Could someone give me a link to the TAS vids?
Edit: No way I am doing the second segment over. The only part that is questionable is the ramp part. Even then, I got that uber lucky sidehop to nearly enter the shop, which saved two seconds, about the time I lost from the ramp part. So that evened out. The only wrong thing, then, is the hole entry.
I'm not trying to be boastful but in a recent attempt I got 2:09 for the ruppee route and gained a further second in the aftermath of it all. Despite that I was still unhappy with it because I think it was improvable by about 5 secs, mainly because when I back flipped I grabbed the ledge in the training ground, I've now perfected the timing for it. I had a go at an SS Today and got 1:42 (up to the point where I was just about to pull out the master sword, since the last one was 1:45 outside the ToT) for the child segment, but there was about 3 mins of solid error in it espeacially since I the I failed the cucco jump first time and the cucco landed on top of the gate so I was forced to re-enter the valley, I then got it on my second attempt after re-entry. I failed the jumpslash through the gate first time and then barely made it second time round. I failed the sand and the lens route twice which was a rarity and perhaps down to a lack of sharpness. I didn't get the bombchu's as a child, because I boosted onto the seam with a bomb and fell off the walls two times but nailed the first Din's skip. I casted FW got the boots and casted it again before I left. Since I was plannning on getting the bombchu's from Spirit since there much more quickly obtainable compared to a early well dive as a child. The most annoying thing was when I did the maze skip I got hit by the mobln and then continually got hit six times in row. The next time I do that trick I'll peak around the corner. I eventually gave up after failing the SG skip for the fourth time after bombs were depleted, I then failed the jump on the statue six times and failed the SG skip again, after that I gave up. At that point I was 2:18 into the run. It may sound like the ultimate disaster run but its progress since I've never gotten that far during an SS run. I don't how much that route affects me as an adult but it should only take take an extra 2-3 mins at most and thats if any time is lost. At an absolute minimum SG skip saves 5 mins, which means that if I really hit and sustain form, it just may be possible to get SUB- 2:50, but SUB 3 is still the only goal I'll settle for considering the circus of tricks that are being done. On a positive note I nearly landed on the switch but I got closer to it that what the TAS did. The backwards momentum forced me onto the switch.