For the same reason that Segment 1 is so long... to pay homage to a great game. He chose to name him Link for the reason that it's just fitting. I think it makes the run seem more epic when the character is represented by his naturally given name.
AKA - true true, we'd need to restock bombchu to get through the iron knuckles. How many do we need again? If we damage both w/ the same bombchu every time? And Light Arrows only damage once their shields are off right? Thirdly, we may need a magic potion...
From my experience, it takes 10 bombs to blow the armor off a darknut, at which point arrows/slingshot are effective. Only exception was the nabooru darknut, whose armor doesn't naturally blow off during the fight - she's never vulnerable to arrows and takes 20 bombs to defeat completely. I'd assume that bombchus work the same way, so that if you were to use just bombchus and arrows you would need 10 bombchus for the darknuts and IIRC 5 arrows apiece (dunno if light arrows do more).
Thank you Kazooie. I've done it 5 times in a row now...very easy.
Just didn't know about the try to grab something.
I can't pull off the backflip + bombchu + shield trick very effectively...I think I just need to be told what the proper timing/input is. I pull it off about 10% of the time.
you are welcome Whne you have done your toher segments I really want to see those
I can't pull off the backflip + bombchu + shield trick very effectively...I think I just need to be told what the proper timing/input is. I pull it off about 10% of the time.
You mean hover glitch You must use slingshot to do it. This video show how to do it and I think acryte can explain it to you or somebody else because I must go now and I can't explain it now, sorry :-/
hehe. Yeah you use the endless sword glitch off the special crop. Then you go to that spot I went to and pul out the slingshot. Then do a backflip and then shoot it (halts your backward movement) and then shield drop a bombchu. There is an insane timing for making it so it doesn't run on walls... that would give you a bombchu for the moat (which you've already done) and a bombchu for jabu jabu. Otherwise, You can use 4 to get up there easily and then just use the hover glitch for the miniboss skip. 3 Bombchus 4 Bombchus
hehe. Yeah you use the endless sword glitch off the special crop. Then you go to that spot I went to and pul out the slingshot. Then do a backflip and then shoot it (halts your backward movement) and then shield drop a bombchu. There is an insane timing for making it so it doesn't run on walls... that would give you a bombchu for the moat (which you've already done) and a bombchu for jabu jabu. Otherwise, You can use 4 to get up there easily and then just use the hover glitch for the miniboss skip. 3 Bombchus 4 Bombchus
Why not show him the whole glitch not just part of it, show everything show how and where you got the swordless glitch and then show the jumping to the bomb bag. I think that would help him out way more. You cant just say oh here is how to get the bomb bag early but then not show the whole thing, because how do we not know that you activated the endless sword glitch somewhere then you just used gameshark to levitate to that area and just push record then show the bomb jumping. We need to be 100 percent sure on how exactly you did everything or we wont know its fake or not.
Also I did say where to do it in the thread like twice, and in the comments in the vids I think and also in that post where the links are:
Yeah you use the endless sword glitch off the special crop. Then you go to that spot I went to and pul out the slingshot.
But yes, you would need to use a bombchu to cross the bridge... whick means you lose 1 that can be used elsewhere so it's better to do it off the special crop.
The reason why I don't show all that stuff besides having to take multiple attempts to do some things and it makes it that much more to repeat, but also for the same reason I don't tell people how to do the sword glitch in every single vid I post that uses it... mainly, people will find out how, heck that's what the thread and PMs are for, and also, once they find out how to do it, they will easily find out where to activate it, and if not, that is why I said where to do it in my post right? Also, I was planning on just writing a little guide on all that advanced crap and just adding crap to it for some kind of an easy reference. If I do I'll probably start working on it tomorrow. I'll keep it simple though... nothing insane like my Deku Walkthrough. We could just throw it in the 1st post or something.
Yeah...Acryte - I seem to have a problem getting to the ledge - I've been using all FIVE bombchus (since you can use bombs to cross moat), and still I am not making it. I think it is a problem of height. Do you get more height by doing the bombchu blast earlier in the backflip? Like doing it right away? Also, in the spot where you do it from, my bombchus keep hitting the wall on attemp 2 or 3. So I have to start on left of the ladder (facing ladder).
I can do this easily, just I think I need ot know how to get more height.
Soon as I can get these two things mastered...which I am getting better at, I can get Dodongo done.
The next segments should be fun, though...bombs to skip moat, and bombs to skip King Zora...
I seriously hate these tricks, heh. As for the bomb drops...that's a bitch. Having to grab the bomb to trigger endless sword...then pull off the two successive bombs...I need you to write that part out, heh.
