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YautjaElder: 2006-06-20 05:49:27 pm
Speed is the key.
Comments on improved segment 2:

I see that you chose to not adjust the camera in Link's Hut. Good choice.

You had perfect movement up to the hole, good work!

First flaw: Your roll into the corner after getting the first blue rupee in the Kokiri Sword area. Still barely lost a sec.

Second flaw: A little time lost from not backwalking up to the chest perfectly. No biggie.

Rest of the Kokiri Sword area was excellent, besides the roll near the end.

You were very lucky with the bushes, and you picked all the rupees up without trouble.

The movie ends abruptly while you're backwalking towards the river... Huh?
Edit history:
TSA: 2006-06-20 06:02:55 pm
It's still uploading...or the connection died.  I left it on this keep checking. 

Also, there is a video loss for a second or so due to the cable being hit by my gf.  I really need to get new cables for my N64/GCN.  Oh wait!  My gf has them for her GCN!  OK, problem solved - no more of hat.
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AKA: 2006-06-20 08:22:31 pm
He's back!
I'll make detailed comments once its fully uploaded; compared to my earlier 2:07 run you were

2 seconds behind in reaching the tunnel
3 seconds behind in reaching the chest
1: second behind when you were entering the tunnel
5: seconds behind after you left the tunnel
(since I paused before it)

It seems like you got a good manipulation in the training  area.

I can't download those rupee runs, when I click to link page doesn't open :-/
Meaby later

"Donwloading segment 2"

Yeah FF seems to be down or brocken, try later.

Edit: FF is working again

Edit-2: Definitley fully fuctioning now
Edit history:
Kazooie: 2006-06-20 07:17:16 pm
Zelda Rulez!

I can't download those rupee runs, when I click to link page doesn't open :-/
Meaby later

"Donwloading segment 2"

Wow that was much better than last one Shocked
keep going TSA!!!

it not working on me,weird Huh?
Sorry it's working now Tongue
Edit history:
TSA: 2006-06-20 07:26:21 pm
Alright, a few things about your vid AKA:

Your timing, from end to end, is not the same as mine for what you say you get.  From the moment until you gain control, until your 2:07 and 2:09 marks, my current segment 2 is actuall 2:08;15 (15 frames into 9th second).  Your 2:07 is actual over 2:08.  If not for my three rather unfair mistakes, and if I pulled off that side hop at the end to the doorway like before, I would have easily been 3 seconds faster than your time.  And I know I can probably add in more sidehops to the water platforms.  Segment 2 just depends on the bushes now - I can do the rest very easily since I made a set routine.  So I'll probably give it a few more gos tonight, hopefully I get around 2:05-2:06.

Your way to getting to the hole is definitely slower.  You made up all your time in the maze on me, plus the extra sidehop to the water platforms.  Your way of slashing the bush + getting the rupee is slower, but you do get the green rupee - yet you still lucked out in the bushes outside.  You lost about a second to me there.

So overall, we're pretty even on that segment, but if I pull off the maze flawlessly like I can, and add that sidehop, I'm beating you by 2-3 seconds easily.

Edit: Why do you insist on reaching mido that way?  I replicated the TAS on that part, and it's a few frames slower than the perfect version of what I do.

Why do you roll all the way to the Deku Babas?  Face the wall and side hop or lose time there to me.

... Why do you do what the TAS does for byapssing the door text?  Do it from the left side, the closer side, and don't waste extra distance.

You need to lay off button mashing B after you get the Slingshot.  You should be button mashing A and Start.  The slash cost you a second.

See...lining up for that jump isn't so easy, is it?
Zelda Rulez!
I hate this Angry I cannot make good speedrun videos because  I only have digicamera and I have Pal version and it's slower than USA version oot Cry
I can make short videos but I don't think so I gonna make those videos because it have bad quality.
Edit history:
AKA: 2006-06-20 07:44:47 pm
He's back!
Yes my time was 2:08.03. Although I don't have a program which does frame counts, so I can't be exact.  

Why do you insist on reaching mido that way?  I replicated the TAS on that part, and it's a few frames slower than the perfect version of what I do.

Its safer this is not segented or a TAS, that route has
little impact on the run overall

Why do you roll all the way to the Deku Babas?  Face the wall and side hop or lose time there to me

I backwalk and sidestep instead now

... Why do you do what the TAS does for byapssing the door text?  Do it from the left side, the closer side, and don't waste extra distance.

I just find it easier from that side since you have to do less to correct the path, again very small time difference in a SS run.

You need to lay off button mashing B after you get the Slingshot.  You should be button mashing A and Start.  The slash cost you a second.

I don't remember that bit, I ususally hit A but thats very rare for me to do that.

See...lining up for that jump isn't so easy, is it?

I've figured out that you can still temporely move on the web, so I don't have to go for that sort of perfection anymore , I do it because it'll blow some casual OoT fans away.

Dump the .avi into virtual dub.  Windows Movie Maker also does time code with frame count.

See my previous post for remarks on post-shop in your vids.

