I have the right to go back and redo segments at anytime since this is segmented, so long as the "stats" match up at the end of the segment with the next segment in the run.
I'll keep all the criticism.
Good movement to the ladder
- It's better than the TAS.
Urgh this is annoying, running all the way up to the door looked bad, my advice would be to alternate between sidesteps and rolls.
- I supposed I could memorize a set pattent of backwalking+sidehops and optimize it. And for the record, the TAS side walking = very slow. It needs to be backwalking and sidehopping, and it is at an "off-angle"
Far too cautious when doing the navi skip at the door, I can walk up to it and nail it about 85% of the time.
- Blame that one slippy analog stick. But that honestly isn't something I would redo the segment over for.
Try getting closer to the shrub when you deflect the nut, it would save a good second or so.
- I don't get this. The dialogue is only triggered at a certain "time" after he is hit, folks. I was there before the trigger could happen. Think of Super Mario 64 - bowser's keys. You can get to them early, but it won't be obtainable till a delay is over. Same here. Except for position in relation to the door, getting to the "dialogue" was optimal.
This is confusing why did you lock onto the ladder, its much quicker to manually hit it and run to it during the cutscene, plus the bash looked bad.
- I don't get this critique, either. Pressing and holding "C" after the dialogue quick-aims you forward, hitting Z allows me to MOVE FORWARD while shooting. Manually would waste time aiming, even if a fraction of a second. I do not believe this critique is accurate, like the previous one.
That is nothing like the line for landing on the switch or the platform.
- And the time we'd have to waste to align for it is why I do not do that. I found out holding Z allows for an automatic line up that is quick and close enough. I seriously doubt anyone will pull off landing on the switch more than 10% of the time without spending time aligning - probably as much time as it took for me to walk to the switch and step on it. So, the landing on the switch is for a TAS or somebody who wishes to spend a year on this segment or something. Remember, we have a Super Mario Bros run that is just over 5 mins that takes people forever to shave a second off of, and it is a simple 2D sidescroller. Please keep that in mind.
I discovered a small trick recently that saves a few fractions of a second and that rolling past the bad and getting hit in order to get a speed boost.
- I totally did not understand what you said here. And unless it is easy to do, I do not care, at this time, about fractions of a second. The TAS migh tbe interested now, though.
The lining up was too cautious for the block skip plus its not even necesscary to line up again after you've landed on the block.
- 50% of the time, when I attempted to jump at that ackward angle, Link would "dangle" over the edge rather than jump. To prove it, I made a "mark" on my controller at the spot I should hold the analog stick. Not all the time did he jump because I am not precise enough at that angle. So, this is one part I just got tired of a run ending on.
I think its better to light the torch on the right first instead of doing it last.
- Maybe. But it reverse the camera angle and it's one less thing I have to worry about. Plus, doing the right one last leaves you closer to the side of the door you want to be on.
Funny that I've can never seem to pull of the trick on the block first time, which is why I'll push it three times.
- The two push thing is easy. The jump slash trick is annoying.
Not very good deku room to say the least
- The Deku Scrub Room before Gohma - yeah, I missed that one seed and got hit.
I fairy certain that Gohma could be done quicker than that as you pause at certain bits for no reason
- The pause at the start is because if you shoot then, you will not hit her eye. After that, there are no pauses.
It's fine if you keep this segment TSA, but I just remembered you saying that you would like to make a run that'll be very hard to beat... This segment is quite beatable.
- By like 3 of you. Yeah, I know what I said. I retract it. So long as it is "mistakeless" in terms of anything that would go wrong in a single-segment run (missing a jump once, getting hit by a boss), that's just totally unacceptable for a segmented run, I'll redo it till I have it. If it is lacking "perfection", then oh well. I'd just like to see this run done. I'd also like to see somebody else, perhaps, make a faster segment and show me what I am doing wrong. The TAS is not possible to replicate, so I am no longer even watching it. The last time I used a TAS as a guide, was my 1:39 ALttP run, and it messed me up on several areas. None of the existing runs have a segment near as good as this a video on the N64 of somebody doing the "go to the door" other than the way I did it, or the Deku Scrub Room before Gohma.
That's what I need for help. Descriptions and trick videos only go so far. Sometimes it's the parts in between that need attention.
- See, not even the TAS is "perfect". This run doesn't have a solid route yet...the original route I had could be much faster, we just don't know about the day/night situation. I don't have as much time as I did in college to work on these. I had 3-4 days of classes and 3-4 day weekends my last 1.5 years of college, when all my runs were done. I could spend 12-14 hours a day on attempts.
But this, I get maybe an hour or two a day, if that, to do attempts.
And next guys are going to have to be forgiving. If you haven't even looked at it's the hardest segment in the game...
I'll keep all the criticism.
Good movement to the ladder
- It's better than the TAS.
Urgh this is annoying, running all the way up to the door looked bad, my advice would be to alternate between sidesteps and rolls.
