, and a time to beat Smiley
Edit history:
Mystery: 2011-02-02 10:18:05 am
I really don't get it. Why would C# be easier than C++? Are they trying to teach you "C+"?
Meh. Regardless of that, looking forward for more, no matter how long it takes.
yuri 4 life

Is it useful for 100%?
This glitch can skip snowman's event.
It looks Pretty Useful, If you get into a battle run away and switch partners would you still be on Sushi the next screen
My only problem with this is that you still have to backtrack when finished with Ch. 7, 100% or otherwise. Is it possible to go through the locked snowman door when coming back out?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Quote from Sillygramcracker:
My only problem with this is that you still have to backtrack when finished with Ch. 7, 100% or otherwise. Is it possible to go through the locked snowman door when coming back out?

I've played this game a lot over the years, but I don't know.  I'm no good at glitching though, so I'm not gonna check it out.
I can promise, when I get to segment 40 I will see exactly how far this glitch can go.

Questions I'm asking:
1) Can I skip snowman event?
2) Can I skip the murder mystery?
3) Can I skip Jr. Troopa/Monstar fights?
4) Would I get out if I skipped Snowman/Get back into town without it?
5) Can I talk to the ONE toad that would be required if I can break into starborn?
6) How far could I go with this? (Aka how much can I skip?)
7) Difficulty... Would this be possible to do in one try with enough practice? or is it luck?

Thank you to whoever found this gem (Whether the guy the video credits found it or copied) I will see how much I need to change if anything, but that has a lot of potential.

Thanks for showing us oxwas.
Edit history:
0xwas: 2011-02-06 02:12:55 am
yuri 4 life
Quote from Raiker Z:
Questions I'm asking:
1) Can I skip snowman event?
2) Can I skip the murder mystery?
3) Can I skip Jr. Troopa/Monstar fights?
4) Would I get out if I skipped Snowman/Get back into town without it?
5) Can I talk to the ONE toad that would be required if I can break into starborn?
6) How far could I go with this? (Aka how much can I skip?)
7) Difficulty... Would this be possible to do in one try with enough practice? or is it luck?

Original video
According to this,
1) Yes,you can.
2) No, you can't.
3) You can only skip Monstar only.
4) The door automatically open. So you can back.
5) This video didn't show video.
6) This video shows you can go before temple. But someone said I could go further. I have to look into this.
7) This glitch is pretty easy, you don't need any luck.(I was mashing C while Sushie was on the right of Mario)
For some reason, the video is all blackness for me. Is it because I'm not registered at the nicovideo website?

EDIT: I doubt anyone cares, but I should clarify that I only couldn't watch the original video. Oxwas's video was fine.
Holy crap. That was hilarious. Sushie swimming in the ground, didn't think it was possible.

And, you can't skip the murder mystery? Even if you do that trick and swim under the gate?
Hmmm I think I'll look into it a bit, I'm not sure if I'll do anything but the snowman skip with it.

If I cant skip Jr. Troopa then there is no point skipping anything but the snowman event, it would be faster to fight monstar (even taking 2 turns as I think I will) with speedy spin, then skip the fight. Also unless I can skip EVERYTHING *including the star crystal cutscene* on the mountain, speedy spin makes up the time there too.

Even with the afterthought, skipping snowman's saves me a long conversation in starborn, and saves me the need to talk to the mayor. (Still may have to, I forget if you get the letter for him after Murder Mystery or before) I'll run a few tests to see whats faster although for the any% it could probably save like 4+ minutes, so someone should think about improving that (or maybe I will... hmmm)
You get the letter to the Mayor after you leave Shiver City, so you have to come back and talk to him anyway. Skipping the snowmen might be pointless in 100% unless it shaves off at least 10 seconds or so.
I am already planning an any% route (my ss file is save just after this so I can test this tomorrow or so)
yuri 4 life
I investigated glitch.
While swimming, you can't talk no longer. Plus conversation and battle can't be skipped with it.
So it's available for skipping snowman event only.

Whew, okay good. I investigated the glitch myself and ran into trouble at the thing you have to ground ound but I figured out watching your videos
I haven't had the time to check those out, but I plan to, but a question if I skip the snowman event does Monstar go away? (As in, beat Jr. Troopa, go back, skip the snowman, beat Crystal Palace, then go to Starborn after snowmans) If that works then I can easily save 35 seconds, maybe even 80 seconds, depending on how much of the talking I can skip.

