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Could someone give me a link to the TAS vids?
Edit history:
AKA: 2006-06-19 11:40:22 pm
He's back!
Edit: No way I am doing the second segment over.  The only part that is questionable is the ramp part.  Even then, I got that uber lucky sidehop to nearly enter the shop, which saved two seconds, about the time I lost from the ramp part.  So that evened out.  The only wrong thing, then, is the hole entry.

I'm not trying to be boastful but in a recent attempt I got 2:09 for the ruppee route and gained a further second in the aftermath of it all. Despite that I was still unhappy with it because I think it was improvable by about 5 secs, mainly because when I back flipped I grabbed the ledge in the training ground, I've now perfected the timing for it. I had a go at an SS Today and got 1:42 (up to the point where I was just about to pull out the master sword, since the last one was 1:45 outside the ToT)  for the child segment, but there was about 3 mins of solid error in it espeacially since I the I failed the cucco jump first time and the cucco landed on top of the gate so I was forced to re-enter the valley, I then got it on my second attempt after re-entry. I failed the jumpslash through the gate first time and then barely made it second time round. I failed the sand and the lens route twice which was a rarity and perhaps down to a lack of sharpness. I didn't get the bombchu's as a child, because I boosted onto the seam with a bomb and fell off the walls two times but nailed the first Din's skip. I casted FW got the boots and casted it again before I left. Since I was plannning on getting the bombchu's from Spirit since there much more quickly obtainable compared to a early well dive as a child. The most annoying thing was when I did the maze skip I got hit by the mobln and then continually got hit six times in row. The next time I do that trick I'll peak around the corner. I eventually gave up after failing the SG skip for the fourth time after bombs were depleted, I then failed the jump on the statue six times and failed the SG skip again, after that I gave up. At that point I was 2:18 into the run. It may sound like the ultimate disaster run but its progress since I've never gotten that far during an SS run. I don't how much that route affects me as an adult but it should only take take an extra 2-3 mins at most and thats if any time is lost. At an absolute minimum SG skip saves 5 mins, which means that if I really hit and sustain form, it just may be possible to get SUB- 2:50, but SUB 3  is still the only goal I'll settle for considering the circus of tricks that are being done. On a positive note I nearly landed on the switch but I got closer to it that what the TAS did. The backwards momentum forced me onto the switch.
Edit history:
TSA: 2006-06-20 12:01:05 am
I'm not trying to be boastful but in a recent attempt I got 2:09 for the ruppee route and gained a further second in the aftermath of it all. Despite that I was still unhappy with it because I think it was improvable by about 5 secs, mainly because when I back flipped I grabbed the ledge in the training ground, I've now perfected the timing for it.

Congrats.  Can I see the video?

Pending what I see in Fierce's video, and pending somebody showing me how to land on the switch WITHOUT spending more than 2-3 seconds lining up for the jump slash, I will consider redoing segment 3.  Segment 2, I think I can redo the part up to the hole by taking AKA's advice and after backflipping onto the ramp, turning and rolling.  I think this may save a few seconds off my time, but I really don't get how 2:05 is a plausible time when the TAS got 2:03? without even optimal movements, but precision movement not matched by us.
Edit history:
AKA: 2006-06-20 12:04:54 am
He's back!

Congrats.  Can I see the video?

Well er.. That was a failed SS run I did about a week ago, which was roughly done when you uploaded that 2:11 segment, I then went on to choke during the guards sequence at the castle and like all failed runs I genrally delete them and restart again, so you're just going to have to give me the benfit of the doubt. It does help when you sword spin in the training area and automatically reach a total of 30 ruppee's, which has only ever happened for the second time ever. It saves time in the shop because you don't have to get the blue ruppee in the shop.  
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TSA: 2006-06-20 12:44:00 am
So you get 40 rupees before entering the shop?  Interesting.  Are you banking on hitting 3-4 bushes, and each letting out a trio of green rupees?