- I supposed I could memorize a set pattent of backwalking+sidehops and optimize it. And for the record, the TAS side walking = very slow. It needs to be backwalking and sidehopping, and it is at an "off-angle"
Far too cautious when doing the navi skip at the door, I can walk up to it and nail it about 85% of the time.
- Blame that one slippy analog stick. But that honestly isn't something I would redo the segment over for.
Try getting closer to the shrub when you deflect the nut, it would save a good second or so.
- I don't get this. The dialogue is only triggered at a certain "time" after he is hit, folks. I was there before the trigger could happen. Think of Super Mario 64 - bowser's keys. You can get to them early, but it won't be obtainable till a delay is over. Same here. Except for position in relation to the door, getting to the "dialogue" was optimal.
This is confusing why did you lock onto the ladder, its much quicker to manually hit it and run to it during the cutscene, plus the bash looked bad.
- I don't get this critique, either. Pressing and holding "C" after the dialogue quick-aims you forward, hitting Z allows me to MOVE FORWARD while shooting. Manually would waste time aiming, even if a fraction of a second. I do not believe this critique is accurate, like the previous one.
That is nothing like the line for landing on the switch or the platform.
- And the time we'd have to waste to align for it is why I do not do that. I found out holding Z allows for an automatic line up that is quick and close enough. I seriously doubt anyone will pull off landing on the switch more than 10% of the time without spending time aligning - probably as much time as it took for me to walk to the switch and step on it. So, the landing on the switch is for a TAS or somebody who wishes to spend a year on this segment or something. Remember, we have a Super Mario Bros run that is just over 5 mins that takes people forever to shave a second off of, and it is a simple 2D sidescroller. Please keep that in mind.
I discovered a small trick recently that saves a few fractions of a second and that rolling past the bad and getting hit in order to get a speed boost.
- I totally did not understand what you said here. And unless it is easy to do, I do not care, at this time, about fractions of a second. The TAS migh tbe interested now, though.
The lining up was too cautious for the block skip plus its not even necesscary to line up again after you've landed on the block.
- 50% of the time, when I attempted to jump at that ackward angle, Link would "dangle" over the edge rather than jump. To prove it, I made a "mark" on my controller at the spot I should hold the analog stick. Not all the time did he jump because I am not precise enough at that angle. So, this is one part I just got tired of a run ending on.
I think its better to light the torch on the right first instead of doing it last.
- Maybe. But it reverse the camera angle and it's one less thing I have to worry about. Plus, doing the right one last leaves you closer to the side of the door you want to be on.
Funny that I've can never seem to pull of the trick on the block first time, which is why I'll push it three times.
- The two push thing is easy. The jump slash trick is annoying.
Not very good deku room to say the least
- The Deku Scrub Room before Gohma - yeah, I missed that one seed and got hit.
I fairy certain that Gohma could be done quicker than that as you pause at certain bits for no reason
- The pause at the start is because if you shoot then, you will not hit her eye. After that, there are no pauses.
It's fine if you keep this segment TSA, but I just remembered you saying that you would like to make a run that'll be very hard to beat... This segment is quite beatable.
- By like 3 of you. Yeah, I know what I said. I retract it. So long as it is "mistakeless" in terms of anything that would go wrong in a single-segment run (missing a jump once, getting hit by a boss), that's just totally unacceptable for a segmented run, I'll redo it till I have it. If it is lacking "perfection", then oh well. I'd just like to see this run done. I'd also like to see somebody else, perhaps, make a faster segment and show me what I am doing wrong. The TAS is not possible to replicate, so I am no longer even watching it. The last time I used a TAS as a guide, was my 1:39 ALttP run, and it messed me up on several areas. None of the existing runs have a segment near as good as this a video on the N64 of somebody doing the "go to the door" other than the way I did it, or the Deku Scrub Room before Gohma.
That's what I need for help. Descriptions and trick videos only go so far. Sometimes it's the parts in between that need attention.
If you expected all TAS's regardless of circumstance to be frame advance and pixel perfect, I doubt even the 16-star mario 64 run would be up right now.
As long as a TAS is of very high quality (which this one has been so far) and accomplishes things a normal runner obviously couldn't, I think it should be acceptable. GuanoBowl has come a VERY long way from his earliest submissions and I think this run is a very impressive TAS.
As it is, since this testrun is being done with a very high quality, I vote keep.
As long as a TAS is of very high quality (which this one has been so far) and accomplishes things a normal runner obviously couldn't, I think it should be acceptable. GuanoBowl has come a VERY long way from his earliest submissions and I think this run is a very impressive TAS.
As it is, since this testrun is being done with a very high quality, I vote keep.
- See, not even the TAS is "perfect". This run doesn't have a solid route yet...the original route I had could be much faster, we just don't know about the day/night situation. I don't have as much time as I did in college to work on these. I had 3-4 days of classes and 3-4 day weekends my last 1.5 years of college, when all my runs were done. I could spend 12-14 hours a day on attempts.
But this, I get maybe an hour or two a day, if that, to do attempts.
And next guys are going to have to be forgiving. If you haven't even looked at it's the hardest segment in the game...