Why don't you hold Z when your are on the vines when you reach the area above the wood floor - don't hold z before - when you land facing the wall.  Back walk a step or two, then sidehop and flash?  That would put you at the right angle...but I am not sure if  velocity would make you overshoot the web.

If not, hold Z like I do, then leg to, backflip, side hop and then aim.
TSA= Treacherous Slow Arrogant.

TSA : you should stop bitching, if KD did a faster deku tree, you don't have to insult him. He was just trying to cheer you up, by saying that he is a noob and he could do better than you? He was just asserting that you could do better, just that...

If everyone continue like that, there will never be any other OOT run completed.
No the Quail is not riding the Q
if KD did a faster deku tree, you don't have to insult him.

He never made a faster Deku Tree....
Next time you post use the screen name The1andOnly.
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DK64_MASTER: 2006-06-20 09:16:14 pm
TSA= Treacherous Slow Arrogant.

TSA : you should stop bitching, if KD did a faster deku tree, you don't have to insult him. He was just trying to cheer you up, by saying that he is a noob and he could do better than you? He was just asserting that you could do better, just that...

If everyone continue like that, there will never be any other OOT run completed.

I know not to feed the troll, but I just couldn't resist.

First, your grammar is appalling.
Second, KD never even produced a run.  He just said he claimed he could run.  Not that I'm doubting him, but get your facts straight.  If someone claims that they can do a faster run, and don't give ANY constructive criticism, let alone a video, they should just shut up.  He could have at least told TSA what he could have improved, rather than sounding like an arrogant bastard.

Third, you complain that "there will never be any other OOT run completed".  Uhh, WTF, man, WTF?  TSA is running the game, and KD wants him to go back and do a better segment.  What impedes progress more:  Completing a segment, or redoing a segment?  In fact, if you look at KD's comment from TSA's point of view, KD's comments make him NOT want to run the game anymore.

YES, I am well aware that KD was trying to motivate him to do a better run (by calling himself a noob) but there's a fine line between motivation and being annoying, especially if you're source of motivation is that a noob can do better than you!

Fourth, why do I feel that KD posted that message himself?  Post a valid email, or register, and then I might take your opinion with more than just a grain of salt.

Fifth, you just got []owned[/url]!
Edit history:
TSA: 2006-06-20 09:18:13 pm
KD has yet to comment on AKA's or my new video...

I'm sure he'll still say "n00bs, I can do better than both of you."
Speed is the key.
I'm sorry, but I cannot watch the whole segment 2... Always when I try to download it I get the same 33.4 MB file...
He's back!
KD has yet to comment on AKA's or my new video...

I'm sure he'll still say "n00bs, I can do better than both of you."

If it bothers you that much then don't respond to it.
No the Quail is not riding the Q

If it bothers you that much then don't respond to it.

Well the important thing is we stay focused on our goals.      
KD has yet to comment on AKA's or my new video...

I'm sure he'll still say "n00bs, I can do better than both of you."

"TSA that video sucks and I will flame you with sexual terminology momentarily but you're still my hero."
Speed is the key.
This is what I do after climbing the first ladder in GDT... I'm not sure if it's faster than rolling though... :-/
No the Quail is not riding the Q
This is what I do after climbing the first ladder in GDT... I'm not sure if it's faster than rolling though... :-/

It looks like rolling is faster.

Since you're looking for strategies..
Have you seen the video of me doing the beginning of the Deku Tree?

We should look for the best methods to do everything step by step.
Speed is the key.
Since you're looking for strategies..
Have you seen the video of me doing the beginning of the Deku Tree?

Yeah, pretty nice. Wink

We should find the best methods to do everything step by step.

Edit history:
TSA: 2006-06-20 10:56:59 pm
I'll check the file when I get home.

Edit: Rolling is faster because you are staying closer to the inside.
Zelda Scientist®
it looks nice.... we gotta frame count these. Im sure one of them is way faster. And yea, I agree. Lets vompare movment strats and everything.
Edit history:
AKA: 2006-06-21 12:24:45 am
He's back!
it looks nice.... we gotta frame count these. Im sure one of them is way faster. And yea, I agree. Lets vompare movment strats and everything.

I can never get Vdub to run and its WMV so I can't frame count in on WMP (and I don't even know how to us frame count feature). If my manual timing was 2:08:08, then the actual time will be somewhere between

2:08:03 TO 2:08:13

I haven't seen TSA's version in full yet so I can't fully compare it all.
Glitching EB 1 flying man at a time
Haha, nice owned video by the way DK64_Master. Sorry, just thought I'd say that, I thought it was absolutely hilarious. You may continue now  :P.
Fifth, you just got []owned[/url]!

Ok, I laughed my ass off when I watched that. What is that doing the "You got owned, owned, owned" thing? All I know is that my left eye is watering from me laughing so hard at that.

TSA: For some reason I can't watch your segment 2. It just shows up as a grey screen with the sound playing :/
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RedMage: 2006-06-21 01:26:27 am
Robert Blake made that owned song.  He's the guy who runs the aninote things I believe.
Food goes in here
I havent seen all of seg. 2 yet but from what i did see this should be the best yet, very nice job TSA, i can see you've been practicing like mad on this:)