For some reason, I still think doing All the desert and Spirit Temple stuff first is best, then Lake Hylia, and warp to Hyrule Castle.  It would be helpful if this could be done to test:

1) After Deku Tree, using Emu and cheats, do a pretty good attempt to Spirit Temple (use rerecords, but no frame advance - cheat on the hard tricks by using frame advance if you have to, though).
2) Don't need to complete spirit temple, but save quit after Sheik sequence.
3) Now go to Lake Hylia, using re-records but not frame advance - go to pond.  Time doesn't pass in pond, so exit right away when you arrive.  Go to Kaepora Gaebora, and warp to Hyrule Castle.

What time is it?  

That will help me determine what I need to do next.

In the meantime, I'll try redoing segments 2/3 as much as I can, but once we know what to do next, I am moving forward.
Edit history:
AKA: 2006-06-20 01:13:20 am
He's back!
So you get 40 rupees before entering the shop?  Interesting.  Are you banking on hitting 3-4 bushes, and each letting out a trio of green rupees?

I'm not banking on it and couldn't put exact odds on it either, but the odds of it happening are very long. I think even thought the TAS got 2:04 which is barely achiveable in any speedrun. I think it could be beaten by 7-8 seconds and further still because the texts at the tree weren't skipped, but in playing time it could be beaten by 2-3 secs post shield. I'm only banking on getting 25 ruppees from the bushes.

TSA I excerted them out of my failed attempt for your reference, sorry about the jittery frames. This was captured on FRAPS at 60 fps

Web Slash

Not perfect, but the gets the job done and I wasn't as close as I remembered

Slingshot room

I belive this is the easiest,best and quickest way to do the slingshot room once the slingshot has been aquired

Edit history:
KD: 2006-06-20 02:04:47 am
Seriously is the expected level of skill from us all so low that I have to post video evidence of being able to achieve a better deku tree time than the segment that is currently up? How is this "bragging"? I'm simply trying to express my disappointment. It's a SEGMENTED RUN, ffs >.< TSA, I almost cried when I saw it. You're satisfied with this? I thought one of the excuses you made for doing segmented instead of single segment was to show even more skill and perfection than people were used to from you. I know you can do much better. Please don't give up out of nothing but boredom.

Although, I suppose, the few seconds here and there matter little in the long run. It's just weird for me to accept such blatant imperfection from a run that is segmented when perfection is what I've been working so hard for all this time practicing.
No the Quail is not riding the Q
Seriously is the expected level of skill from us all so low that I have to post video evidence of being able to achieve a better deku tree time than the segment that is currently up? ? .

First of all show some respect because you're still talking alot of shit and I don't appreciate that.

Maybe if you actually make a segment you would have respect for TSA because we owe alot to him.
Edit history:
mwl: 2006-06-20 02:38:53 am
Now go to Lake Hylia, using re-records but not frame advance - go to pond.  Time doesn't pass in pond, so exit right away when you arrive.  Go to Kaepora Gaebora, and warp to Hyrule Castle.

I got into the Castle Courtyard non-optimally with at least 15 seconds left in real-time. So that's way more than enough time to get the bottle and make it, even for an unassisted run.

So the revised route will be as follows:

General outline:
Spirit -> Fishing Pond -> Hyrule Castle -> Jabu-Jabu

Segment 4:
1. Lost Woods - Get Fairy Ocarina
2. Hyrule Field - Backwalk to Gerudo Valley
3. Gerudo Valley - Cucco jump over gate
4. Gerudo's Fortress - Sidehop through the main gate
5. Haunted Wasteland - Backwalk across quicksand; Poe route
6. Desert Colossus - Backwalk to Spirit
7. Spirit - Exit immediately
8. Desert Col. - Learn Requiem [Game time set to noon]
9. Spirit -  Save+Quit

Segment 5:
1. Spirit - Complete child portion; Get 20 Rupees
2. Desert Col. - Get S. Gauntlets; Save+Quit

