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I don't know if this would be allowed on this board, and I'll apologize ahead of time, but is there any speed runners around Northern Kentucky?  I know they're speed runners near Cincinnati, but I don't know if there's anyone from SDA around my area.
Thread title:  
NowOwnsAFreaking Plane
First, this is allowed, but probably the wrong thread.
Try this thread:
Also, define "Northern".  At least add East or West (they're almost two separate states anyway with how different Eastern and Western Kentucky are).  I live only a few minutes away from the Kentucky border here in Ohio, but I'm still 2 hours away from Cinci because I'm almost to the WV border also.  That would mean I could be hours away from you also.
I live in Lexington. So I am in the area.
Lexington as well. Small world.
I sense a meetup in my near future.
I'm out of town for September. Got any plans for the first week of October?
I'm a musician in the area, so my weekends are usually booked, but my weekdays are pretty free.
In other words, we can definitely figure something out.
I'll PM you near the end of September then.

How about you BoomBoom, how far from Lex are you?
Dapper as fuck.
I'm in Ohio, but only maybe 3½ish hours from Lex.
Nice! That's awesome. We could legit have a massive meetup at some point.
Edit history:
Rotorstorm331: 2014-09-02 07:47:05 pm
Let me get back to you on the miles Kefka14; also the part of Kentucky I live is around Florence, which I'm guessing is to say 20 or 30 miles from Cincinnati OH; thus "Northern Kentucky".

EDIT: I just found out its 14.7 mi - about 25 mins from independence to cincinnati, so its not far from were I live.
Nice. Overall, not far out.
Its 68.9 miles from Independence to Lexington, though I don't usually travel much aside from the area I live around.  Nice to know I'm not the only SDA member in the area.  Smiley
I'm down. I live in Dayton, Ohio.
NowOwnsAFreaking Plane
I'm almost 3 hours to Lexington (the largest part of the drive for me is eastward, as I'm technically farther south in Ohio than Cinci), but I'm also down for a meet up.  I'm leaving the country for a good bit in the end of October though.  Beginning of October meetup sounds awesome, however.  Totally down.
Edit:  I totally meant most of the drive is me heading west.  I totally did not brainfart there.
wow, quite a few people. Is this just a casual meetup, or a sort of mini marathon?

Kefka said he's busy on the weekends, but I'm guessing anyone traveling would rather it not be during the week? Either works for me.

Also, will be going on that weekend (3rd - 5th) if anyone's interested.

PS: Kefka, I think you edited the name and description of the map itself, rather than a point marker.
Dapper as fuck.
Quote from Tterraj42:
wow, quite a few people. Is this just a casual meetup, or a sort of mini marathon?

Mini-marathon would be cool, but I don't think the 6 or 7 of us would make for that long or compelling of a marathon.  I would vote for just a casual meetup.

Quote from Tterraj42:
Kefka said he's busy on the weekends, but I'm guessing anyone traveling would rather it not be during the week? Either works for me.

Unfortunately since that's roughly a 7 hour round trip for me, the weekend is the only time I'd be able to.  But don't let that stop you guys haha. Smiley
[quote="Tterraj42"]wow, quite a few people. Is this just a casual meetup, or a sort of mini marathon?

I was just curious if there was anyone from SDA in my area; I probably won't be able to attend meetups or mini marathons due to my work schedule being random unless I put a request off in advance the week before.  If I do go to one of these mini marathons, I'll bring my brother or one of my brother-in-laws along, since its kind of like meeting strangers you don't know, even though we post messages on SDA most of the time.  Smiley
NowOwnsAFreaking Plane
Quote from philosoraptor42:
Quote from Tterraj42:
wow, quite a few people. Is this just a casual meetup, or a sort of mini marathon?

Mini-marathon would be cool, but I don't think the 6 or 7 of us would make for that long or compelling of a marathon.  I would vote for just a casual meetup.

I'd agree on taking it casual, just bring along some of your speed games though.  My trip also just got much shorter since I looked at a map myself.  I forgot my GPS doesn't think I-64 exists, that shaves off a good half hour for me instead of driving northwest to Cinci and then taking 75 back south again.
Sounds good. Which weekend works best for everyone? Any of the next 3 (basically the 25th on) are good for me.
Kefka14, any chance you could get a weekend off?

This a one day thing? Otherwise, CosmykTheDolfyn, philosoraptor42, and zimsmlgpro, thoughts on sharing a hotel room? I'd offer lodging, but where I'm staying now has no room :\

BoomBoom777, think you can get off work for one of the next couple weekends?

I'm good with spending the whole weekend gaming, but is there anything anyone wants to do while in Lex?
NowOwnsAFreaking Plane
The drive for me really isn't all that much farther than I make for work.  (1.5 hours one way vs 2), so I wasn't planning on room and board.  I could come for a one day thing, although a Friday would work better for me personally.  Saturday would work too I guess, but I wouldn't make until the afternoon.  I'll be leaving the country in a month or so though sooner the better.
I'm also wanting to check out any skate parks in the area (I've been rollerblading for years now), so if you guys know anything about any of them I'll probably pop into one, try a few tricks and then leave.
It depends on where we are meeting up. I'm not free this weekend, but I could maybe pull something off for next weekend? Also, any chance of carpooling? I can help with gas, currently my wife and I only have one car and she uses it more than I do is all.
Edit history:
Tterraj42: 2014-09-18 10:38:28 pm
That's a long drive to work :O
I know I'd personally wouldn't want to drive that at the end of a day. You've all got pretty good length commutes to Lex, one reason I'd suggest a two day thing. Plus a cheap hotel split 3/4 ways isn't bad. But that's totally your call.
As for skate parks, I know absolutely nothing, but looks like we have two Woodland Park is right downtown, Kirklevington Park is farther out (to the south, otherwise you could hit it on your way in).
There's also an indoor one close by

If it's just one or two people, could probably meetup at my or your house, Kefka. Or the hotel, if that's a thing. Otherwise, UK's a big campus, there's a lot of places we could hang out for a few hours there (I'm a former student). And I could pick you up, sure.

How about the 26th for meeting up then?

philosoraptor42, zimsmlgpro, BoomBoom777: Thoughts?

Edit: Also, this is apparently a thing They're meeting down in Greenville Tennessee.
NowOwnsAFreaking Plane
26th sounds good to me.  Wherever the meet up spot is works.