Yeah TSA, I had the same problem before... attempt 2/3 would run on the wall. That's why (if you go for the 4 bombchu method) you want to get up to the right of the ladder (right side if you were climbing up it that is) and then kind of squeeze in between the rungs a little (hard to phrase this properly) but you can get into it more w/out needing to be all the way on the other side. Secondly, it helps if you aim and make it so that you are slightly to the right but know you can still get up top because you will be farther from that wall... Also, doing it earlier in the backflip will give you more height, while doing it later will give you more distance. I usually take the middle ground because you need both. For the 4 bombchu method though, I prefer a little more distance over height (but you still want height), whereas for the 3 bombchu one I prefer height over distance because that is the main thing since you are closer, and if you get too close the bombchu will run on the wall that is behind you (the pillar, that is).
For the bomb drop part... it might be easier for you to do it off the grass, but it's definitely less out of the way to use a bomb to do it. As far as the staircase method to get to the block... practice makes that one pretty easy. It's all timing. You want to drop the first but acknowledge that the longer you wait to pull out the next one is the timer difference between explosions 1 and 2. That also can't be too large because you will fall down after half a second or so, but also can't be too small because you can't have it go off while you are still on the first or you might miss it (that part generall y isn't a problem). The only thing I really have any issues with is when you accidently get hit in the back by the second blast instead of shielding it... which screws it all up. But, I don't know if it helps, but you could try going to the side to maybe reduce that, IDK. Anyways, I'll write that FAQ tomorrow. Hope this helps you out. Worst case scenario you could light the eyes and then make a new segment (though you would lose a few seconds transit time). The main thing is just practicing those 2 tricks alot. Emu helps alot because savestates are invaluable in quickly trying it over and over again. That aside, are there problems anywhere else I can help with?
Steps for staircase Method: 1) Activate Sword Glitch 2) Get a decent measure from the wall so that you get 2 full backflips (the starting ones) and then make it so that the next one ends up against the wall. It isn't that necessary but if you don't you will need the slingshot usage to make sure you don't go too far backwards. 3) Place 1st bomb 4) Wait (Proper timing is necessary... viewing the vid is the best way to get the timing other than by practice) and then pull out the bomb as you backrun. 5) Backrun far enough so that the 1st bomb doesn't make the 2nd one explode in a chain reaction, but isn't too far back to where after the 1st backflip you fall short of the second blast (this is easy). Shield drop it here. 6) Run back in front of the other bomb. 7) Time it so you backflip and then it blows up mid backflip. 8) Shield the blast. You now have a half second or so where you are suspended in the air before you fall to the ground. Backflip again 9) If the second bomb was timed correctly, you will backflip into the second blast before you fall and when you shield this one, you will be high enough off the ground to where you won't fall to the ground. 10) Now, if spaced properly, you can just drop another bomb and then time the backflip (go for height over length) and you'll stop at the wall and won't need to use the slingshot. If you are too far away from the wall however, you may need to use it in order to not move back too far and miss shielding the blast. 11) Do step 10 once more (unless you were perfect and may be able to get up w/out doing it again) and then do a backflip up onto the ledge.
______________ It takes 10 bombchus to knock off the Iron Knuckle's shields. 15 to kill. It's easy though, you stand far away and unleash a volley of bombchus. This means you'd probably have to restock from the well if you did light arrow B. You can use normal arrows on the dinalfos and stalfos.
Has anyone tried getting onto the seam from Dampe's house, I know from testing on emu that Link can land on the seam from the lower part of the roof if he was able to get a boost 5 inches from a regular bombchu boost. Its also a much easier seam walk as well. I haven't done it but I've got very close possibly an inch since I thought I had the height to backflip it but unfortunatley not. I would be good to compare that to jumping from the box, but the chances are that its slower, but then again I think the seam from Dampe's house can be reached with 4 bombs.
Edit: Can the Valley of Doom (Ganon Early) be done without a jumpslash since there is no video of it apart from a failed attempt from Acryte that used the jumpslash.
Has anyone tried getting onto the seam from Dampe's house, I know from testing on emu that Link can land on the seam from the lower part of the roof if he was able to get a boost 5 inches from a regular bombchu boost. Its also a much easier seam walk as well. I haven't done it but I've got very close possibly an inch since I thought I had the height to backflip it but unfortunatley not. I would be good to compare that to jumping from the box, but the chances are that its slower, but then again I think the seam from Dampe's house can be reached with 4 bombs.
I was going to make a video of this tonight, since I have time. You're right though, it take 4 bombs to get on the seam.
Yes I've done it. If you want I have a savestate at the pause screen with a bomb boosted hover. Just backflip and shield drop the bombchu. But it's still tough. I'd record it but fraps crashes my comp. I guess I could do it tonoght on Mupen, It just requires me to go all the way there w/ bombchus.