Segment 6:
1. Kokiri Forest - Exit
2. Hyrule Field - Backwalk to Lake Hylia
3. Lake Hylia - Backwalk to Fishing Pond
4. Fishing Pond - Get Golden Scale
5. Lake Hylia - Retrieve bottle; owl warp
6. Hyrule Field -> Market -> Hyrule Castle
7. Hyrule Castle - Seamwalk + Bombchu boost
8. Castle Courtyard - Roll past guards
9. Castle Courtyard - Get Zelda's Letter; learn Lullaby
10. Hyrule Field - Save+Quit

Segment 7:
1. Kokiri Forest -> Lost Woods -> Zora's River -> Zora's Domain
2. Zora's Domain - Get Deku Nuts; Show King bottle
3. Zora's Fountain - Jumpslash into Jabu-Jabu
4. Jabu-Jabu - Save+Quit

Then the rest is the same, except segment N becomes segment N+1 for 7 <= N <= 16.
Edit history:
TSA: 2006-06-20 03:12:56 am
Thank you mwl, very much.  KD, seriously, go away.  You don't offer anything constructive.  I can understand my run is perfect yet, but only AKA and Fierce are really doing much constructive about it.  People just saying "blah" or "could be improved" absolutely are wasting my time, and it is not constructive, it's down putting.  Just own up and point out the mistakes, do a better run, or shut the hell up.  I don't have fucking all day to do this run, or I'd make your asses a single-segment run that was about as good as my segmented run.  The reason I am doing segmented, in actuality, is not to perfect it as I bsed, but so I could easily get a run up with my schedule.

Truth told.  I don't want the everlasting record, I just want to be the first to do it.  So there, I said it.  Everyone else has had months to do this, they've done nothing.  Some of it was planning issues.  As soon as I start doing it, the shit hits the fan.

Make up your minds.

Edit: AKA, thank you so much for those videos.  Now I will go back and redo segment 3 for sure because you and Fierce have both shown me two different things (three actually) to improve the time, which could take it below 5 mins.  Seriously, more posts from you guys, por favor.
No the Quail is not riding the Q
So you get 40 rupees before entering the shop?  Interesting.  Are you banking on hitting 3-4 bushes, and each letting out a trio of green rupees?

I've done it before but that's just luck.
Truth told.  I don't want the everlasting record, I just want to be the first to do it.  So there, I said it.  Everyone else has had months to do this, they've done nothing.  Some of it was planning issues.  As soon as I start doing it, the shit hits the fan.

Make up your minds.

Well I'm always doing something behind the scenes. I'm never doing nothing.
I really think you deserve to be the first and have a record that will stand for along time. So I'll try research as much as possible.

I do recall that at one time you said you wanted to have a record in every Zelda game. That's something I want to see happen.
Which is why we can't spend our time worrying about this and that when we can be doing something about it.
I've done it before but that's just luck.

With the rupee route being quite short, it wouldn't be unreasonable to restart each segment until you get the 40 rupees before entering the shop.

That being said, you can ALWAYS go back an improve a segment, especially since this one (2nd) since the items collected are clear cut.

But if we don't know the route, and are stuck, we should either take a break from the game, or redo a segment (preferably).
Redid segment 2.  Except for two extremely, extremely small mistakes (a slight roll in a corner during the boulder maze, but it was no ground lost, just a second) and a bad angle to the chest (had to turn earlier, lost another second), I'm looking forward to the criticism.  If the path to the "tunnel" doesn't impress even AKA, then I don't know what else I need to be doing.

I practiced SO MUCH to pull off the QUICK SPIN on the two Deku Babas to kill them both at once, and have the stick fall onto Link so he would only have to side hop to the 2nd, then roll to the third plant and then could sidehop.  I'm sorry, but that will be plain ass luck and I can only routinely pull it off holding the spin and releasing it - like normal - which takes longer than just stabbing both seperately.  Got into the Deku Tree without any alteration or delay.

