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I have had this game for the longest time and I have never been able to get past the endless abyss.

For those interested in an Okage run, I did an RTA run in 6h35m22s (New Game to Belioune last hit).

The route is largely the same as Equinox's notes -- I also added in getting the 1st Star Badge for extra evade on Ari, as well as the Forgotten Sword just before the final short grind to level 48 at the end of the game.

I estimated about 12 minutes of lost time due to mistakes and one death to Phantom Evil King, but for now this is the WR for Okage.
Edit history:
Equinox: 2016-09-03 04:56:27 pm
Equinox: 2016-09-03 04:46:45 pm
Obsessicus Parrotus
Cool man, I'll watch this later. If it's SS that's interesting, mine was segmented and estimated to be more towards 4 hours. This game does not have forgiving bosses lol. I realize I'm probably talking to a dead thread but what system are you using? I really want to chat with you!
So you can skip any trigger you walk into in this game by pulling up your menu + using an item that doesn't do anything. Here's a quick video explaining it:

Pretty sure this isn't known since it's not used in the any% above. This glitch also stops monsters from spawning if you skip the triggers in the world maps that cause them to spawn. Here's a video of the route to skip Chapter 1 using emulator/save states (enjoy my 1 sided conversation), though the glitch is pretty easy to do consistently with a bit of practice:

Should shave off at least 10 min or so just getting to the 2nd chapter, and this has lots of uses constantly any time you meet up with a trigger you walk into. You can mess around with crazy sewer rat boss texturing, get two copies of your partner girl, and lots of fun silly stuff. I only started playing the game today so I know nothing of it, but I'm pretty sure this can cut a hell of a lot of time out of the entire run (hours maybe? Not sure how much this can end up skipping).

And some fun glitchy images of side-effects from this:
The problem with buffering through this cutscene is you have to proceed through the game without 2 key items: the ordinary card and the music box. Assuming you can buffer past the middle managers on your way to the Chairman Evil King, not having the ordinary card would not be a problem. Further testing would be needed to confirm that buffering past the middle managers would be faster than just getting the other 3 cards as far as final routing would be concerned. What interests me is how the game will handle giving the music box to Marlene and if that will underflow the menus. I plan on testing both of these soon and I will post what I find.

I have a couple other ideas for where this could be applicable (most of these are just curiousities. I'm not sure how many of them will save time):

Buffering past all the Linda cutscenes. I don't know if this will save time, but I am curious how breaking the sequence will affect her in the rest of the game.
You might be able to buffer past the guard to the boat in Roshelo and skip straight to the Aquaric Ruins.
The Phantom King cutscene after the Bull King cutscene. I would say skip both but I don't think accessing the battle with the bull will be possible if you do.
Buffering through the trigger that knocks you back at the gateway to the desert before Ari gets his soul back.
The Beiloune cutscene after Ari regains his soul.

The only ones I think will impact the run will be early desert, buffering past middle managers, and the aquatic ruins early. Plus, what happens if the music box gets under flowed
Edit history:
PeteDorr: 2018-01-27 05:33:10 am
PeteDorr: 2018-01-27 05:32:49 am
Hello, Im considering  learning this run but was curious if anyone did any testing on the new trigger buffer glitch snd where it is feasible to use without messing up progression for the rest of the game? I was also curious if anyone has tried playing  the PS4 version , if it makes any difference. I loved this game casually when it released, and have been interested in an RPG to speedrun (my first) so this seems like the perfect length of not being too long or complex (such as a FF7 run for example) and also the side effect of loving the universe and music.
Also curious how RTA visble the buffer glitch is? If you mess it up and get caught by an NPC does it pull you back to the start and reset your progress?
Any testing that has been done recently, any info is appreciated. If you hve trouble reaching or getting a response from me on this thread in the future just whisper me on twitch (petesgameroom)