I'd like to know, the bit I saw from the first video it was obviously not his first time there, so if I can skip snowmans when the door is closed, and if monstar/merlon clone don't bother me in starborn, this trick will be very very useful to save a big chunk of time, even on the small scale I think I could use it. I wish I was further in the game, but until Thurs or later I won't be able to make attempts, and I can't really get to chapter 7 easily until I'm at least close to the end of 6.

Thanks if anyone checks that out for me.
yuri 4 life
Quote from Raiker Z:
but a question if I skip the snowman event does Monstar go away?

Yes, I just checked it.
After beating Crystal Palace, There is no Monster and snowman event is completely ended.
Ok, so I got around to watching those, thanks a ton for doing that oxwas, and for doing a followup for me on that. Just a fyi for anyone that will try the bonus, I knew about this, but its not really feasible outside of a TAS, its only like 1-2 pixels that you can do that on, and it really doesn't save that much time, especially if you take to long to setup, its actually a bit faster to just use Parakarry once for an any% (if your doing this 100% it may be fast, but considering you have to get 4 hidden panels in the same segment :\ ya not really good).

Just found out that my little sister's file on my VC Paper Mario was pretty close to chapter 7, so I'm letting her play to get to chapter 7 for me, so I'll do a few tests to find out what I plan to do and how to change my segments to go around it. As its looking, I'll probably beat Jr. Troopa, save, and then use the next segment to get into the crystal palace, and on the way out going to starborn, collecting everything, and then back to Toad Town; instead of doing Jr. Troopa, taking a 2 turn Monstar Battle (ya, really happy someone found this trick), doing the snowman event, and then taking another segment to get to the palace.

This weekend I should finish NSMBW, and have most of my programming done for the next month, so I will definitly test this out, I will hopefully get practicing for the next few segments, and may get started on a few attempts, most of it depends on what races speed runs live end up doing, if my freinds invite me out when they come down, and anything unplanned happening.
So im just wondering how your class is going Raiker Z Smiley
I need a 60% or above on my final project to pass, not to worried, but I'd like to finish it up since I don't think im good at the class.

I may try a different recording scheme this time around, I haven't noticed anything different between the quality of my mario 64 videos and my paper mario ones, and i still run them through movie maker to make them smaller anyway.

If there is anything noticeable between the two types of video's please tell me like with the audio for the first 4 segments, I'd like to try to fix it while i can correct it instead of after (like in those videos)
Just did a bit of practice, I streamed it too, not sure if I will continue that or not, Ustream only counts my recorder as video only, idk how to fix it so... ya. Tell me what you think about streaming practice without sound, or how to fix it to get sound, I'd like to know.

Anyway I got a 3:09 in practice which puts me 16 minutes ahead of planned and shaves a minute off of 26's planned time. I don't think I can get 3:08, it was pretty late in 3:09 and the take wasn't all that bad, so not much to improve upon. I'll probably do a few attempts later tonight, sadly I can't stream and do attempts at the same time.

Most of next week will be dedicated to school, I decided I've spent to much SM64 time during my relaxing time so I thought I should do a little Paper Mario, can't wait to get to chapter 7 and start doing the water clip on n64 instead of VC. Hopefully will have segment 26 done for you all tonight and uploaded tomorrow, but there is the possibility that I won't get a good take, so wish me luck.
Edit history:
Raiker Z: 2011-02-28 10:59:43 pm
Hmmm, wonder if anyone read those last two updates....

Oh well segment 26 is out, finally got around to getting it out. I'm going to be slow with 27, partly because of lack of time for attempts, and partly because 27 is just as ridiculously stupid luck based as it was during practice. I've already had 2 attempts where I've scared 9/10 of the dumb moles, and ONE has messed me up.

Anyway, enjoy.

EDIT: For some odd reason I always put the incorrect amount of moles for this part, its 10 moles, not 12 and certainly not 16, sorry for anyone who read that and was confused. 4 mole fight, 3 mole fight, 2 mole fight, and a solo mole fight = 10 moles, ignore Raiker's stupidity
For some reason the quality was off, nothing different between 27 and 26 so I guess something was loose. Its not terrible quality though so nothing to worry about.

Hope you enjoy the fruits of my pain.