Compressing and will upload.  I had hoped I could get to the Deku Tree tonight...I'm pumped because I know I can do even faster on it now...
Speed is the key.
Good work. I wish you could have more time to spend on this, you definitely don't lack the skills. Wink
He's back!
Thank you mwl, very much.  KD, seriously, go away

First of all show some respect because you're still talking alot of shit and I don't appreciate that. Maybe if you actually make a segment you would have respect for TSA because we owe alot to him.

FIERCE you were very hypocritical there and talking about respect endlessly is just going to leave you with egg on your face.

TSA you could of at least been more dignified in response instead of taking some outside personal issue you have into the forum


A: Ignore his post

B: Say "Its alll very well saying that KD saying 'could be improved ', but that doesn't help me in making a better segment

None the less

Ruppee run 2:09;5168703;;/fileinfo.html

Ruppee run 2:07;5168724;;/fileinfo.html

Oh and watch both instead of only watching the 2:07 run.

Edit history:
Acryte: 2006-06-20 02:10:29 pm
Zelda Scientist®
wow AKA, are you psychic? I was going straight for the 2:07 exclusively until I read that last part. lol. Cool stuff AKA, though when you go to mido, how come you take it all the way to the wall? you can rolljump and take the diagonal to shave off some unnecessary ground. Very cool though, yeah, aside from the delayed turnaround at the chest part, the rupee drops in the 2:09 are what screwed you.

TSA - sounds great man, I mean, it's your run and you gotta find the enjoyment in what you do. I'm sure everyone means their best for the sake of a better run, some just lack the polish to say things in a respectful manner. And AKA, as fas as FIERCE goes, I believe he was trying to say that if he spent the time making a segment he owuld appreciate the difficulty that comes with making a run, and that when you look at how many runs TSA has up, then he will respect him more. Though KD did try to show a little positive stuff in the post, it was mainly overshadowed by the harshness of the latter section of the post. Anyways TSA, It's great you're revitalized in will and whatnot. I look forward to dling that segment.
Sorry people have to be like that TSA...
No the Quail is not riding the Q
And AKA, as fas as FIERCE goes, I believe he was trying to say that if he spent the time making a segment he owuld appreciate the difficulty that comes with making a run, and that when you look at how many runs TSA has up, then he will respect him more. Though KD did try to show a little positive stuff in the post, it was mainly overshadowed by the harshness of the latter section of the post. Anyways TSA, It's great you're revitalized in will and whatnot. I look forward to dling that segment.

Right. He can sugar coat it all he wants... I don't think he understands how much hard work has to be put into making this run.
This is not the first time either.

Anyway, lets all agree to ignore anything like that from now on.

*Downloading Rupee Runs*
Edit history:
YautjaElder: 2006-06-20 04:22:52 pm
Speed is the key.
TSA, I noticed that you're still using the old tactic for the Deku Scrub room... Here's a just as easy, but faster tactic:

Fast and Easy Deku Scrub room

Note that you wont always get as close to the door as I did, but at least you get closer than you do with the tactic you used. Smiley

This is if you're gonna improve the Deku Tree segment of course.

Edit: You might even get closer to the door than I did in that try...
No the Quail is not riding the Q

Well you can get even closer if you side jump afterwards.

Also if anyone wants to upload any of my videos to youtube or whatever you can.
Speed is the key.
Well you can get even closer if you side jump afterwards.

I tried that too, but somehow I found it harder to pull of flawlessly. :-/
Zelda Scientist®
Yeah, I think my way is a little harder... it's just how I always did it...
Speed is the key.
Yeah, I think my way is a little harder... it's just how I always did it...

Very cool.
He's back!
Yeah, I think my way is a little harder... it's just how I always did it...

Very hard  Angry
No the Quail is not riding the Q
Yeah, I think my way is a little harder... it's just how I always did it...

I was looking at your videos and I saw before you posted it...
Yeah this must be the best method of all time....Thank you Okiya....Acryte.